#' @title Naive glmnet fitting procedure
#' @description Naive glmnet fitting procedure
#' @param x1 A data matrix of size n (number of samples) times p (number of features)
#' @param x2 A data matrix of size n (number of samples) times p (number of features)
#' @param y1 A vector
#' @param y2 A vector
#' @param family family of glmnet
#' @param s Default to "lambda.min"
#' @param z1 (Deprecated) a data matrix, columns are pairwise-differences between the original data columns.
#' @param z2 (Deprecated) a data matrix, columns are pairwise-differences between the original data columns.
#' @param ... Extra parameter settings for cv.glmnet
#' @importFrom glmnet cv.glmnet
#' @importFrom glmnet coef.glmnet
#' @return A vector
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(cpop_data_binary, package = 'CPOP')
#' ## Loading simulated matrices and vectors
#' x1 = cpop_data_binary$x1
#' x2 = cpop_data_binary$x2
#' y1 = cpop_data_binary$y1
#' y2 = cpop_data_binary$y2
#' set.seed(1)
#' cpop_result = cpop_model(x1 = x1, x2 = x2, y1 = y1, y2 = y2, alpha = 1, n_features = 10)
#' lasso_result = naive_glmnet(x1 = x1, x2 = x2, y1 = y1, y2 = y2, alpha = 1, intercept = FALSE)
#' cpop_result
#' lasso_result
#' plot_cpop(cpop_result)
#' plot_cpop(lasso_result)
#' z1 = pairwise_col_diff(x1)
#' z2 = pairwise_col_diff(x2)
#' plot(predict_cpop(cpop_result, newz = z1)$cpop_model_avg,
#' predict_naive_glmnet(lasso_result, newz = z1)$naive_glmnet_avg)
#' abline(a = 0, b = 1, col = "red")
naive_glmnet = function(x1, x2, y1, y2, s = "lambda.min", family = "binomial", z1, z2, ...){
## Checking input models
if(missing(z1) | missing(z2)){
prep_result = prep_cpop(x1 = x1, x2 = x2)
z1 = prep_result$z1
z2 = prep_result$z2
assertthat::assert_that(nrow(x1) == length(y1))
assertthat::assert_that(nrow(x2) == length(y2))
if(missing(x1) | missing(x2)){
"Arguments `z1` and `z2` are deprecated. CPOP can still be performed.
Please use `x1` and `x2` in the future.")
assertthat::assert_that(nrow(z1) == length(y1))
assertthat::assert_that(nrow(z2) == length(y2))
if(any(grepl("--", colnames(x1))) | any(grepl("--", colnames(x2)))){
"The arguments of CPOP has changed significantly in v0.1.0.
It is likely that the inputs are still using `z1` and `z2`,
which are now deprecated.")
## Checking binomial inputs
if(family == "binomial"){
assertthat::assert_that(identical(levels(y1), levels(y2)))
factor_levels = levels(y1)
} else {
factor_levels = NULL
model1 = glmnet::cv.glmnet(x = z1, y = y1, family = family, ...)
model2 = glmnet::cv.glmnet(x = z2, y = y2, family = family, ...)
result = list(model1 = model1,
model2 = model2)
coef1 = glmnet::coef.glmnet(model1, s = s)
coef2 = glmnet::coef.glmnet(model2, s = s)
coef_tbl = tibble::tibble(coef_name = rownames(coef1),
coef1 = as.vector(coef1),
coef2 = as.vector(coef2))
result = list(cpop_mode = "glmnet",
model1 = model1,
model2 = model2,
coef_tbl = list(coef_tbl))
class(result) = c("naive_glmnet", class(result))
#' @title Prediction method for naive glmnet
#' @param glmnet_result glmnet_result
#' @param newz matrix
#' @param s Default to "lambda.min"
#' @export
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
#' @importFrom dplyr select
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
#' @importFrom dplyr everything
predict_naive_glmnet = function(glmnet_result, newz, s = "lambda.min"){
result1 = predict(object = glmnet_result$model1, newx = newz, s = s)
result2 = predict(object = glmnet_result$model2, newx = newz, s = s)
as.numeric((result1 + result2)/2)
result_mat = cbind(result1, result2, (result1 + result2)/2)
colnames(result_mat) = c("naive_model1", "naive_model2", "naive_glmnet_avg")
rownames(result_mat) = 1:nrow(result_mat)
tib_result = tibble::as_tibble(data.frame(result_mat))
tib_result = dplyr::mutate(tib_result, samples = rownames(result_mat))
tib_result = dplyr::select(tib_result, .data$samples, dplyr::everything())
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