# ATM function
#' title ash type model for l
#' description use ash type model to maxmization
#' @return list of factor, loading and variance of noise matrix
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{El}} {is a N vector for mean of loadings}
#' \item{\code{El2}} {is a N vector for second moment of loadings}
#' }
#' @param Y is data matrix
#' @param Ef is mean for the factor
#' @param Ef2 is second moment for the factor
#' @param sigmae2 is variance structure for noise matrix
#' @param col_var is just for column variance, column is for column, row is for row
#' @param nonnegative is flag for whether output nonnegative value
#' @param output is format of output, "mean" is for mean value, "matrix" is for flash data matrix in ash
#' @keywords internal
ATM_r1 = function(Y, Ef, Ef2,
sigmae2, col_var = "row",
nonnegative = FALSE, output = "mean",
partype = "constant",ash_para = list()){
# this part is preparing betahat and sebeta for ash
# this is for all variance are different
sum_Ef2 = (1/sigmae2) %*% Ef2
sum_Ef2 = as.vector(sum_Ef2)
sebeta = sqrt(1/(sum_Ef2))
betahat = as.vector( (Y/sigmae2) %*% Ef ) / (sum_Ef2)
} else if(is.vector(sigmae2) & length(sigmae2) == length(Ef)){
# this is for the non-constant variance in column
if(col_var == "row"){
sum_Ef2 = (1/sigmae2) * Ef2
sum_Ef2 = sum(sum_Ef2)
sebeta = sqrt(1/(sum_Ef2))
betahat = as.vector( Y %*% (Ef/sigmae2) ) / (sum_Ef2)
}else {
# for column
# here I have alread change the dimension by taking transpose to Y
sum_Ef2 = sum(Ef2)
sebeta = sqrt( sigmae2/(sum_Ef2) )
betahat = (t(Ef) %*% t(Y)) / (sum_Ef2)
# for constant case
ll <- ashBuild1(Y, Ef, sigmae2);
betahat <- ll$betahat; sebeta <- ll$sebeta;
# set ash default setting up
ash_default = list(betahat = betahat, sebeta = sebeta,
method = "fdr", mixcompdist = "normal",
# ATM update
# decide the sign for output
ash_default$mixcompdist = "+uniform"
# decide the output to decide the convergence criterion
if(output == "matrix"){
ash_para$outputlevel = 4
ash_para = modifyList(ash_default,ash_para)
ATM = do.call(ashr::ash,ash_para)
# ATM = ash(betahat, sebeta, method="fdr", mixcompdist=mixdist,outputlevel=4)
Ef = ATM$PosteriorMean
SDf = ATM$PosteriorSD
Ef2 = SDf^2 + Ef^2
mat_post = ATM$flash.data
fit_g = ATM$fitted.g
return(list(Ef = Ef,
Ef2 = Ef2,
mat = mat_post,
g = fit_g))
} else {
ash_para = modifyList(ash_default,ash_para)
ATM = do.call(ashr::ash,ash_para)
# ATM = ash(betahat, sebeta, method="fdr", mixcompdist=mixdist)
Ef = ATM$PosteriorMean
SDf = ATM$PosteriorSD
Ef2 = SDf^2 + Ef^2
return(list(Ef = Ef, Ef2 = Ef2))
#' title prior and posterior part in objective function
#' description prior and posterior part in objective function
#' @return PrioPost the value for the proir and posterior in objectice function
#' @param mat matrix of flash.data in ash output which is for posterior
#' @param fit_g in fitted.g in ash output which is for prior
#' @keywords internal
# two parts for the likelihood
Fval = function(mat,fit_g){
prior_pi = fit_g$pi
nonzeroindex = which(prior_pi!=0)
prior_var = (fit_g$sd[nonzeroindex])^2
prior_pi = prior_pi[nonzeroindex]
mat_postmean = mat$comp_postmean[nonzeroindex,]
mat_postmean2 = mat$comp_postmean2[nonzeroindex,]
