Man pages for khazum/ccImpute
ccImpute: an accurate and scalable consensus clustering based approach to impute dropout events in the single-cell RNA-seq data (

ccImputeImpute Dropout Values in Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Data
colRanks_fastComputes rankings for each column of a matrix in parallel.
computeDropoutsImpute Dropout Values in a Log-normalized Expression Count...
cor_fastComputes a Pearson
doSVDPerform Truncated Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)
estkTWEstimate the Number of Clusters (k) Using the Tracy-Widom...
findDropoutsIdentify Dropout Events in Single-Cell Expression Data
getConsMtxThis function calculates an average consensus matrix from a...
getCorMCalculate Column-wise Correlation Matrix
getScaleComputes Means and Standard Deviations for Scaling
printerInternal Printing Utility
rowVars_fastComputes Row Variances Efficiently
runKMPerform Consensus K-Means Clustering
solverComputes imputed expression matrix using linear eq solver
solver2Fast Calculation of "Dropout" values
sparseColRanks_fastComputes rankings for each column of a matrix in parallel.
sparseSolver2Fast Calculation of "Dropout" values
wCor_fastComputes a Weighted Pearson
khazum/ccImpute documentation built on July 26, 2024, 1:13 a.m.