##' @importFrom FELLA generateResultsGraph
##' @importFrom tidygraph activate
##' @importFrom ggthemes ptol_pal
##' @importFrom dplyr mutate
##' @importFrom stringr str_split_fixed coll
##' @importFrom ggraph create_layout ggraph geom_edge_link geom_node_point geom_node_text theme_graph
##' @importFrom tibble tibble
##' @importFrom ggplot2 aes scale_colour_manual coord_fixed labs
# setGeneric('plotGraph',function(x,comparison,type = 'diffusion'){
# standardGeneric('plotGraph')
# })
# setMethod('plotGraph',signature = 'FunctionalEnrichment',
# function(x,comparison,type = 'diffusion'){
# en <- x@results[[comparison]]
# FELLA <- x@network
# pg <- generateResultsGraph(method = type,object = en,data = FELLA,nlimit = 1000,LabelLengthAtPlot = 100) %>%
# as_tbl_graph() %>%
# activate(nodes)
# types <- pg %>%
# nodes() %>%
# .$com
# types[types == 1] <- 'Pathway'
# types[types == 2] <- 'Module'
# types[types == 3] <- 'Enzyme'
# types[types == 4] <- 'Reaction'
# types[types == 5] <- 'Compound'
# pg <- pg %>%
# mutate(Type = factor(types,levels = c('Compound','Reaction','Enzyme','Module','Pathway')),
# label = str_split_fixed(label,coll(' - '),2)[,1])
# pageLayout <- pg %>%
# create_layout('nicely')
# pagePathways <- pageLayout %>%
# filter(Type == 'Pathway')
# pageCompounds <- pageLayout %>%
# filter(Type == 'Compound')
# nudgey <- ({pageLayout$y %>% max()} - {pageLayout$y %>% min()}) / 25
# colours <- tibble(Type = c('Compound','Reaction','Enzyme','Module','Pathway'),
# Colour = ptol_pal()(5))
# ggraph(pageLayout) +
# geom_edge_link(alpha = 0.4) +
# geom_node_point(aes(colour = Type),size = 3,alpha = 0.5) +
# geom_node_text(data = pagePathways,aes(label = label),nudge_y = nudgey,size = 3,colour = 'black') +
# geom_node_text(data = pageCompounds,aes(label = label),nudge_y = nudgey,size = 3,colour = 'black') +
# scale_colour_manual(values = colours %>% filter(Type %in% unique(pg %>% nodes() %>% .$Type)) %>% .$Colour) +
# theme_graph(base_size = 11,base_family = '') +
# coord_fixed() +
# labs(title = comparison)
# }
# )
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