mat_postprob = mat$comp_postprob[nonzeroindex,]
mat_postvar = mat_postmean2 - mat_postmean^2
dimension = dim(mat_postmean)
K = dimension[1]
N = dimension[2]
mat_priorprob = matrix(rep(prior_pi,N),ncol = N)
mat_priorvar = matrix(rep(prior_var,N),ncol = N)
probodds = log(mat_priorprob/mat_postprob)
#log(mat_priorprob) - log(mat_postprob)
varodds = log(mat_priorvar/mat_postvar)
varodds[1,] = 0
likodds = mat_postmean2/mat_priorvar
likodds[1,] = 0
# here mat_postprob might be equal to zero, so 0 * inf should be equal to zero
PrioPost = mat_postprob*(probodds - (1/2)*varodds - (1/2)*likodds )
# PrioPost[which(mat_postprob ==0 )] = 0
PrioPost[which(mat_postprob< 1e-100 )] = 0
return(list(PrioPost = sum(PrioPost) ))
#' title conditional likelihood
#' description conditional likelihood in objective function
#' @return c_lik for the onditional likelihood in objectice function
#' @param N dimension of residual matrix
#' @param P dimension of residual matrix
#' @param sigmae2_v residual matrix
#' @param sigmae2_true true variance structure (we use the estimated one to replace that if the truth is unknown)
#' @keywords internal
# this version we need to know the truth of sigmae2, we can use sigmae2_v as the truth
C_likelihood = function(N,P,sigmae2_v,sigmae2_true){
c_lik = -(1/2) * sum( log(2*pi*sigmae2_true) + (sigmae2_v)/(sigmae2_true) )
}else if(is.vector(sigmae2_true) & length(sigmae2_true)==P){
# change the format to fit the conditional likelihood
sigmae2_v = colMeans(sigmae2_v)
c_lik = -(N/2) * sum( log(2*pi*sigmae2_true) + (sigmae2_v)/(sigmae2_true) )
} else {
# change the format to fit the conditional likelihood and accelerate the computation.
sigmae2_v = mean(sigmae2_v)
# c_lik = -(N*P)/2 * ( log(2*pi*sigmae2_true) + (sigmae2_v)/(sigmae2_true) )
# here I want to use fully variantional inference Elogsigmae2 rather logEsigmae2
c_lik = -(N*P)/2 * ( log(2*pi*sigmae2_true) + (sigmae2_v)/(sigmae2_true) + log(N*P/2) - digamma(N*P/2))
return(list(c_lik = c_lik))
#' title objective function in VEM
#' description objective function
#' @return obj_val value of the objectice function
#' @param N dimension of residual matrix
#' @param P dimension of residual matrix
#' @param sigmae2_v residual matrix
#' @param sigmae2_true true variance structure (we use the estimated one to replace that if the truth is unknown)
#' @param par_l ash output for l
#' @param par_f ash output for f
#' @param objtype objective function type,
#' "margin_lik" for conditional likelihood,
#' "lowerbound_lik" for full objective function
#' @keywords internal
# objective function
obj = function(N,P,sigmae2_v,sigmae2_true,par_f,par_l,objtype = "margin_lik"){
sigmae2_true = sigmae2_true$sig2_l %*% t(sigmae2_true$sig2_f)
priopost_f = Fval(par_f$mat, par_f$g)$PrioPost
priopost_l = Fval(par_l$mat, par_l$g)$PrioPost
c_lik = C_likelihood(N,P,sigmae2_v,sigmae2_true)$c_lik
obj_val = c_lik + priopost_l + priopost_f
} else {
obj_val = C_likelihood(N,P,sigmae2_v,sigmae2_true)$c_lik
#' title rescale the lambda_l and lambda_f for identifiablity
#' description rescale the lambda_l and lambda_f for identifiablity
#' @return a list of sig2_l and sig2_f for the rescaled variance of the kronecker product
#' @param sig2_l variance of the kronecker product
