library(knitr) library(motifStack) library(MotifDb) library(ade4) library(ggplot2) library(TFBSTools) library(JASPAR2020) if(.Platform$OS.type=="windows"){ opts_chunk$set(eval=FALSE) }
A sequence logo, based on information theory, has been widely used as a graphical representation of sequence conservation (aka motif) in multiple amino acid or nucleic acid sequences. Sequence motif represents conserved characteristics such as DNA binding sites, where transcription factors bind, and catalytic sites in enzymes. Although many tools, such as seqlogo[@Oliver2006], have been developed to create sequence motif and to represent it as individual sequence logo, software tools for depicting the relationship among multiple sequence motifs are still lacking. We developed a flexible and powerful open-source R/Bioconductor package, motifStack, for visualization of the alignment of multiple sequence motifs.
The importMatrix
function is used to import motifs from files or convert
object into motifStack compatable format.
library(motifStack) library(JASPAR2020) motifs <- importMatrix(getMatrixSet(JASPAR2020, list(species="Mus musculus"))) plot(motifs[[1]])
The supported formats are "meme", "transfac", "jaspar", "scpd", "cisbp", and "psam".
RUNX1 <- importMatrix(system.file("extdata", "MA0002.1.jaspar", package = "motifStack", mustWork = TRUE))[[1]] plot(RUNX1)
Users can select different fonts and colors to draw the sequence logo.
library(motifStack) pcm <- read.table(file.path(find.package("motifStack"), "extdata", "bin_SOLEXA.pcm")) pcm <- pcm[,3:ncol(pcm)] rownames(pcm) <- c("A","C","G","T") motif <- new("pcm", mat=as.matrix(pcm), name="bin_SOLEXA") ##pfm object #motif <- pcm2pfm(pcm) #motif <- new("pfm", mat=motif, name="bin_SOLEXA") plot(motif) #plot the logo with same height plot(motif, ic.scale=FALSE, ylab="probability") #try a different font and a different color group motif@color <- colorset(colorScheme='basepairing') plot(motif,font="serif")
If you assign markers slot by a list of marker
object, markers can be plotted in the figure.
There are three type of markers, "rect", "line" and "text".
markerRect <- new("marker", type="rect", start=6, stop=7, gp=gpar(lty=2, fill=NA, col="orange")) markerLine <- new("marker", type="line", start=2, stop=7, gp=gpar(lwd=2, col="red")) markerText <- new("marker", type="text", start=c(1, 5), label=c("*", "core"), gp=gpar(cex=2, col="red")) motif <- new("pcm", mat=as.matrix(pcm), name="bin_SOLEXA", markers=c(markerRect, markerLine, markerText)) plot(motif)
plot(motif, xaxis=paste0("pos",
To plot a RNA sequence logo, you only need to change the rowname of the matrix from "T" to "U" as follows.
rna <- pcm rownames(rna)[4] <- "U" motif <- new("pcm", mat=as.matrix(rna), name="RNA_motif") plot(motif)
Given that motifStack allows to use any letters as symbols, it can also be used to draw amino acid sequence logos.
library(motifStack) protein<-read.table(file.path(find.package("motifStack"),"extdata","cap.txt")) protein<-t(protein[,1:20]) motif<-pcm2pfm(protein) motif<-new("pfm", mat=motif, name="CAP", color=colorset(alphabet="AA",colorScheme="chemistry")) plot(motif)
It can also be used to draw affinity logos given a position specific affinity matrix (PSAM) as described by Foat et al. [@foat2006statistical].
library(motifStack) motif<-matrix( c( .846, .631, .593, .000, .000, .000, .434, .410, 1.00, .655, .284, .000, .000, .771, .640, .961, .625, .679, .773, 1.00, 1.00, .000, .573, .238, .397, 1.00, 1.00, .000, .298, 1.00, 1.00, .996, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, .228, .000, 1.00, 1.00, .597, .622, .630, .000, 1.00, 1.00, .871, .617, 1.00, .701, .513, .658, .000, .000, .247, .542, 1.00, .718, .686, .000, .000, .000, .595, .437, .970 ), nrow=4, byrow = TRUE) rownames(motif) <- c("A", "C", "G", "T") motif<-new("psam", mat=motif, name="affinity logo", markers=list(new("marker", type="rect", start=c(4, 11), stop=c(6, 13), gp=gpar(col="#009E73", fill=NA, lty=2)))) plot(motif)
To show multiple motifs on the same canvas as a sequence logo stack, the distance of motifs need to be calculated first. Previously, MotIV[@Eloi2010]::motifDistances
( R implementation of STAMP[@Mahony2007]) is used to calculate the distance. However, The MotIV package were dropped from Bioconductor 3_12. Currently, by default, R implementation of matalign is used. After alignment, users can use plotMotifLogoStack
, plotMotifLogoStackWithTree
or plotMotifStackWithRadialPhylog
to draw sequence logos in different layouts. To make it easy to use, we integrated different functionalities into one workflow function named as motifStack
library(motifStack) #####Input##### motifs<-importMatrix(dir(file.path(find.package("motifStack"), "extdata"),"pcm$", full.names = TRUE)) ## plot stacks motifStack(motifs, layout="stack", ncex=1.0)
rnaMotifs <- DNAmotifToRNAmotif(motifs) names(rnaMotifs) motifStack(rnaMotifs, layout = "stack", reorder=FALSE) ## we can also use reorder=FALSE to keep the order of input.
