Man pages for j-andrews7/CRISPRball
Shiny Application for Interactive CRISPR Screen Visualization, Exploration, Comparison, and Filtering

build_depmap_dbBuild SQLite database of DepMap data
CRISPRballCreate an interactive Shiny app for visualization &...
CRISPRball-packageCRISPRball: Shiny Application for Interactive CRISPR Screen...
depmap_22q1_cnDepMap copy number data
depmap_22q1_crisprDepMap CRISPR screen data
depmap_22q1_crispr_rnaiDepMap CRISPR & RNAi screen data
depmap_22q1_rnaiDepMap RNAi screen data
depmap_22q1_TPMDepMap expression data
gene_ingressParse gene summary data for easier plotting and display
get_depmap_essentialityGet essential/selective gene information from DepMap summary...
get_depmap_plot_dataCreate DepMap dataframe for plotting
plot_barCreate interactive bar plot
plot_correlation_heatmapPlot a Correlation Heatmap
plot_depmap_cnPlot gene copy number information from DepMap
plot_depmap_dependencyPlot gene dependency information from DepMap CRISPR and RNAi...
plot_depmap_expressionPlot gene expression information from DepMap, mostly from...
plot_depmap_lineagesPlot selected information across lineages from DepMap.
plot_histCreate a plotly plot from a distribution of values
plot_lawnCreate an interactive lawn plot
plot_pca_biplotPlot a biplot from a PCAtools 'pca' object
plot_rankCreate an interactive rank plot
plot_volcanoCreate an interactive volcano plot
read_mle_gene_summaryRead and parse MAGeCK MLE output gene summary file
j-andrews7/CRISPRball documentation built on Dec. 23, 2024, 9:45 a.m.