#' @param sig2_l variance of the kronecker product
#' @keywords internal
rescale_sigmae2_true = function(sig2_l,sig2_f){
norm_l = sqrt(sum(sig2_l^2))
norm_f = sqrt(sum(sig2_f^2))
norm_total = norm_l * norm_f
sig2_l = sig2_l / norm_l
sig2_f = sig2_f / norm_f
sig2_l = sig2_l * sqrt(norm_total)
sig2_f = sig2_f * sqrt(norm_total)
return(list(sig2_l = sig2_l,sig2_f = sig2_f))
#' title initial value for Bayes variance structure estimation for kronecker productor
#' description initial value for Bayes variance structure estimation for kronecker productor
#' @return sig2_out estimated variance structure
#' @param sigmae2_v residual matrix
#' @param sigmae2_true true variance structure (we use the estimated one to replace that if the truth is unknown)
#' @keywords internal
inital_Bayes_var = function(sigmae2_v){
N = dim(sigmae2_v)[1]
P = dim(sigmae2_v)[2]
# estimate the initial value of lambda_l and lambda_f
sig2_l_pre = rowMeans(sigmae2_v)
sig2_f_pre = colMeans( sigmae2_v / matrix(rep(sig2_l_pre,P), ncol = P) )
sig2_pre_list = rescale_sigmae2_true(sig2_l_pre,sig2_f_pre)
sig2_l_pre = sig2_pre_list$sig2_l
sig2_f_pre = sig2_pre_list$sig2_f
# start the iteration
maxiter = 100
inital_tol = 1e-3
tau = 0
epsilon = 1
while(epsilon > inital_tol & tau <= maxiter){
tau = tau + 1
sig2_l = rowMeans( sigmae2_v / matrix(rep(sig2_f_pre,each = N),ncol = P) )
sig2_f = colMeans( sigmae2_v / matrix(rep(sig2_l,P), ncol = P) )
sig2_list = rescale_sigmae2_true(sig2_l,sig2_f)
sig2_l = sig2_list$sig2_l
sig2_f = sig2_list$sig2_f
epsilon = sqrt(mean((sig2_f - sig2_f_pre)^2 )) + sqrt(mean((sig2_l - sig2_l_pre)^2))
sig2_l_pre = sig2_l
sig2_f_pre = sig2_f
return(list(sig2_l = sig2_l,sig2_f = sig2_f))
#' title Bayes variance structure estimation for kronecker productor
#' description prior and posterior part in objective function
#' @return sig2_out estimated variance structure
#' @param sigmae2_v residual matrix
#' @param sigmae2_true true variance structure (we use the estimated one to replace that if the truth is unknown)
#' and it is a list of two vectors in this case.
#' @keywords internal
Bayes_var = function(sigmae2_v,sigmae2_true){
N = dim(sigmae2_v)[1]
P = dim(sigmae2_v)[2]
if( is.na(sigmae2_true) || !is.list(sigmae2_true) ){
# we don't know the truth this is in the first iteration
sigmae2_true = inital_Bayes_var(sigmae2_v)
sig2_l_pre = sigmae2_true$sig2_l
sig2_f_pre = sigmae2_true$sig2_f
# this has already beed rescaled
# here we use alpha_l = alpha_f = beta_l = beta_f = 0
sig2_l = rowMeans( sigmae2_v / matrix(rep(sig2_f_pre,each = N),ncol = P) )
sig2_f = colMeans( sigmae2_v / matrix(rep(sig2_l,P), ncol = P) )
#rescaled the variance
sig2_list = rescale_sigmae2_true(sig2_l,sig2_f)
sig2_l = sig2_list$sig2_l
sig2_f = sig2_list$sig2_f
# sig2_out = matrix(rep(sig2_l,P),ncol = P) * matrix(rep(sig2_f,each = N),ncol = P)
return(list(sig2_l = sig2_l,sig2_f = sig2_f))
#' title module for estiamtion of the variance structure
#' description estiamtion of the variance structure
#' @return sigmae2 estimated variance structure
#' @param partype parameter type for the variance,
#' "constant" for constant variance,
#' "var_col" for nonconstant variance for column,
#' "known" for the kown variance,
