#' #' Function to perform a Feature-Wide Association Study
#' #'
#' #' This function allows to perform a Feature-Wide Association Study
#' #' by using an \code{ExposomeSet} and an \code{ExpressionSet}. The function
#' #' allows to perform the test to any continuous feature (aka. transcriptome,
#' #' methylome, proteome, etc.) It allows to perform an adjustment using Surrogate
#' #' Variable Analysis (from R package \code{sva}).
#' #'
#' #' @param x An \code{\link{ExposomeSet}} object or an
#' #' \code{\link{ExposomeClust}} object.
#' #' @param y An \code{\link{ExpressionSet}} object.
#' #' @param formula Formula indicating the covariates to be used in the
#' #' analysis.
#' #' @param select (optional) Character vector of exposures or fenotypes (see
#' #' argument \code{set}). If given, only this exposusures or phenotypes will be
#' #' tested, otherwise all the exposures or phenotypes in \code{x} will be
#' #' tested.
#' #' @param set (default \code{"exposures"}) Set to be used for the association
#' #' analysis.
#' #' @param sva (default \code{FALSE}) If set to true, Surrogate Variable
#' #' Analysis will be done on transcriptome level in each test and the model
#' #' will be corrected by those surrogate variables.
#' #' @param vfilter (defaul \code{NULL}) Number of probes from transcriptome
#' #' to perform the Surrogate Variable Analysis. If \code{NULL}, all the probes
#' #' are used.
#' #' @param eBayes (default \code{TRUE}) If \code{TRUE} applies \code{eBayes}
#' #' after \code{lmFit}.
#' #' @param verbose (default \code{FALSE}) If set to \code{TRUE}, a series of
#' #' messages descriving the process are shown.
#' #' @param warnings (default \code{TRUE}) If set to \code{TRUE}, a series of
#' #' warnings are shown when required user atention.
#' #' @return An object of class \code{\link{ResultSet}}.
#' #' @param ... Arguments passed to \code{\link{lmFit}}.
#' #' @examples
#' #' data(gexp_r)
#' #' data(exp_r)
#' #' rst <- assocES(exp_r, gexp_r, formula=~sex+age)
#' #' rst
#' assocES <- function(x, y, formula, select, set="exposures", sva=FALSE,
#' vfilter=NULL, eBayes=TRUE, verbose=FALSE, warnings=TRUE, ...) {
#' ## ----------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#' if(class(y) %in% c("ExposomeSet", "ExposomeClust") &
#' class(x) == "ExpressionSet") {
#' t <- x
#' x <- y
#' y <- x
#' rm(t)
#' }
#' if(!(class(x) %in% c("ExposomeSet", "ExposomeClust") & class(y) == "ExpressionSet")) {
#' stop("Required object of class 'ExposomeSet'/'ExposomeClust' and ",
#' "'ExpressionSet' for arguments 'x, and 'y'.")
#' }
#' ## ----------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#' ## ----------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#' if(warnings | verbose) {
#' warning("Both input sets will be reduced to common samples.")
#' }
#' samples_selection <- intersect(
#' Biobase::sampleNames(x),
#' Biobase::sampleNames(y)
#' )
#' l1 <- sapply(list(x, y), function(n) length(Biobase::sampleNames(n)))
#' x <- x[ , samples_selection]
#' y <- y[ , samples_selection]
#' l2 <- sapply(list(x, y), function(n) length(Biobase::sampleNames(n)))
#' l3 <- mapply('-', l1, l2, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
#' names(l3) <- c(class(x), class(y))
#' if(verbose) {
#' message(paste(unlist(l3), names(l3),
#' sep = " samples were reduced from ", collapse = ", "))
#' }
#' if(length(samples_selection) == 0) {
#' stop("No samles in common between both datasets.")
#' }
#' ## ----------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#' ## ----------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#' formula <- as.character(as.formula(formula))
#' exp.dt <- data.frame(Biobase::pData(x), rexposome::expos(x))
#' if(class(x) == "ExposomeClust") {
#' ## ------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#' if(warnings | verbose) {
#' warning("Given an object of class 'ExposomeClust'. Association ",
#' "test will be performed on clustering result.")
