## Did you miss the previous step? The one about setting up Git and GitHub
rstudioapi::navigateToFile(usethis::proj_path("dev", "02_git_github_setup.R"))
## ***********************************************************
## Setup the core files for your Bioconductor-friendly package
## ***********************************************************
## Edit your package DESCRIPTION file
## Check http://r-pkgs.had.co.nz/description.html for details
## as well as http://bioconductor.org/developers/package-guidelines/#description
## Check https://github.com/lcolladotor/biocthis/blob/master/DESCRIPTION
## for an example.
## You'll at least want to edit the version to 0.99.0 (or lower) since that's
## the version number you will need to use with Bioconductor.
## You will also want to add the biocViews field, for example:
## biocViews: Software
## Many Bioconductor packages use the following license:
## license: Artistic-2.0
## You might want to add the Date field as well, which is used when creating
## the package citation information. Use the YYYY-MM-DD format. For example:
## Date: 2020-04-29
## This function sets all these defaults for you
## However, you still need to edit parts of it manually
## Create your README.Rmd file
## Edit accordingly. You might want to install your package also using
## devtools::build() or the RStudio keyboard shortcut:
## macoS: command + shift + B
## Windows: control + shift + B
## Click on the `knit` button on your README.Rmd file to create the README.md
## file.
## Add a NEWS.md file
## See http://bioconductor.org/developers/package-guidelines/#news for more
## details about Bioconductor news files.
## Add information for users and contributors
## Add badges to the README.Rmd file
## NOTE: If your Bioconductor package is an experiment, annotation or workflow
## package, you will need to edit the resulting badge!
## Enable using tests
usethis::use_test("example_test") ## You need at least one test to run covr
## Re-knit your README.Rmd file to update your README.md file
## Add a vignette template
pkg <- basename(usethis::proj_get())
biocthis::use_bioc_vignette(pkg, paste("Introduction to", pkg))
## Add a Bioconductor-friendly GitHub actions workflow to check your package
## If:
## * your package doesn't have testthat tests, change to: has_testthat = 'false'
## * you don't want to run the covr step, change to: run_covr = 'false'
## * you don't want to use pkgdown, change to: run_pkgdown = 'false
rstudioapi::navigateToFile(usethis::proj_path(".github", "workflows", "check-bioc.yml"))
## Setup up your global git config
## Use the information that matches your GitHub account
## Example contents (4 space indentation):
# [user]
# name = Your Full Name
# email = your.email@somewhere.com
## ************************* WARNING START *********************************
## WARNING: git commit before running this next function!
## Otherwise you can lose your work!!!
## ************************* WARNING END ***********************************
## Deploy with pkgdown at least once locally such that the automatic updates
## from GitHub actions will work. This creates the gh-pages branch in your
## GitHub repository in such a way that pkgdown will recognize it and be
## able to use it later.
pkgdown::deploy_to_branch() ## Check the WARNING above before running this!
## Move to the next step: updating your package code before a "git commit"
rstudioapi::navigateToFile(usethis::proj_path("dev", "04_update.R"))
## This template was made using https://lcolladotor.github.io/biocthis/
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.