#' #' @title creatMetPathObject
#' #' @description Creat metPathClass object.
#' #' @author Xiaotao Shen
#' #' \email{shenxt@@sioc.ac.cn}
#' #' @param ms1.data MS1 peak table name.
#' #' @param sample.information Sample information name.
#' #' @param path Work directory.
#' #' @return A metPathClass object.
#' #' @export
#' setGeneric(
#' name = "creatMetPathObject",
#' def = function(ms1.data,
#' sample.information,
#' path = ".") {
#' check.result <- checkData(data = ms1.data,
#' sample.info = sample.information,
#' path = path)
#' if (any(check.result$`Check result` != "Valid")) {
#' stop("Error is in you data. Please check it.\n")
#' }
#' ms1.data.name <- ms1.data
#' sample.information.name <- sample.information
#' ms1.data <- pbapply::pblapply(ms1.data, function(x) {
#' readr::read_csv(file = file.path(path, x),
#' col_types = readr::cols())
#' })
#' sample.info <-
#' readr::read_csv(file.path(path, sample.information),
#' col_types = readr::cols())
#' object <- new(
#' Class = "metPathClass",
#' ms1.data = ms1.data,
#' sample.info = sample.info,
#' version = "0.1.0"
#' )
#' invisible(object)
#' }
#' )
#' #' An S4 class to represent a metPath object.
#' #'
#' #' @slot ms1.data MS1 data.
#' #' @slot sample.info Sample information.
#' #' @slot process.info MS1 data.
#' #' @slot version MS1 data.
#' ##S4 class for function metIdentification
#' setClass(
#' Class = "metPathClass",
#' representation(
#' ms1.data = "list",
#' sample.info = "data.frame",
#' process.info = "list",
#' version = "character"
#' )
#' )
#' setMethod(
#' f = "show",
#' signature = "metPathClass",
#' definition = function(object) {
#' # requireNamespace("magrittr")
#' cat(crayon::yellow(paste(rep("-", 20), collapse = ""), "\n"))
#' cat(crayon::green("metPath version:", object@version, "\n"))
#' cat(crayon::yellow(paste(rep("-", 20), collapse = ""), "\n"))
#' cat(crayon::green("MS1 data\n"))
#' cat("There are",
#' length(object@ms1.data),
#' "peak tables in your MS1 data.\n")
#' info <- lapply(object@ms1.data, dim) %>%
#' do.call(rbind, .)
#' colnames(info) <- c("Peak.number", "Column.number")
#' rownames(info) <- paste("Batch", 1:nrow(info), sep = "")
#' print(info)
#' cat(crayon::yellow(paste(rep("-", 20), collapse = ""), "\n"))
#' cat("There are",
#' nrow(object@sample.info),
#' "samples in your MS1 data.\n")
#' class_info <-
#' as.data.frame(table(object@sample.info$class), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' colnames(class_info) <- c("Class", "Number")
#' print(class_info)
#' cat(crayon::yellow(paste(rep("-", 20), collapse = ""), "\n"))
#' group_info <-
#' as.data.frame(table(object@sample.info$group), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' colnames(group_info) <- c("Group", "Number")
#' print(group_info)
#' cat(crayon::yellow(paste(rep("-", 20), collapse = ""), "\n"))
#' cat(crayon::green("Processing\n"))
#' if (.hasSlot(object = object, name = "process.info") &
#' length(object@process.info) != 0) {
#' process.info <- object@process.info
#' mapply(function(x, y) {
#' cat(crayon::green(x, paste(rep("-", 10), collapse = ""), "\n"))
#' y <- y[which(names(y) != "plot")]
#' y <- data.frame(names(unlist(y)), unlist(y))
#' colnames(y) <- c("Parameter", "Value")
#' rownames(y) <- NULL
#' print(y)
#' },
#' x = names(process.info),
#' y = process.info)
#' } else{
#' cat(crayon::red("There are no processing for your data.\n"))
#' }
#' }
#' )
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