cutoff = 0.05
GetoptLong("cutoff=f", "cutoff for filter cr",
"peak=s", "name of peak",
"which=s", "neg|pos")
BASE_DIR = "/icgc/dkfzlsdf/analysis/B080/guz/roadmap_analysis/re_analysis"
if(!peak %in% MARKS) {
stop("'peak' should be in 'MARKS'.")
if(!which %in% c("neg", "pos")) {
stop("'which' should be in c('neg', 'pos').")
cr_filtered = readRDS(qq("@{OUTPUT_DIR}/rds/cr_filtered_fdr_@{cutoff}.rds"))
make_enriched_heatmap = function(histone_mark, by, on, which, type = 1:3) {
hm_list = get_peak_list(histone_mark)
if(which == "neg") {
cr = cr_filtered[cr_filtered$corr < 0]
} else {
cr = cr_filtered[cr_filtered$corr > 0]
n_factor = length(unique(attr(cr, "factor")[attr(cr, "sample_id") %in% names(hm_list)]))
if(n_factor == 0) n_factor = 1
ht_global_opt(heatmap_column_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 10))
if(any(type %in% c(1, 2, 3))) {
pdf(qq("@{OUTPUT_DIR}/heatmap_simple_@{by}_@{on}_@{which}_@{histone_mark}.pdf"), width = 8 + n_factor*2, height = 10)
enriched_heatmap_list_on_gene(cr, GENOMIC_FEATURE_LIST$cgi, TXDB, EXPR, hm_list,
hm_name = histone_mark, on = on, by = by)
system(qq("convert @{OUTPUT_DIR}/heatmap_simple_@{by}_@{on}_@{which}_@{histone_mark}.pdf @{OUTPUT_DIR}/heatmap_simple_@{by}_@{on}_@{which}_@{histone_mark}.png"))
# if(any(type %in% c(3, 2))) {
# qqcat("heatmap_cgi_@{by}_@{which}_@{histone_mark}\n")
# pdf(qq("@{OUTPUT_DIR}/heatmap_cgi_@{by}_@{which}_@{histone_mark}.pdf"), width = 6 + n_factor*2, height = 10)
# enriched_heatmap_list_on_tss_cgi(cr, GENOMIC_FEATURE_LIST$cgi, TXDB, EXPR, hm_list,
# hm_name = histone_mark, by = by)
# system(qq("convert @{OUTPUT_DIR}/heatmap_cgi_@{by}_@{which}_@{histone_mark}.pdf @{OUTPUT_DIR}/heatmap_cgi_@{by}_@{which}_@{histone_mark}.png"))
# }
make_enriched_heatmap(peak, by = "tx", on = "tss", which = which, type = 1:2)
make_enriched_heatmap(peak, by = "gene", on = "body", which = which, type = 1)
make_enriched_heatmap(peak, by = "gene", on = "tss", which = which, type = 1:3)
# check is there any other gene overlapped in the extended 5kb regions
Add the following code to your website.
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