#' "Bayes_var" for Bayes version of the nonconstant variance for row and column
#' "loganova" is anova estiamtion for the log residual square
#' @param sigmae2_v residual matrix
#' @param sigmae2_true true variance structure (we use the estimated one to replace that if the truth is unknown)
#' @keywords internal
# sigma estimation function
sigma_est = function(sigmae2_v,sigmae2_true,partype = "constant"){
if(partype == "var_col"){
sigmae2 = colMeans(sigmae2_v)
} else if(partype == "loganova"){
sigmae2 = log_anova(sigmae2_v)
} else if (partype == "Bayes_var"){
# here sigmae2_true is a list
sigmae2 = Bayes_var(sigmae2_v,sigmae2_true)
}else if (partype == "known"){
sigmae2 = sigmae2_true
} else {
# this is for constant case
sigmae2 = mean(sigmae2_v)
#' title empirical sample variance matrix estimation
#' description this function is to calculate the empirical sample variance matrix sigmae2_v
#' @return sigmae2_v empirical sample variance matrix
#' @param Y which is the residual
#' @param fl_list this is a list for the El Ef El2 and Ef2 from other factors
#' @param El mean estimation for the current loading
#' @param Ef mean estimation for the current factor
#' @param El2 second momnet estimation for the current factor
#' @param Ef2 second moment estimation for the current loading
#' @keywords internal
sigmae2_v_est = function(Y,El,Ef,El2,Ef2,fl_list=list()){
# in this version of function we haven't included the missing value case in
# this is for the rank one case since there are no other factors
# here Y is just the original data
sigmae2_v = Y^2 - 2*Y*(El %*% t(Ef)) + (El2 %*% t(Ef2))
# this is the for the rank more than one we have other factors
# now the Y is residual matrix rather the original matrix
# to get the original data we use Yhat
Yhat = Y + fl_list$El %*% t(fl_list$Ef)
# the residual matrix should be
# this is for E(l_1f_1+l_2f_2+...+l_kf_k)^2
fl_norm = (El%*%t(Ef) + fl_list$El%*%t(fl_list$Ef))^2 -
(El^2 %*% t(Ef^2) + (fl_list$El)^2 %*% t((fl_list$Ef)^2)) +
(El2 %*% t(Ef2) + fl_list$El2 %*% t(fl_list$Ef2))
sigmae2_v = Yhat^2 - 2* Yhat * (El%*%t(Ef) + fl_list$El%*%t(fl_list$Ef)) + fl_norm
#' title one step update in flash iteration using ash
#' description one step update in flash iteration using ash
#' @return list of factor, loading and variance of noise matrix
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{El}} {is a N vector for mean of loadings}
#' \item{\code{El2}} {is a N vector for second moment of loadings}
#' \item{\code{Ef}} {is a N vector for mean of factors}
#' \item{\code{Ef2}} {is a N vector for second moment of factors}
#' \item{\code{sigmae2_v}}{is a N by P matrix for residual square}
#' \item{\code{sigmae2_true}}{is a N by P matrix for estimated value for the variance structure}
#' \item{\code{obj_val}}{the value of objectice function}
#' }
#' @param Y the data matrix
#' @param N dimension of Y
#' @param P dimension of Y
#' @param El mean for the loadings
#' @param El2 second moment for the loadings
#' @param Ef mean for the factors
#' @param Ef2 second moment for the factors
#' @param sigmae2_v residual square
#' @param sigmae2_true estimated value for the variance structure
#' @param nonnegative if the facotor and loading are nonnegative or not.