motif2 <- motif motif2$mat <- motif$mat[, 5:12] motif2$name <- "logo2" psamMotifs <- list(motif, motif2) motifStack(psamMotifs)
## plot stacks with hierarchical tree motifStack(motifs, layout="tree")
## When the number of motifs is too much to be shown in a vertical stack, ## motifStack can draw them in a radial style. ## random sample from MotifDb library("MotifDb") <- query(MotifDb, "Dmelanogaster") motifs2 <- as.list( ## use data from FlyFactorSurvey motifs2 <- motifs2[grepl("Dmelanogaster\\-FlyFactorSurvey\\-", names(motifs2))] ## format the names names(motifs2) <- gsub("Dmelanogaster_FlyFactorSurvey_", "", gsub("_FBgn\\d+$", "", gsub("[^a-zA-Z0-9]","_", gsub("(_\\d+)+$", "", names(motifs2))))) motifs2 <- motifs2[unique(names(motifs2))] pfms <- sample(motifs2, 30) ## creat a list of object of pfm motifs2 <- mapply(pfms, names(pfms), FUN=function(.ele, .name){ new("pfm",mat=.ele,}, SIMPLIFY = FALSE) ## trim the motifs motifs2 <- lapply(motifs2, trimMotif, t=0.4) ## setting colors library(RColorBrewer) color <- brewer.pal(10, "Set3") ## plot logo stack with radial style motifStack(motifs2, layout="radialPhylog", circle=0.3, cleaves = 0.2, clabel.leaves = 0.5,, each=3),, col.leaves=rep(color, each=3),, each=3),,, each=3),, circle.motif=1.2, angle=350)
We can also plot a sequence logo cloud for DNA motifs.
## assign groups for motifs groups <- rep(paste("group",1:5,sep=""), each=10) names(groups) <- names(pfms) ## assign group colors group.col <- brewer.pal(5, "Set3") names(group.col)<-paste("group",1:5,sep="") ## create a list of pfm objects pfms <- mapply(names(pfms), pfms, FUN=function(.ele, .pfm){ new("pfm",mat=.pfm, name=.ele)} ,SIMPLIFY = FALSE) ## use matalign to calculate the distances of motifs hc <- clusterMotifs(pfms) ## convert the hclust to phylog object library(ade4) phylog <- ade4::hclust2phylog(hc) ## reorder the pfms by the order of hclust leaves <- names(phylog$leaves) pfms <- pfms[leaves] ## extract the motif signatures motifSig <- motifSignature(pfms, phylog, cutoffPval=0.0001, min.freq=1) ## draw the motifs with a tag-cloud style. motifCloud(motifSig, scale=c(6, .5), layout="rectangles", group.col=group.col, groups=groups, draw.legend=TRUE)
Grouped sequence logo can also be plotted in radial phylogeny tree style.
## get the signatures from object of motifSignature sig <- signatures(motifSig) ## set the inner-circle color for each signature gpCol <- sigColor(motifSig) ## plot the logo stack with radial style. plotMotifStackWithRadialPhylog(phylog=phylog, pfms=sig, circle=0.4, cleaves = 0.3, clabel.leaves = 0.5,, each=3),, col.leaves=rep(rev(color), each=3),,, angle=350, circle.motif=1.2, motifScale="logarithmic")
We can also plot it with circos style. In circos style, we can plot two group of motifs and with multiple color rings.
