test_pse <- function(est_eff,
n_covariates, # the number of z
## test_pse(est_eff = .5, std_err = .056, n_obs = 6174,
## eff_thr = .1, sdx = 0.22, sdy = 1, R2 = .3,to_return = "full")
## prepare input
var_x <- sdx^2
var_y <- sdy^2
var_z <- sdz <- 1
df <- n_obs - n_covariates - 3
## error message if input is inappropriate
if (!(std_err > 0)) {stop("Did not run! Standard error needs
to be greater than zero.")}
if (!(sdx > 0)) {stop("Did not run! Standard deviation of
x needs to be greater than zero.")}
if (!(sdy > 0)) {stop("Did not run! Standard deviation of
y needs to be greater than zero.")}
if (!(n_obs > n_covariates + 3)) {
stop("Did not run! There are too few observations relative
to the number of observations and covariates.
Please specify a less complex model to use KonFound-It.")}
if (!(0 < R2)) {stop("Did not run! R2 needs to be greater than zero.")}
if (!(R2 < 1)) {stop("Did not run! R2 needs to be less than one.")}
if (!(1-((sdy^2/sdx^2)*(1-R2)/((df+1) * std_err^2))>0)) {
stop("Did not run! Entered values produced Rxz^2 <=0,
consider adding more significant digits to your entered values.")}
## now standardize
beta_thr <- eff_thr * sdx / sdy
beta <- est_eff * sdx / sdy
SE <- std_err * sdx / sdy
## observed regression, reg y on x Given z
tyxGz <- beta / SE ### this should be equal to est_eff / std_err
ryxGz <- tyxGz / sqrt(df + tyxGz^2)
## make sure R2 due to x alone is not larger than overall or observed R2
if (ryxGz^2 > R2) {stop("Error! ryxGz^2 > R2")}
## calculate ryz, rxz, rxy
ryz <- rzy <- cal_ryz(ryxGz, R2)
rxz <- rzx <- cal_rxz(var_x, var_y, R2, df+1, std_err)
rxy <- ryx <- cal_rxy(ryxGz, rxz, ryz)
thr <- eff_thr * sdx / sdy
sdz <- sdcv <- 1
rcvz <- rzcv <- 0
Gz_pse <- cal_pse(thr, ryxGz)
rxcvGz <- as.numeric(Gz_pse[1])
rycvGz <- as.numeric(Gz_pse[2])
# convert conditional correlations to unconditional correlations
# to be used in new regression
rxcv <- rxcvGz * sqrt((1 - rcvz^2) * (1 - rxz^2)) + rxz * rcvz
rycv <- rycvGz * sqrt((1 - rcvz^2) * (1 - rzy^2)) + rzy * rcvz
verify_pse_reg_M3 <- verify_reg_Gzcv(n_obs, sdx, sdy,
sdz, sdcv, rxy,
rxz, rzy, rycv,
rxcv, rcvz)
verfiy_pse_manual_thr <- verify_manual(rxy, rxz, rxcv,
ryz, rycv, rzcv,
sdy, sdx)
cov_pse <- verify_pse_reg_M3[[11]]
# prepare some other values in the final Table (long output)
R2_M3 <- as.numeric(verify_pse_reg_M3[1])
eff_x_M3 <- as.numeric(verify_pse_reg_M3[2])
# should be equivalent or very close to eff_thr
se_x_M3 <- as.numeric(verify_pse_reg_M3[3])
beta_x_M3 <- as.numeric(verify_pse_reg_M3[9])
# should be equivalent or very close to thr
t_x_M3 <- eff_x_M3 / se_x_M3
eff_z_M3 <- as.numeric(verify_pse_reg_M3[4])
se_z_M3 <- as.numeric(verify_pse_reg_M3[5])
eff_cv_M3 <- as.numeric(verify_pse_reg_M3[6])
se_cv_M3 <- as.numeric(verify_pse_reg_M3[7])
verify_pse_reg_M2 <- verify_reg_Gz(n_obs, sdx, sdy, sdz, rxy, rxz, rzy)
R2_M2 <- as.numeric(verify_pse_reg_M2[1])
eff_x_M2 <- as.numeric(verify_pse_reg_M2[2])
# should be equivalent or very close to est_eff
se_x_M2 <- as.numeric(verify_pse_reg_M2[3])
# should be equivalent or very close to std_err
eff_z_M2 <- as.numeric(verify_pse_reg_M2[4])
se_z_M2 <- as.numeric(verify_pse_reg_M2[5])
t_x_M2 <- eff_x_M2 / se_x_M2
verify_pse_reg_M1 <- verify_reg_uncond(n_obs, sdx, sdy, rxy)
R2_M1 <- as.numeric(verify_pse_reg_M1[1])
# should be equivalent or very close to rxy^2
eff_x_M1 <- as.numeric(verify_pse_reg_M1[2])
# should be equivalent or very close to rxy*sdy/sdx
se_x_M1 <- as.numeric(verify_pse_reg_M1[3])
t_x_M1 <- eff_x_M1 / se_x_M1
fTable <- matrix(c(R2_M1, R2_M2, R2_M3, # R2 for three reg models
eff_x_M1, eff_x_M2, eff_x_M3,
# unstd reg coef for X in three reg models
se_x_M1, se_x_M2, se_x_M3,
# unstd reg se for X in three reg models
rxy, ryxGz, beta_x_M3,
# std reg coef for X in three reg models
t_x_M1, t_x_M2, t_x_M3,
# t values for X in three reg models
NA, eff_z_M2, eff_z_M3,
# reg coef for Z in three reg models
NA, se_z_M2, se_z_M3,
# se for Z in three reg models
NA, eff_z_M2 / se_z_M2, eff_z_M3 / se_z_M3,
# t for Z in three reg models,
NA, NA, eff_cv_M3,
# reg coef for CV in three reg models
NA, NA, se_cv_M3,
# se for CV in three reg models
NA, NA, eff_cv_M3 / se_cv_M3),
# t for CV in three reg models
nrow = 11, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
rownames(fTable) <- c("R2", "coef_X", "SE_X", "std_coef_X", "t_X",
"coef_Z", "SE_Z", "t_Z",
"coef_CV", "SE_CV", "t_CV")
colnames(fTable) <- c("M1:X", "M2:X,Z", "M3:X,Z,CV")
if (to_return == "raw_output") {
output <- list("correlation between X and CV conditional on Z" = rxcvGz,
"correlation between Y and CV conditional on Z" = rycvGz,
"correlation between X and CV" = rxcv,
"correlation between Y and CV" = rycv,
"covariance matrix" = cov_pse,
"Table" = fTable)
if (to_return == "print") {
cat("This function calculates the correlations associated with the confound that \ngenerate an estimated effect that is approximately equal to the threshold \nwhile preserving the standard error.\n\n")
cat(sprintf("The correlation between X and CV is %.3f, and the correlation between\nY and CV is %.3f.\n\n", rxcv, rycv))
cat(sprintf("Conditional on the covariates, the correlation between X and CV is %.3f,\nand the correlation between Y and CV is %.3f.\n\n", rxcvGz, rycvGz))
cat(sprintf("Including such a CV, the coefficient changes to %.3f, with standard error\nof %.3f.\n\n", eff_x_M3, se_x_M3))
cat("Use to_return = \"raw_output\" to see more specific results.")
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