#' IGSAinput S4 class implementation in R
#' This S4 class contains all the necessary inputs to execute a functional
#' analysis (SEA and GSEA) on one experiment.
#' Important: Make sure that gene IDs are concordant between the expression
#' matrix and the provided gene sets.
#' @slot name character indicating the name of this experiment.
#' @slot expr_data ExprData object with the expression data (MicroArray or
#' RNAseq). Note: expr_data can be a 0x0 matrix only if gsea_params=NULL and
#' de_genes and br slots from sea_params are correctly set (vectors of gene
#' names), in this case only SEA will be run.
#' @slot fit_options FitOptions object with the parameters to be used when
#' fitting the model.
#' @slot gene_sets_list named list of GeneSetCollection objects to be
#' tested for enrichment (names must be unique).
#' @slot sea_params SEAparams object with the parameters to be used
#' by SEA, if NULL then SEA wont be run.
#' @slot gsea_params GSEAparams object with the parameters to be used
#' by GSEA, if NULL then GSEA wont be run.
#' @docType methods
#' @name IGSAinput-class
#' @rdname IGSAinput-class
#' @seealso \code{\link{ExprData-class}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{SEAparams-class}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{GSEAparams-class}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{IGSAinput-getterSetters}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{getDEGenes}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{MIGSA}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{summary}}
#' @importFrom futile.logger flog.error
#' @importFrom GSEABase GeneSet GeneSetCollection
#' @include ExprData-class.R
#' @include FitOptions-class.R
#' @include SEAparams.R
#' @include GSEAparams.R
#' @include Genesets.R
#' @export IGSAinput
#' @examples
#' ## Lets create a basic IGSAinput object.
#' ## First create a expression matrix.
#' maData <- matrix(rnorm(10000), ncol = 4)
#' rownames(maData) <- 1:nrow(maData)
#' # It must have rownames (gene names).
#' maExprData <- new("MAList", list(M = maData))
#' ## Now lets create the FitOptions object.
#' myFOpts <- FitOptions(c("Cond1", "Cond1", "Cond2", "Cond2"))
#' ## Finally lets create the Genesets to test for enrichment.
#' library(GSEABase)
#' myGs1 <- GeneSet(as.character(1:10),
#' setIdentifier = "fakeId1",
#' setName = "fakeName1"
#' )
#' myGs2 <- GeneSet(as.character(7:15),
#' setIdentifier = "fakeId2",
#' setName = "fakeName2"
#' )
#' myGSs <- GeneSetCollection(list(myGs1, myGs2))
#' ## And now we can create our IGSAinput ready for MIGSA.
#' igsaInput <- IGSAinput(
#' name = "igsaInput", expr_data = maExprData,
#' fit_options = myFOpts, gene_sets_list = list(myGSs = myGSs)
#' )
#' ## Valid IGSAinput object with no expr_data (only run SEA).
#' igsaInput <- IGSAinput(
#' name = "igsaInput", gene_sets_list = list(myGSs = myGSs),
#' gsea_params = NULL,
#' sea_params = SEAparams(
#' de_genes = rownames(maExprData)[1:10],
#' br = rownames(maExprData)
#' )
#' )
#' validObject(igsaInput)
IGSAinput <- setClass(
Class = "IGSAinput",
slots = c(
name = "character",
expr_data = "ExprData",
fit_options = "FitOptions",
gene_sets_list = "list",
sea_params = "SEAparamsOrNULL",
gsea_params = "GSEAparamsOrNULL"
prototype = list(
sea_params = SEAparams(),
gsea_params = GSEAparams()
validity = function(object) {
# must have name
name_ok <- length(object@name) == 1 && object@name != ""
# must have genes and samples
expr_data_ok <- (!is.null(object@expr_data)) &&
ncol(object@expr_data) > 1 &&
nrow(object@expr_data) > 1
# check that the FitOptions and the ExprData are concordant
fit_opts_ok <- nrow(MIGSA:::designMatrix(object@fit_options)) ==
# gene_sets_list is a list of GeneSetCollection
gene_sets_list_ok <- all(unlist(lapply(
function(x) is(x, "GeneSetCollection")
only_sea <- FALSE
if (!is.null(object@sea_params)) {
only_sea <- length(MIGSA:::br(object@sea_params)) > 1 &&
length(MIGSA:::de_genes(object@sea_params)) > 1
# GeneSetCollection names must be unique
if (gene_sets_list_ok) {
gss_names <- names(object@gene_sets_list)
gene_sets_list_ok <- length(gss_names) ==
# every gene set collection must have a name
gene_sets_list_ok <- gene_sets_list_ok &&
length(gss_names) == length(object@gene_sets_list)
if (!gene_sets_list_ok) {
flog.error("GeneSetCollection names must be unique")
return(name_ok && (only_sea || (expr_data_ok && gene_sets_list_ok)) &&
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