## plot the logo stack with cirsoc style. motifCircos(phylog=phylog, pfms=pfms, pfms2=sig,, each=5),, col.leaves=rep(rev(color), each=5),,,,, r.rings=c(0.02, 0.03, 0.04), col.rings=list(sample(colors(), 30), sample(colors(), 30), sample(colors(), 30)), angle=350, motifScale="logarithmic")
We can also plot the motifs in pile style. In pile style, we can plot two group of motifs with multiple types of annotation, for example heatmap. The col.anno parameter should be set as a named list.
## plot the logo stack with heatmap. df <- data.frame(A=runif(n = 30), B=runif(n = 30), C=runif(n = 30), D=runif(n = 30)) map2col <- function(x, pal){ rg <- range(x) pal[findInterval(x, seq(rg[1], rg[2], length.out = length(pal)+1), all.inside = TRUE)] } dl <- lapply(df, map2col, pal=heat.colors(10)) ## alignment of the pfms, this step will make the motif logos occupy ## more space. Users can skip this alignment to see the difference. pfmsAligned <- DNAmotifAlignment(pfms) ## plot motifs motifPiles(phylog=phylog, pfms=pfmsAligned, col.tree=rep(color, each=5), col.leaves=rep(rev(color), each=5), col.pfms2=gpCol, r.anno=rep(0.02, length(dl)), col.anno=dl, motifScale="logarithmic", plotIndex=TRUE, groupDistance=10)
Interactive plot can be generated using browseMotifs
function which leverages the d3.js library.
All motifs on the plot are draggable and the plot can be easily exported as a Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file.
browseMotifs(pfms = pfms, phylog = phylog, layout="tree", yaxis = FALSE, baseWidth=6, baseHeight = 15)
Plot the motifs in radialPhylog layout.
browseMotifs(pfms = pfms, phylog = phylog, layout="radialPhylog", yaxis = FALSE, xaxis = FALSE, baseWidth=6, baseHeight = 15)
Docker container allows software to be packaged into containers which can be run in any platform using a virtual machine called boot2docker. To ease the installation of motifStack and its depencies, we have created a docker image containing all the components needed to run motifStack. Users can download the motifStack docker image using the following code snippet.
cd ~ ## in windows, please try cd c:\\ Users\\ username docker pull jianhong/motifstack:latest mkdir tmp4motifstack ## this will be the share folder for your host and container. docker run -ti --rm -v ${PWD}/tmp4motifstack:/volume/data jianhong/motifstack:latest bash In motifstack:latest docker 1 cd /volume/data 2 git clone 3 cd motifStack.documentation/ 4 cp /usr/bin/matalign app/matalign-v4a 5 cp /usr/bin/phylip/neighbor app/ 6 R cmd -e "rmarkdown::render('suppFigure2.Rmd')" 7 R cmd -e "rmarkdown::render('suppFigure6.Rmd')"
You will see the test.pdf file in the folder of tmp4motifstack.
motifs could be plotted by geom_motif
pcm <- read.table(file.path(find.package("motifStack"), "extdata", "bin_SOLEXA.pcm")) pcm <- pcm[,3:ncol(pcm)] rownames(pcm) <- c("A","C","G","T") markerRect <- new("marker", type="rect", start=6, stop=7, gp=gpar(lty=2, fill=NA, col="orange")) markerLine <- new("marker", type="line", start=3, stop=5, gp=gpar(lwd=2, col="red")) markerText <- new("marker", type="text", start=1, label="*", gp=gpar(cex=2, col="red")) motif <- new("pcm", mat=as.matrix(pcm), name="bin_SOLEXA", markers=c(markerRect, markerLine, markerText)) pfm <- pcm2pfm(motif) df <- data.frame(xmin=c(.25, .25), ymin=c(.25, .75), xmax=c(.75, .75), ymax=c(.5, 1), fontfamily=c("serif", "mono"), fontface=c(2, 1)) df$motif <- list(pfm, pfm) library(ggplot2) ggplot(df, aes(xmin=xmin, ymin=ymin, xmax=xmax, ymax=ymax, motif=motif, fontfamily=fontfamily, fontface=fontface)) + geom_motif() + theme_bw() + ylim(0, 1) + xlim(0, 1) df <- data.frame(x=.5, y=c(.25, .75), width=.5, height=.25, fontfamily=c("serif", "mono"), fontface=c(2, 1)) df$motif <- list(pfm, pfm) ggplot(df, aes(x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, motif=motif, fontfamily=fontfamily, fontface=fontface)) + geom_motif(use.xy=TRUE) + theme_bw() + ylim(0, 1) + xlim(0, 1)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.