#' TRUE for nonnegative
#' FALSE for no constraint
#' @param partype parameter type for the variance,
#' "constant" for constant variance,
#' "var_col" for nonconstant variance for column,
#' "known" for the kown variance,
#' "Bayes_var" for Bayes version of the nonconstant variance for row and column
#' "loganova" is anova estiamtion for the log residual square
#' @param objtype objective function type,
#' "margin_lik" for conditional likelihood,
#' "lowerbound_lik" for full objective function
#' @param fix_factor whether the factor is fixed or not
#' TRUE for fix_factor
#' FALSE for non-constraint
#' @keywords internal
# one step update function
one_step_update = function(Y, El, El2, Ef, Ef2,
N, P,
sigmae2_v, sigmae2_true,
nonnegative = FALSE,
partype = "constant",
objtype = "margin_lik",
fix_factor = FALSE,
ash_para = list(),
# if fix_factor is True, please choose objtype = "margin_lik"
output = ifelse(objtype == "lowerbound_lik", "matrix", "mean")
# deal with the missing value
na_index_Y = is.na(Y)
is_missing = any(na_index_Y) # keep the missing result
Y[na_index_Y] = (El %*% t(Ef))[na_index_Y]
# actually we need do nothing here
output = "mean"
objtype = "margin_lik"
sigmae2 = sigma_est(sigmae2_v,sigmae2_true,partype)
# for the list case in kronecker product
sigmae2 = sigmae2$sig2_l %*% t(sigmae2$sig2_f)
# Y = lf^T + E and ATM is for l given f, for f given l we need y^T = fl^T + E^T
# sigmae2_input = ifelse(is.matrix(sigmae2),t(sigmae2),sigmae2) is wrong here
sigmae2_input = t(sigmae2)
sigmae2_input = sigmae2
par_f = ATM_r1(t(Y), El, El2, sigmae2_input,
col_var = "column", nonnegative,
Ef = par_f$Ef
Ef2 = par_f$Ef2
# if the Ef is zeros ,just return zeros
El = rep(0,length(El))
Ef = rep(0,length(Ef))
sigmae2_v = sigmae2_v_est(Y,El,Ef,El^2,Ef^2,fl_list)
sigmae2_true = sigma_est(sigmae2_v,sigmae2_true,partype)
obj_val = obj(N, P, sigmae2_v, sigmae2_true, par_f=NA, par_l=NA, objtype="margin_lik")
return(list(El = El, El2 = El^2,
Ef = Ef, Ef2 = Ef^2,
sigmae2_v = sigmae2_v,
sigmae2_true = sigmae2_true,
obj_val = obj_val))
# update the Y and the Y^2 in this if else block
ElEf = (El %*% t(Ef))
El2Ef2 = (El2 %*% t(Ef2))
Y[na_index_Y] = ElEf[na_index_Y]
Y2 = Y^2
sigmae2_impute = sigmae2[na_index_Y]
}else if(is.vector(sigmae2) & length(sigmae2) == length(Ef)){
sigmae2_impute = (matrix(rep(sigmae2,each = N),ncol = P))[na_index_Y]
sigmae2_impute = sigmae2
Y2[na_index_Y] = El2Ef2[na_index_Y] + sigmae2_impute
sigmae2_v = Y2 - 2*Y*ElEf + El2Ef2
sigmae2_v = sigmae2_v_est(Y,El,Ef,El2,Ef2,fl_list)
sigmae2 = sigma_est(sigmae2_v,sigmae2_true,partype)
# kronecker product
sigmae2 = sigmae2$sig2_l %*% t(sigmae2$sig2_f)
par_l = ATM_r1(Y, Ef, Ef2,
sigmae2, col_var = "row",
nonnegative, output,
partype, ash_para)
El = par_l$Ef
El2 = par_l$Ef2
# if El is zeros just return
El = rep(0,length(El))
Ef = rep(0,length(Ef))
sigmae2_v = sigmae2_v_est(Y,El,Ef,El^2,Ef^2,fl_list)
sigmae2_true = sigma_est(sigmae2_v,sigmae2_true,partype)
obj_val = obj(N, P, sigmae2_v, sigmae2_true, par_f=NA, par_l=NA, objtype="margin_lik")
return(list(El = El, El2 = El^2,
Ef = Ef, Ef2 = Ef^2,
sigmae2_v = sigmae2_v,
sigmae2_true = sigmae2_true,
obj_val = obj_val))
ElEf = (El %*% t(Ef))
