#' @importClassesFrom Matrix sparseMatrix
setClassUnion("sparseMatrixOrNULL",members=c("sparseMatrix", "NULL"))
#' @title \code{clonoStats} object class
#' @aliases clonoStats-class
#' @description The \code{clonoStats} class is designed to hold the output of
#' the \code{\link{clonoStats}} function. This always includes two group-level
#' summaries: clonotype abundances and clonotype frequencies. "Group" most
#' often refers to sample of origin, but may alternatively refer to any
#' partitioning of cells, such as clusters. Clonotype names are stored
#' efficiently in two factors. Additionally, a large, sparse matrix of each
#' cell's clonotype assignment may be included.
#' @slot abundance Summary table of clonotype abundances within each group
#' (sample). Provides specific information about how often each clonotype is
#' observed in each group.
#' @slot frequency Summary table of clonotype frequencies within each group
#' (sample). Provides a summary of clonotype abundances (ie. number of
#' singletons, doubletons, etc.).
#' @slot group Factor variable giving the group of origin for each cell.
#' @slot assignment Optional matrix of clonotype assignments in each individual
#' cell. Rows correspond to cells and row sums are all 0 or 1. When using
#' \code{clonoStats} with \code{method = "unique"} or \code{method =
#' "CellRanger"}, all values will be 0 or 1. With \code{method = "EM"},
#' fractional values are allowed, representing the assignment confidence.
#' @slot names1 Factor listing the first component of each clonotype name (alpha
#' chains, for TCR data).
#' @slot names2 Factor listing the second component of each clonotype name (beta
#' chains, for TCR data).
#' @return An object of class \code{clonoStats}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{clonoStats}}
#' @examples
#' data('contigs')
#' cs <- clonoStats(contigs)
#' cs
#' @importClassesFrom Matrix sparseMatrix
#' @import methods
#' @export
Class = "clonoStats",
slots = list(
abundance = "sparseMatrix",
frequency = "sparseMatrix",
group = 'factor',
assignment = "sparseMatrixOrNULL",
names1 = "factor",
names2 = "factor"
setValidity("clonoStats", function(object) {
if(ncol(object@abundance) != ncol(object@frequency)) {
return(paste("Abundance and frequency matrices must have same number",
"of columns"))
return("Abundance matrix must not have rownames")
if(ncol(object@assignment) != nrow(object@abundance)){
return(paste("Assignment matrix must have as many columns as",
"abundance matrix has rows"))
return("Assignment matrix must not have colnames")
if(nrow(object@assignment) != length(object@group)){
return("Group variable length must match number of rows of",
"assignment matrix")
if(length(object@names1) != nrow(object@abundance)){
return(paste("First clonotype name component (names1) must have length",
"equal to nrow(abundance)"))
if(length(object@names2) != nrow(object@abundance)){
return(paste("Second clonotype name component (names2) must have",
"length equal to nrow(abundance)"))
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