
Linear Regression

Linear regression allows the user to model a linear relationship between one or more explanatory variable(s) (predictors) and a continuous dependent (response) variable.



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Method Specification



Linear Regression

Model Summary: - Model: Regression model (one for each step in Backward, Forward, and Stepwise regression). - R: Multiple correlation coefficient R. - R squared: R squared value, i.e., proportion of the total variance that is explained by the regression model. - Adjusted R squared: Adjusted R squared value. - RMSE: Root-mean-square error. - R squared change: Change in R squared value. - F change: Change in F-value. - df1: Numerator degrees of freedom of F change. - df2: Denominator degrees of freedom of F change. - p: p-value for F change. - Durbin-Watson: Durbin-Watson statistic.

ANOVA: - Model: Regression model (one for each step in Backward, Forward, and Stepwise regression). - Sum of Squares: Sum of squares for the regression model (Regression) and the residual (Residual), and total sum of squares (Total). - df: Degrees of freedom for the regression model (Regression) and the residual (Residual), and total degrees of freedom (Total). - Mean Square: Mean squares for the regression model (Regression) and the residual (Residual). - F: F-value. - p: p-value.

Coefficients: - Model: Regression model (one for each step in Backward, Forward, and Stepwise regression). - Unstandardized: Unstandardized regression coefficients. - Standard Error: Standard error of the regression coefficients. - Standardized: Standardized regression coefficients. - t-value: t-value for testing the null hypothesis that the population regression coefficient equals 0. - p: p-value. - % CI: The confidence interval for the unstandardized regression coefficient. By default this is set to 95%. - Lower: The lower bound of the confidence interval. - Upper: The upper bound of the confidence interval. - Collinearity Statistics: - Tolerance: Inverse of the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF). - VIF: Variance Inflation Factor; large values indicate multicollinearity. Calculated as VIF = det(R11) * det(R22) / det(R), where R is the covariance matrix of the regression coefficients (excluding intercept), R11 is a submatrix of R of the predictor for which VIF is calculated, and R22 is a submatrix of R of the other predictors (Fox & Monette, 1992).

Bootstrapped Coefficients: - Model: Regression model (one for each step in Backward, Forward, and Stepwise regression). - Unstandardized: Unstandardized regression coefficients. - Bias: Standardized regression coefficients. - Standard Error: Standard error of the regression coefficients. - % CI: The bootstrapped confidence interval for the unstandardized regression coefficient. By default this is set to 95%. - Lower: The lower bound of the confidence interval. - Upper: The upper bound of the confidence interval.

Descriptives: - N: Sample size. - Mean: Sample mean. - SD: Sample standard deviation. - SE: Standard error of the mean.

Part And Partial Correlations: - Model: Regression model (one for each step in Backward, Forward, and Stepwise regression). - Partial: Partial correlations between the predictor variables and dependent variable. - Part: Semipartial correlations between the predictor variables and dependent variable.

Coefficients: - [lower]%: Lower bound of the user-defined x% confidence intervals for the regression coefficients. - [upper]%: Upper bound of the user-defined x% confidence intervals for the regression coefficients.

Coefficients Covariance Matrix: - Displays the covariance matrix of the coefficients of the predictors for each regression model considered (Model).

Collinearity Diagnostics: - Displays for each regression model considered (Model) and for each element of the scaled uncentered cross-product matrix (Dimension): - Eigenvalue. - Condition Index. - Variance Proportions for each term in the regression equation.

Casewise Diagnostics: - For each flagged case (Case Number) displays: - Standardized (Std.) residual. Alternatively called also studentized residual. - The value on the dependent variable. - Predicted value. - Residual. - Cook's distance.

Residual Statistics: - Displays the minimum (Minimum), maximum (Maximum), mean (Mean), standard deviation (SD), and the sample size (N) for: - Predicted Value. - Residual. - Standardized (Std.) predicted value. - Standardized (Std.) residual.


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jasp-stats/Regression documentation built on Oct. 18, 2024, 1:27 a.m.