
Generalized Linear Models

A generalized linear model (GLM) is a flexible extension of ordinary linear regression. A widely used GLM is binary logistic regression. Generally speaking, a GLM consists of a random component and a systematic component:

Family and link

The following table summarized the available distributions (also called families) and link functions, as well as the suitable type of response data. The asterisk * indicates the canonical/default link function for a specific family.

| Family | Links | Response Data | |------------------|-----------------------------------------------------|---------------------| | Bernoulli | Logit, Probit, Cauchit, Complementary Log-Log, Log | Binary | | Binomial | Logit, Probit, Cauchit, Complementary Log-Log, Log | Proportions, Counts | | Gaussian | Identity, Log, Inverse | Continuous | | Gamma | Identity, Log, Inverse | Positive continuous | | Inverse Gaussian | Identity, Log, Inverse, 1/mu^2 | Positive continuous | | Poisson | Identity, Log, Square-root | Counts |


Input and Output





Estimated Marginal Means and Contrast Analysis

Advanced Options


Dunn, P. K., & Smyth, G. K. (2018). Generalized linear models with examples in R. New York: Springer.

R Packages

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