El2Ef2 = (El2 %*% t(Ef2))
Y[na_index_Y] = ElEf[na_index_Y]
Y2 = Y^2
sigmae2_impute = sigmae2[na_index_Y]
}else if(is.vector(sigmae2) & length(sigmae2) == length(Ef)){
sigmae2_impute = (matrix(rep(sigmae2,each = N),ncol = P))[na_index_Y]
sigmae2_impute = sigmae2
Y2[na_index_Y] = El2Ef2[na_index_Y] + sigmae2_impute
sigmae2_v = Y2 - 2*Y*ElEf + El2Ef2
sigmae2_v = sigmae2_v_est(Y,El,Ef,El2,Ef2,fl_list)
#use the estiamtion as the truth
sigmae2_true = sigma_est(sigmae2_v,sigmae2_true,partype)
obj_val = obj(N, P, sigmae2_v, sigmae2_true, par_f, par_l, objtype)
return(list(El = El, El2 = El2,
Ef = Ef, Ef2 = Ef2,
sigmae2_v = sigmae2_v,
sigmae2_true = sigmae2_true,
obj_val = obj_val))
#' inital value for flash
#' description inital value for flash
#' @return list of factor, loading and variance of noise matrix
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{El}} {is a N vector for mean of loadings}
#' \item{\code{El2}} {is a N vector for second moment of loadings}
#' \item{\code{Ef}} {is a N vector for mean of factors}
#' \item{\code{Ef2}} {is a N vector for second moment of factors}
#' \item{\code{sigmae2_v}}{is a N by P matrix for residual square}
#' \item{\code{sigmae2_true}}{is a N by P matrix for estimated value for the variance structure}
#' }
#' @param Y the data matrix
#' @param nonnegative if the facotor and loading are nonnegative or not.
#' TRUE for nonnegative
#' FALSE for no constraint
#' @param fix_factor whether the factor is fixed or not
#' TRUE for fix_factor
#' FALSE for non-constraint
#' @param factor_value is the factor value if the factor is fixed
#' @keywords internal
initial_value = function(Y, nonnegative = FALSE,
factor_value = NA,fix_factor = FALSE,
# use the total mean as the estimated missing value
na_index_Y = is.na(Y)
is_missing = any(na_index_Y)
Y[na_index_Y] = mean(Y, na.rm = TRUE)
# the flash with plug-in missing value
Ef = factor_value
Ef2 = Ef^2
El = as.vector( (Y %*% Ef) / (sum(Ef2)) )
El2 = El^2
# El = svd(Y)$u[,1]
El = as.vector(irlba::irlba(Y,nv = 0,nu = 1)$u)
# the nonnegative value need positive inital value
El = abs(El)
El2 = El^2
Ef = as.vector(t(El)%*%Y)
Ef2 = Ef^2
# residual matrix initialization
# here we don't have any information about the sigmae2_true
ElEf = (El %*% t(Ef))
El2Ef2 = (El2 %*% t(Ef2))
Y[na_index_Y] = ElEf[na_index_Y]
Y2 = Y^2
Y2[na_index_Y] = El2Ef2[na_index_Y]
sigmae2_v = Y2 - 2*Y*ElEf + El2Ef2
sigmae2_v = sigmae2_v_est(Y,El,Ef,El2,Ef2,fl_list)
return(list(El = El, El2 = El^2,
Ef = Ef, Ef2 = Ef^2,
sigmae2_v = sigmae2_v))
#' factor loading adaptive shrinkage rank one version
#' @return list of factor, loading and variance of noise matrix
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{El}} {is a N vector for mean of loadings}
#' \item{\code{Ef}} {is a N vector for mean of factors}
#' \item{\code{sigmae2}}{is a N by P matrix for estimated value for the variance structure}
#' }
#' @param Y the data matrix
#' @param tol is for the tolerence for convergence in iterations and ash
#' @param maciter_r1 is maximum of the iteration times for rank one case
#' @param sigmae2_true true value for the variance structure
#' @param nonnegative if the facotor and loading are nonnegative or not.