#' }
#' if(!missing(select) & (warnings | verbose)) {
#' warning("Given values in 'select' argument. They will be dropped.")
#' }
#' select <- "cluster"
#' } else {
#' ## ------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#' if(missing(select)) {
#' if(set == "exposures") {
#' warning("No given 'select'. Association tests will be ",
#' "computed for all exposures")
#' select <- rexposome::exposureNames(x)
#' } else { ## set == "phenotypes"
#' warning("No given 'select'. Association test will be ",
#' "computed for all phenotypes")
#' select <- rexposome::phenotypeNames(x)
#' }
#' }
#' }
#' ## ----------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#' ## ----------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#' results <- lapply(select, function(ex) {
#' design <- as.formula(paste0("~", ex, "+", formula[2]))
#' if(verbose) {
#' message("Evaluating model '", as.character(design), "'.")
#' }
#' pheno <- .create_p(
#' expo.dt = exp.dt,
#' omic.p = Biobase::pData(y),
#' select = all.vars(design)
#' )
#' if(class(pheno) == "character") {
#' stop("Invalid value '", pheno, "' in 'exposures' or 'covariates'")
#' }
#' na.loc <- rowSums(apply(pheno, 2, is.na))
#' na.loc <- which(na.loc != 0)
#' if(length(na.loc) != 0) {
#' if(warnings | verbose) {
#' warning("There are missing values. ", length(na.loc),
#' " samples will be removed.")
#' }
#' pheno <- pheno[-na.loc, , drop=FALSE]
#' }
#' if(sum(!sapply(sapply(apply(pheno, 2, table), length), ">", 1)) != 0) {
#' warning("When testing for '", ex, "', at last one covariate ",
#' "is constant")
#' list(
#' N=NA,
#' sva.num=NA,
#' design=NA,
#' result=NA,
#' error=paste0("Covariate in model '", as.character(design) ,"' is constant")
#' )
#' } else {
#' tryCatch({
#' # Design model
#' design.mm <- model.matrix(formula(design), data = pheno)
#' y <- y[ , rownames(pheno), drop=FALSE]
#' # If required, apply SVA
#' n.sv <- NA
#' if(sva) {
#' if (verbose | warnings){
#' if(is.null(vfilter)) {
#' message("Computing SVA. This step can be very time consuming.",
#' "Try using argument 'vfilter'.")
#' } else {
#' message("Computing SVA. This step can be very time consuming.")
#' }
#' }
#' n.sv <- sva::num.sv(Biobase::exprs(y),
#' design.mm, vfilter=vfilter)
#' if (n.sv > 0){
#' svobj <- sva::sva(Biobase::exprs(y), design.mm,
#' design.mm[ , -1, drop=FALSE],
#' n.sv=n.sv, vfilter=vfilter)
#' design.mm <- cbind(design.mm, svobj$sv)
#' }
#' rm(svobj)
#' suppressMessages(gc())
#' }
#' # Fit the model
#' if (verbose){
#' message("Fitting the model.")
#' }
#' fit <- limma::lmFit(y, design.mm, ...)
#' if(eBayes) {
#' fit <- limma::eBayes(fit)
#' }
#' list(
#' N=nrow(pheno),
#' sva.num=n.sv,
#' error=NA,
#' design=design,
#' result=fit
#' )
#' }, error=function(e) {
#' if(warnings) {
#' warning(e)
#' }
#' return(list(
#' N=NA,
#' sva.num=NA,
#' error=e,
#' design=NA,
#' result=NULL
#' ))
#' })
#' }
#' })
#' names(results) <- select
#' new("ResultSet",
#' fun_origin = "assocES",
#' results = results,
#' fData = list(fData(x), fData(y)),
#' options = list(
#' method="assocES",
#' sva=sva,
#' eBayes=eBayes
#' )
#' )
#' ## ------------------------------------------------------------- ##
#' }
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