
Defines functions tof_postprocess tof_preprocess tof_transform

Documented in tof_postprocess tof_preprocess tof_transform

# preprocessing.R
# This file contains functions relevant to performing several common preprocessing
# (and postprocessing) steps in high-dimensional cytometry data analysis,
# including hyperbolic arcsine transformation and noise removal.

# tof_transform ----------------------------------------------------------------

#' Transform raw high-dimensional cytometry data.
#' This function transforms a `tof_tbl` of raw ion counts, reads, or
#' fluorescence intensity units directly measured on a cytometer using a
#' user-provided function.
#' @param tof_tibble A `tof_tbl` or a `tibble`.
#' @param channel_cols Unquoted column names representing columns that contain
#' single-cell protein measurements. Supports tidyselect helpers.
#' If nothing is specified, the default is to transform all numeric columns.
#' @param transform_fun A vectorized function to apply to each protein value for
#' variance stabilization.
#' @return A `tof_tbl` with identical dimensions to the input `tof_tibble`, with all
#' columns specified in channel_cols transformed using `transform_fun`.
#' @importFrom dplyr across
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
#' @importFrom purrr is_function
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # read in an example .fcs file from tidytof's internal datasets
#' input_file <- dir(tidytof_example_data("aml"), full.names = TRUE)[[1]]
#' tof_tibble <- tof_read_data(input_file)
#' # preprocess all numeric columns with default behavior
#' # arcsinh transformation with a cofactor of 5
#' tof_preprocess(tof_tibble)
#' # preprocess all numeric columns using the log base 10 tranformation
#' tof_preprocess(tof_tibble, transform_fun = log10)
tof_transform <-
        tof_tibble = NULL,
        channel_cols = where(tof_is_numeric),
        transform_fun) {
        # check if transformation function was specified
        if (missing(transform_fun)) {
            stop("transform_fun must be specified.")
        } else if (!purrr::is_function(transform_fun)) {
            stop("transform_fun must be a function.")

        #  apply transformation to all channel_cols
        tof_tibble <-
            tof_tibble |>
            dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across({{ channel_cols }}, transform_fun))


# tof_preprocess ---------------------------------------------------------------

#' Preprocess raw high-dimensional cytometry data.
#' This function transforms a `tof_tbl` of raw ion counts, reads, or
#' fluorescence intensity units directly measured on a cytometer using a
#' user-provided function. It can be used to perform
#' standard pre-processing steps (i.e. arcsinh transformation) before cytometry
#' data analysis.
#' @param tof_tibble A `tof_tbl` or a `tibble`.
#' @param channel_cols Unquoted column names representing columns that contain
#' single-cell protein measurements. Supports tidyselect helpers.
#' If nothing is specified, the default is to transform all numeric columns.
#' @param undo_noise A boolean value indicating whether to remove the uniform noise that
#' Fluidigm software adds to CyTOF measurements for aesthetic
#' and visualization purposes. See \href{https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30277658/}{this paper}.
#' Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param transform_fun A vectorized function to apply to each protein value for
#' variance stabilization. Defaults to \code{\link[base]{asinh}} transformation
#' (with a co-factor of 5).
#' @return A `tof_tbl` with identical dimensions to the input `tof_tibble`, with all
#' columns specified in channel_cols transformed using `transform_fun` (with noise
#' removed or not removed depending on `undo_noise`).
#' @seealso [tof_postprocess()]
#' @importFrom dplyr across
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # read in an example .fcs file from tidytof's internal datasets
#' input_file <- dir(tidytof_example_data("aml"), full.names = TRUE)[[1]]
#' tof_tibble <- tof_read_data(input_file)
#' # preprocess all numeric columns with default behavior
#' # arcsinh transformation with a cofactor of 5
#' tof_preprocess(tof_tibble)
#' # preprocess all numeric columns using the log base 10 tranformation
#' tof_preprocess(tof_tibble, transform_fun = log10)
tof_preprocess <-
        tof_tibble = NULL,
        channel_cols = where(tof_is_numeric),
        undo_noise = FALSE,
        transform_fun = function(x) asinh(x / 5)) {
        # first remove noise if specified
        if (undo_noise) {
            tof_tibble <-
                tof_tibble |>
                dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across({{ channel_cols }}, ~ floor(.x) + 1))

        # then apply transformation to all channel_cols
        tof_tibble <-
            tof_tibble |>
            dplyr::mutate(across({{ channel_cols }}, transform_fun))


# tof_postprocess --------------------------------------------------------------

#' Post-process transformed CyTOF data.
#' This function transforms a `tof_tibble` of transformed ion counts from a mass
#' cytometer back into something that looks more like an .fcs file that Fluidigm
#' software generates.
#' @param tof_tibble A `tof_tibble` or a `tibble`.
#' @param channel_cols A vector of non-quoted column names indicating which columns
#' in `tof_tibble` contain protein measurements. Supports tidyselect helpers.
#' If nothing is specified, the default is to transform all numeric columns.
#' @param redo_noise A boolean value indicating whether to add  uniform noise that
#' to each CyTOF measurement for aesthetic and visualization purposes. See \href{https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30277658/}{this paper}.
#' Defaults to FALSE
#' @param transform_fun A vectorized function to apply to each column specified by
#' `channel_cols` for post-processing. Defaults to \code{\link{rev_asinh}} transformation
#' (with a cofactor of 5).
#' @return A `tof_tbl` with identical dimensions to the input `tof_tibble`, with all
#' columns specified in channel_cols transformed using `transform_fun` (with noise
#' added or not removed depending on `redo_noise`).
#' @seealso [tof_preprocess()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # read in an example .fcs file from tidytof's internal datasets
#' input_file <- dir(tidytof_example_data("aml"), full.names = TRUE)[[1]]
#' tof_tibble <- tof_read_data(input_file)
#' # preprocess all numeric columns with default behavior
#' # arcsinh transformation with a cofactor of 5
#' preprocessed_tof_tibble <- tof_preprocess(tof_tibble)
#' # postprocess all numeric columns to reverse the preprocessing
#' tof_postprocess(tof_tibble)
tof_postprocess <-
        tof_tibble = NULL,
        channel_cols = where(tof_is_numeric),
        redo_noise = FALSE,
        transform_fun = function(x) rev_asinh(x, shift_factor = 0, scale_factor = 0.2)) {
        # first apply transformation function to all channel_cols
        tof_tibble <-
            tof_tibble |>
            dplyr::mutate(across({{ channel_cols }}, transform_fun))

        # then remove noise if specified
        if (redo_noise) {
            tof_tibble <-
                tof_tibble |>
                dplyr::mutate(across({{ channel_cols }}, ~ .x - stats::runif(n = length(.x))))

keyes-timothy/tidytof documentation built on Aug. 28, 2024, 8:37 a.m.