#' @export
#' @title Preprocess methylation array
#' @description The \code{epi_preprocess} function reads
#' Illumina methylation sample
#' sheet for case samples and it merges them with
#' \link[minfi]{RGChannelSet} reference panel.
#' The final dataset is normalized using minfi package preprocess methods.
#' @param cases_dir the base directory from which the search is started.
#' @param reference_panel an \link[minfi]{RGChannelSet}
#' object containing the reference
#' panel (controls) samples.
#' @param pattern What pattern is used to identify a sample sheet file.
#' @param normalize a character string
#' specifying the selected preprocess method.
#' For more information see \strong{Details} or
#' [minfi package user's Guide](shorturl.at/nwIN2).
#' It can be set as: \code{"raw"}, \code{"illumina"},
#' \code{"swan"}, \code{"quantile"},
#' \code{"noob"} or \code{"funnorm"}.)
#' @param norm_param the parameters for each preprocessing method.
#' See the function \link[epimutacions]{norm_parameters}.
#' @param verbose logical. If TRUE additional
#' details about the procedure will provide to the user.
#' The default is FALSE.
#' @details
#' The \code{epi_preprocess} function reads Illumina methylation sample
#' sheet for case samples and it merges them with
#' \link[minfi]{RGChannelSet} reference panel.
#' The final dataset is normalized using
#' different minfi package preprocess methods:
#' * \code{"raw"}: \link[minfi]{preprocessRaw}
#' * \code{"illumina"}: \link[minfi]{preprocessIllumina}
#' * \code{"swan"}: \link[minfi]{preprocessSWAN}
#' * \code{"quantile"}: \link[minfi]{preprocessQuantile}
#' * \code{"noob"}: \link[minfi]{preprocessNoob}
#' * \code{"funnorm"}: \link[minfi]{preprocessFunnorm}
#' @return \code{epi_preprocess} function returns a
#' \link[minfi]{GenomicRatioSet} object
#' containing case and control (reference panel) samples.
#' @examples
#' # The reference panel for this example is available in
#' #epimutacionsData (ExperimentHub) package
#' \donttest{
#' library(ExperimentHub)
#' eh <- ExperimentHub()
#' query(eh, c("epimutacionsData"))
#' reference_panel <- eh[["EH6691"]]
#' cases_dir <- system.file("extdata", package = "epimutacionsData")
#' #Preprocessing
#' epi_preprocess( cases_dir,
#' reference_panel,
#' pattern = "SampleSheet.csv")
#' @import epimutacionsData
#' @importFrom minfi read.metharray.sheet read.metharray.exp combineArrays
#' preprocessRaw preprocessIllumina preprocessSWAN preprocessQuantile
#' preprocessNoob preprocessFunnorm mapToGenome ratioConvert
epi_preprocess <-function(cases_dir, reference_panel, pattern = "csv$",
normalize = "raw", norm_param = norm_parameters(),
verbose = FALSE)
if (is.null(cases_dir)) {
stop("The argument 'cases_dir' must be introduced")
if (!requireNamespace("methods")) {
stop("'methods' package not available")
avail <- c( "raw", "illumina",
"swan", "quantile",
"noob", "funnorm")
normalize <- charmatch(normalize, avail)
normalize <- avail[normalize]
if (is.na(normalize)) {
stop("Invalid normalisation ('normalize') method was selected'")
#Reading case samples idat files
targets <- minfi::read.metharray.sheet(base = cases_dir, pattern = pattern)
if (is.null(targets)) {
warning("There is not any sample sheet in the base directory")
RGset_cases <- minfi::read.metharray.exp(base = cases_dir)
} else {
RGset_cases <- minfi::read.metharray.exp(targets = targets)
#Reference panel
if (!is(reference_panel, "RGChannelSet")) {
stop("Reference panel must be a 'RGChannelSet' class object")
#Merge reference panel and case samples
RGset <- minfi::combineArrays( reference_panel,
outType = c("IlluminaHumanMethylation450k",
verbose = TRUE
c("raw", "illumina", "swan", "quantile", "noob", "funnorm")
if (normalize == "raw") {
Mset <- minfi::preprocessRaw(RGset)
} else if (normalize == "illumina") {
Mset <- minfi::preprocessIllumina( RGset,
bg.correct = norm_param$illumina$bg.correct,
normalize = norm_param$illumina$normalize,
reference = norm_param$illumina$reference )
} else if (normalize == "swan") {
Mset <- minfi::preprocessSWAN(RGset, verbose = verbose)
} else if (normalize == "quantile") {
GRset <- minfi::preprocessQuantile( RGset,
fixOutliers = norm_param$quantile$fixOutliers,
removeBadSamples = norm_param$quantile$removeBadSamples,
badSampleCutoff = norm_param$quantile$badSampleCutoff,
quantileNormalize = norm_param$quantile$quantileNormalize,
stratified = norm_param$quantile$stratified,
mergeManifest = norm_param$quantile$mergeManifest,
sex = norm_param$quantile$sex,
verbose = verbose )
} else if (normalize == "noob") {
Mset <- minfi::preprocessNoob( RGset,
offset = norm_param$noob$offset,
dyeCorr = norm_param$noob$dyeCorr,
verbose = verbose,
dyeMethod = norm_param$noob$dyeMethod )
} else if (normalize == "funnorm") {
GRset <- minfi::preprocessFunnorm( RGset,
nPCs = norm_param$funnorm$nPCs,
sex = norm_param$funnorm$sex,
bgCorr = norm_param$funnorm$bgCorr,
dyeCorr = norm_param$funnorm$dyeCorr,
keepCN = norm_param$funnorm$keepCN,
ratioConvert = TRUE,
verbose = verbose )
#Create GenomicRatioSet object
if (normalize %in% c("raw", "illumina", "swan", "noob")) {
GMset <- minfi::mapToGenome(Mset, mergeManifest = FALSE)
GRset <- minfi::ratioConvert(GMset, what = "beta", keepCN = FALSE)
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