#' TRUE for nonnegative
#' FALSE for no constraint
#' @param partype parameter type for the variance,
#' "constant" for constant variance,
#' "var_col" for nonconstant variance for column,
#' "known" for the kown variance,
#' "Bayes_var" for Bayes version of the nonconstant variance for row and column
#' "loganova" is anova estiamtion for the log residual square
#' @param objtype objective function type,
#' "margin_lik" for conditional likelihood,
#' "lowerbound_lik" for full objective function
#' @param fix_factor whether the factor is fixed or not
#' TRUE for fix_factor
#' FALSE for non-constraint
#' @param factor_value is the factor value if the factor is fixed
#' @param ash_para is the parameters list for ash
#' @param fl_list is a list containing all the informations from other factors ans loadings
#' l is loadings, f is factors, l2 and f2 are corresponding second moments.
#' priorpost_vec is expectation of log piropost ratio
#' clik is conditional likelihood (marginal likelihood)
#' @details flash privide rank one matrix decomposition with variational EM algorithm.
#' @export flash
#' @useDynLib flashr
#' @importFrom ashr ash
flash = function(Y, tol=1e-5, maxiter_r1 = 500,
partype = c("constant","known","Bayes_var","var_col"),
sigmae2_true = NA,
factor_value = NA,fix_factor = FALSE,
nonnegative = FALSE,
objtype = c("margin_lik","lowerbound_lik"),
ash_para = list(),
# match the parameters
partype = match.arg(partype, c("constant","known","Bayes_var","var_col"))
objtype = match.arg(objtype, c("margin_lik","lowerbound_lik"))
# check the input
if( !is.na(sigmae2_true) & partype != "known" ){
stop("You should choose partype = 'known' if you want to input the value of sigmae2_true")
N = dim(Y)[1]
P = dim(Y)[2]
# to get the inital values
g_inital = initial_value(Y, nonnegative, factor_value, fix_factor,fl_list)
El = g_inital$El
Ef = g_inital$Ef
El2 = g_inital$El2
Ef2 = g_inital$Ef2
sigmae2_v = g_inital$sigmae2_v
# start iteration
g_update = one_step_update(Y, El, El2, Ef, Ef2,
N, P,
sigmae2_v, sigmae2_true,
nonnegative ,
partype ,
objtype ,
# parameters updates
El = g_update$El
El2 = g_update$El2
Ef = g_update$Ef
Ef2 = g_update$Ef2
sigmae2_v = g_update$sigmae2_v
sigmae2_true = g_update$sigmae2_true
obj_val = g_update$obj_val
# track the objective value
obj_val_track = c(obj_val)
# we should also return when the first run get all zeros
if(sum(El^2)==0 || sum(Ef^2)==0){
# add one more output for greedy algorithm which not useful here
c_lik_val = C_likelihood(N,P,sigmae2_v,sigmae2_true)$c_lik
# the above value is not useful, but is helpful to get the postprior value
# since obj_val = c_lik_value + priorpost_l + priorpost_f
sigmae2 = sigma_est(sigmae2_v,sigmae2_true,partype)
return(list(l = El, f = Ef, l2 = El2, f2 = Ef2,
sigmae2 = sigmae2,
obj_val = obj_val,
c_lik_val = c_lik_val))
epsilon = 1
tau = 1
while(epsilon >= tol & tau < maxiter_r1){
tau = tau + 1
pre_obj = obj_val
g_update = one_step_update(Y, El, El2, Ef, Ef2,
N, P,
sigmae2_v, sigmae2_true,
nonnegative ,
partype ,
objtype ,
# parameters updates
El = g_update$El
El2 = g_update$El2
Ef = g_update$Ef
Ef2 = g_update$Ef2
sigmae2_v = g_update$sigmae2_v
sigmae2_true = g_update$sigmae2_true
obj_val = g_update$obj_val
if(sum(El^2)==0 || sum(Ef^2)==0){
