TCC$methods(.normByTmm = function(x){
## TMM normalization
## The 'calcNormFactors' implemented in edgeR is used for calculating.
suppressMessages(d <- edgeR::DGEList(counts = round(x),
group = group[, 1]))
suppressMessages(d <- edgeR::calcNormFactors(d))
normf <- d$samples$norm.factors
names(normf) <- colnames(.self$count)
if (FALSE) {
TCC$methods(.normByDeseq = function(x){
## Med(DESeq) normalization
## The 'estimateSizeFactors' implemented in DESeq is used for calculating.
## Since 'estimateSizeFactors' outputs size factors, we convert size factor
## to normalization factors before return factors.
if (ncol(group) == 1) {
suppressMessages(d <- DESeq::newCountDataSet(countData = round(x),
conditions = group[, 1]))
} else {
suppressMessages(d <- DESeq::newCountDataSet(countData = round(x),
conditions = group))
suppressMessages(d <- DESeq::estimateSizeFactors(d))
return(DESeq::sizeFactors(d) / colSums(x))
TCC$methods(.normByDeseq2 = function(x){
## Med(DESeq2) normalization
## The 'estimateSizeFactors' implemented in DESeq2 is used for calculating.
## Since 'estimateSizeFactors' outputs size factors, we convert size factor
## to normalization factors before return factors.
design <- formula(as.formula(paste("~", paste(colnames(.self$group), collapse = "+"))))
suppressMessages(d <- DESeq2::DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(
countData = round(x),
colData = .self$group,
design = design))
suppressMessages(d <- DESeq2::estimateSizeFactors(d))
return(DESeq2::sizeFactors(d) / colSums(x))
TCC$methods(calcNormFactors = function(norm.method = NULL,
test.method = NULL,
iteration = 1,
floorPDEG = NULL,
increment = FALSE,
...) {
## The definition of 'calcNormFactors' function in TCC. This function
## performs the DEGES-based normalization. The method generally performs
## three steps, that is X-Y-X. 'X' is the normalization method which is
## given by 'norm.method', and 'Y' is the identification method which is
## given by 'test.method'. The advantage of this function allows user to
## tune X-Y-X pipeline. For example,
## -------------------------------------------
## |iteration |pipeline |
## ------------------------------------------|
## |FALSE, 0 |X |
## |TRUE, 1 |X-Y-X |
## |3 |X-Y-X-Y-X-Y-X => X-(Y-X)3 |
## -------------------------------------------
## In step Y, the DEGs identified by 'test.method' were removed from
## original data before go to next X step. The removing thresholds are
## 'FDR' and 'floorPDEG'.
## The ellipsis (three-dots) is an additional arguments, they will passed
## to the methods for identifying DEGs in Y step.
## Start to record execution time.
ex.time <- proc.time()
## Initialize arugments.
## If 'norm.method', 'test.method', etc were not given, initiailze them
## depend on data type ('tcc$count' and 'tcc$group').
if (!is.null(norm.method)) norm.method <- tolower(norm.method)
if (!is.null(test.method)) test.method <- tolower(test.method)
## Initialize 'start points' of DEGES normlization.
if ((increment == FALSE) ||
(increment == TRUE && .self$private$normalized == FALSE)) {
DEGES$iteration <<- 0
## Initialize 'norm.method' an 'test.method'.
if ((ncol(.self$group) == 1) && (min(as.numeric(table(.self$group))) == 1)) {
if (length(as.numeric(table(.self$group))) == 2) {
if (is.null(norm.method)) norm.method <- "tmm"
if (is.null(test.method)) test.method <- "edger"
} else {
if (is.null(norm.method)) norm.method <- "deseq2"
if (is.null(test.method)) test.method <- "deseq2"
} else {
if (is.null(norm.method)) norm.method <- "tmm"
if (is.null(test.method)) test.method <- "edger"
## Initialize 'FDR' threshold.
if (is.null(FDR)) {
FDR <- 0.1
## Initialize 'floorPDEG' threshold.
if (is.null(floorPDEG)) {
floorPDEG <- 0.05
## Initialize 'iteration'.
if (iteration) {
if (is.logical(iteration)) {
iteration <- 1
if (iteration < 0 && 100 < iteration) {
stop("TCC::ERROR: The iteration must be given within the limits of from '0' to '100'.")
## Print out DEGES pipeline.
message(paste("TCC::INFO: Calculating normalization factors using DEGES"))
message(paste("TCC::INFO: (iDEGES pipeline :", norm.method,
"- [", test.method, "-", norm.method, "] X",
iteration + DEGES$iteration, ")"))
## Save DEGES pipeline to TCC class object.
DEGES$pipeline <<- paste(norm.method, "- [", test.method,
"-", norm.method, "] X",
iteration + DEGES$iteration)
} else {
message(paste("TCC::INFO: Calculating normalization factors using", norm.method, "..."))
