Man pages for kozo2/
Genome wide annotation for Solanum lycopersicum

org.Slycopersicum.egBASEBioconductor annotation data package
org.Slycopersicum.egCHRMap between Entrez Gene IDs to Chromosomes
org.Slycopersicum.eg_dbconnCollect information about the package annotation DB
org.Slycopersicum.egENZYMEMap between Entrez Gene IDs and Enzyme Commission (EC)...
org.Slycopersicum.egGENENAMEMap between Entrez Gene IDs and Genes
org.Slycopersicum.egITAGMap between Entrez Gene IDs and ITAG
org.Slycopersicum.egLYCOCYCMappings between Entrez Gene identifiers and LYCOCYC
org.Slycopersicum.egLYCOCYCENZYMEMap between Entrez Gene identifiers and Enzyme Names from...
org.Slycopersicum.egMAPCOUNTSNumber of mapped keys for the maps in package...
org.Slycopersicum.egORGANISMThe Organism for
org.Slycopersicum.egSGNMap between Entrez Gene IDs and SGN
org.Slycopersicum.egUNIPROTMap between Entrez Gene IDs and Uniprot
kozo2/ documentation built on May 20, 2019, 1:12 p.m.