El = rep(0,length(El))
Ef = rep(0,length(Ef))
epsilon = abs(pre_obj - obj_val)
obj_val_track = c(obj_val_track,obj_val)
# add one more output for greedy algorithm which not useful here
c_lik_val = C_likelihood(N,P,sigmae2_v,sigmae2_true)$c_lik
# the above value is not useful, but is helpful to get the postprior value
# since obj_val = c_lik_value + priorpost_l + priorpost_f
sigmae2 = sigma_est(sigmae2_v,sigmae2_true,partype)
return(list(l = El, f = Ef, l2 = El2, f2 = Ef2,
sigmae2 = sigmae2,
obj_val = obj_val,
c_lik_val = c_lik_val,
obj_val_track = obj_val_track))
#' factor loading adaptive shrinkage (rank K or repeated rank 1 updates K times)
#' @return list of factor, loading and variance of noise matrix
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{El}} {is a N x K matrix of factor loadings}
#' \item{\code{Ef}} {is a P x K matrix for factor distributions}
#' \item{\code{sigmae2}}{is a N by P matrix for estimated value for the variance structure}
#' }
#' @param Y the data matrix
#' @param tol is for the tolerence for convergence in iterations and ash
#' @param maciter_r1 is maximum of the iteration times for rank one case
#' @param sigmae2_true true value for the variance structure
#' @param nonnegative if the facotor and loading are nonnegative or not.
#' TRUE for nonnegative
#' FALSE for no constraint
#' @param partype parameter type for the variance,
#' "constant" for constant variance,
#' "var_col" for nonconstant variance for column,
#' "known" for the kown variance,
#' "Bayes_var" for Bayes version of the nonconstant variance for row and column
#' "loganova" is anova estiamtion for the log residual square
#' @param objtype objective function type,
#' "margin_lik" for conditional likelihood,
#' "lowerbound_lik" for full objective function
#' @param fix_factor whether the factor is fixed or not
#' TRUE for fix_factor
#' FALSE for non-constraint
#' @param factor_value is the factor value if the factor is fixed
#' @param ash_para is the parameters list for ash
#' @param fl_list is a list containing all the informations from other factors ans loadings
#' l is loadings, f is factors, l2 and f2 are corresponding second moments.
#' priorpost_vec is expectation of log piropost ratio
#' clik is conditional likelihood (marginal likelihood)
#' @details flashpool provide repeated FLASH applications on residuals from a data matrix.
#' @export flashpool
#' @useDynLib flashr
#' @importFrom ashr ash
flashpool <- function(data,K,
tol=1e-5, maxiter_r1 = 50,
partype = c("constant","known","Bayes_var","var_col"),
sigmae2_true = NA,
factor_value = NA,fix_factor = FALSE,
nonnegative = FALSE,
objtype = c("margin_lik","lowerbound_lik"),
ash_para = list(),
res <- data;
loadings <- numeric();
factors <- numeric();
for(k in 1:K){
suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(out1 <- flash(res,
sigmae2_true = sigmae2_true,
factor_value = factor_value,
fix_factor = fix_factor,
nonnegative = nonnegative,
objtype = objtype,
ash_para = ash_para,
fl_list = fl_list)));
res <- res - out1$l%*%t(out1$f)
loadings <- cbind(loadings, out1$l);
factors <- cbind(factors, out1$f);
cat("We are at iteration", k, "\n")
ll <- list(l=loadings,
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