DEGES$pipeline <<- norm.method
## The first X step of X-Y-X pipeline.
if ((increment == FALSE) ||
(increment == TRUE && private$normalized == FALSE)) {
norm.factors <<- switch(norm.method,
"tmm" = .self$.normByTmm(count),
"deseq2" = .self$.normByDeseq2(count),
stop(paste("\nTCC::ERROR: The normalization method of ",
norm.method, " doesn't supported.\n")))
norm.factors <<- norm.factors / mean(norm.factors) #standardize norm.factors
DEGES$threshold <<- data.frame(type = "Unused", input = 0, PDEG = 0)
## The Y-X step of X-Y-X pipeline.
if (iteration) {
## Repeat Y-X step depends on 'iteration' argument.
for (i in 1:iteration) {
## The Y step of X-Y-X pipeline.
## The DEGs will be identified and remvoed in this step.
## Identification process.
private$stat <<- list()
"edger" = .self$.testByEdger(...),
"deseq2" = .self$.testByDeseq2(...),
"bayseq" = .self$.testByBayseq(...),
"voom" = .self$.testByLimmavoom(...),
"samseq" = .self$.testBySamseq(...),
"wad" = .self$.testByWad(...),
#"yayoi" = .self$.testByYayoi(norm = TRUE, ...),
stop(paste("\nTCC::ERROR: The identifying method of ", test.method, " doesn't supported.\n"))
## Removing process.
deg.flg <- rep(0, length = nrow(count)) # potential DEG (be used)
deg.flg.FDR <- .self$.exactTest(FDR = FDR) # potential DEG (by FDR, TbT)
deg.flg.floorPDEG <- rep(0, length = nrow(count)) # potential DEG (by floorPDEG, stats, etc)
if (is.null(.self$private$stat$testStat) &&
is.null(.self$private$stat$prob)) {
deg.flg.floorPDEG <- as.numeric(rank(private$stat$p.value,
ties.method = "min") <= nrow(count) * floorPDEG)
if (is.null(FDR)) {
## use TbT
deg.flg <- deg.flg.FDR
DEGES$threshold$type <<- "TbT"
DEGES$threshold$input <<- private$tbt$estProps
DEGES$threshold$PDEG <<- sum(deg.flg) / length(deg.flg)
private$DEGES.PrePDEG <<- deg.flg
} else {
## use FDR
deg.flg <- deg.flg.FDR
DEGES$threshold$type <<- "FDR"
DEGES$threshold$input <<- FDR
DEGES$threshold$PDEG <<- sum(deg.flg) / length(deg.flg)
private$DEGES.PrePDEG <<- deg.flg
} else if (is.null(.self$private$stat$testStat) &&
!is.null(.self$private$stat$prob)) {
deg.flg.floorPDEG <- as.numeric(rank(- abs(private$stat$prob),
ties.method = "min") <= nrow(count) * floorPDEG)
private$DEGES.PrePDEG <<- rep(0, length = nrow(count))
} else {
deg.flg.floorPDEG <- as.numeric(rank(- abs(private$stat$testStat),
ties.method = "min") <= nrow(count) * floorPDEG)
private$DEGES.PrePDEG <<- rep(0, length = nrow(count))
## Check the percentage of the potential DEGs.
## If the percentage is less than floorPDEG. redefine potential DEGs.
if (sum(deg.flg != 0) < sum(deg.flg.floorPDEG != 0)) {
## use floorPDEG
deg.flg <- deg.flg.floorPDEG
DEGES$threshold$type <<- "floorPDEG"
DEGES$threshold$input <<- floorPDEG
DEGES$threshold$PDEG <<- sum(deg.flg) / length(deg.flg)
count.ndeg <- count[(deg.flg == 0), ]
if (nrow(count.ndeg) == 0) {
message ("TCC::INFO: No non-DE genes after eliminate DE genes. stop DEGES strategy.")
## The last X of X-Y-X pipeline.
norm.factors <<- switch(norm.method,
"tmm" = .self$.normByTmm(count.ndeg),
"deseq2" = .self$.normByDeseq2(count.ndeg)
## Standarlize normalization factors.
norm.factors <<- norm.factors * colSums(count.ndeg) / colSums(count)
norm.factors <<- norm.factors / mean(norm.factors)
DEGES$iteration <<- DEGES$iteration + 1
DEGES$potDEG <<- deg.flg
DEGES$prePotDEG <<- .self$private$DEGES.PrePDEG
message("TCC::INFO: Done.")
DEGES$execution.time <<- proc.time() - ex.time
private$normalized <<- TRUE
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