context("Test nullResiduals")
test_that("nullResiduals works", {
ncells <- 100
u <- matrix(rpois(2000, 5), ncol=ncells)
v <- log2(u + 1)
m <- Matrix(u)
d <- DelayedArray(u)
se <- SummarizedExperiment(assays=list(logcounts=v,counts=u))
sce <- SingleCellExperiment(assays=list(logcounts=v,counts=u,sparse_counts=m,delayed_counts=d))
#check no error with different object types
outU <- nullResiduals(u)
outD <- nullResiduals(d)
expect_is(outD, 'DelayedArray')
expect_warning({outM <- nullResiduals(m)},
'substantially larger than the input')
outSE <- nullResiduals(se,assay="counts")
expect_true("binomial_deviance_residuals" %in% assayNames(outSE))
#check all object inputs give same output
expect_equivalent(as.matrix(outM), outU)
expect_equivalent(as.matrix(outD), outU)
# check outputs are the same for in-memory and out-of-memory methods
# given all possible arguments
outU <- nullResiduals(u, fam = 'binomial', type = 'pearson')
outD <- nullResiduals(d, fam = 'binomial', type = 'pearson')
expect_equivalent(as.matrix(outD), outU)
outU <- nullResiduals(u, fam = 'poisson', type = 'deviance')
outD <- nullResiduals(d, fam = 'poisson', type = 'deviance')
expect_equivalent(as.matrix(outD), outU)
outU <- nullResiduals(u, fam = 'poisson', type = 'pearson')
outD <- nullResiduals(d, fam = 'poisson', type = 'pearson')
expect_equivalent(as.matrix(outD), outU)
#check different input parameters don't throw errors
outSCE <- nullResiduals(sce, assay="sparse_counts", fam = "binomial", type = "pearson")
expect_true("binomial_pearson_residuals" %in% assayNames(outSCE))
outSCE <- nullResiduals(sce, assay="counts", fam = "poisson")
expect_true("poisson_deviance_residuals" %in% assayNames(outSCE))
outSCE <- nullResiduals(sce, assay= 3, fam = "poisson", type = "pearson")
expect_true("poisson_pearson_residuals" %in% assayNames(outSCE))
sizeFactors(sce) <- colSums(assay(sce, 'counts'))
outSCE <- nullResiduals(sce, assay=2, fam = "binomial")
expect_true("binomial_deviance_residuals" %in% assayNames(outSCE))
#verify it's a dense matrix
#check handling of batch argument
expect_error(nullResiduals(sce, batch = rep(1, ncol(sce))),
') is not TRUE')
outSCE <- nullResiduals(sce, batch = factor(rep(1:2, length.out = ncol(sce))))
expect_true("binomial_deviance_residuals" %in% assayNames(outSCE))
# check bad input types
expect_error(nullResiduals(list(a = 1:5, b = letters[1:10])),
'currently not supported')
'currently not supported')
# we may want to support data.frames later
# expect_error(nullResiduals(data.frame(a=1:5,b=2:6)),
# 'currently not supported')
# hidden functions with redundancies
expect_error(scry:::.binomial_deviance_residuals(u, rep(.5,13), colSums(u)),
') is not TRUE')
expect_error(scry:::.binomial_deviance_residuals(u, rep(.5,nrow(u)),
') is not TRUE')
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