#' Creation of Unique Labels
#' This helper function generates a set of unique labels given
#' unique IDs and not necessarily unique names.
#' @param ids (`character` or `NULL`)\cr unique IDs.
#' @param nms (`character` or `NULL`)\cr not necessarily unique names if provided.
#' @return Character vector where empty names are replaced by the IDs and
#' non-unique names are made unique by appending the IDs in parentheses.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' h_unique_labels(c("1", "2", "3"), c("A", "B", "A"))
#' h_unique_labels(NULL)
#' h_unique_labels(c("1", "2", "3"))
h_unique_labels <- function(ids, nms = NULL) {
if (is.null(ids)) {
assert_character(ids, any.missing = FALSE, unique = TRUE)
if (is.null(nms)) {
assert_character(nms, any.missing = FALSE)
assert_true(identical(length(ids), length(nms)))
res <- ifelse(nms == "", ids, nms)
are_duplicate <- h_all_duplicated(res)
if (any(are_duplicate)) {
res[are_duplicate] <- paste(
assert_character(res, any.missing = FALSE, unique = TRUE)
#' R6 Class Representing a Gene (Signature) Specification
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' A `GeneSpec` consists of the gene IDs (possibly named with labels),
#' the summary function and the name of the summary function.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Minimal specification if only one gene is used.
#' x_spec <- gene_spec("GeneID:1820")
#' # Using multiple genes with a signature.
#' x_spec <- gene_spec(c("GeneID:1820", "GeneID:52"), fun = colMeans)
#' x_spec <- gene_spec(c("GeneID:1820", "GeneID:52"), fun = colPrinComp1)
#' x_spec$returns_vector()
#' x_spec$get_genes()
#' x_spec$get_gene_labels()
#' x_spec$get_label()
#' # Using multiple genes with partial labels, without a signature.
#' x_spec <- gene_spec(c(A = "GeneID:1820", "GeneID:52"))
#' x_spec$returns_vector()
#' x_spec$get_gene_labels()
#' # Use the gene specification to extract genes from a matrix.
#' mat <- matrix(
#' data = rpois(15, 10),
#' nrow = 3, ncol = 5,
#' dimnames = list(c("GeneID:1820", "GeneID:52", "GeneID:523"), NULL)
#' )
#' x_spec$extract(mat)
#' # We can also extract these as a `data.frame`.
#' x_spec$extract_data_frame(mat)
GeneSpec <- R6::R6Class(
public = list(
#' @description Creates a new [`GeneSpec`] object.
#' @param genes (named `character` or `NULL`)\cr the gene IDs, where the names
#' are used as labels if available.
#' @param fun (`function` or `NULL`)\cr summary function. If `NULL` is
#' used then multiple genes are not summarized but returned as a matrix from the
#' `extract` method.
#' @param fun_name (`string`)\cr name of the summary function.
#' @return A new [`GeneSpec`] object.
initialize = function(genes = NULL,
fun = NULL,
fun_name = deparse(substitute(fun))) {
assert_character(genes, any.missing = FALSE, unique = TRUE, null.ok = TRUE)
assert_function(fun, null.ok = TRUE)
assert_string(fun_name, min.chars = 1L)
private$gene_labels <- h_unique_labels(ids = genes, nms = names(genes))
private$genes <- genes
private$fun <- fun
private$fun_name <- fun_name
#' @description Returns the genes.
get_genes = function() {
#' @description Returns the gene labels (substituted by gene IDs if not available).
#' @param genes (`character`)\cr for which subset of genes the labels should be returned.
get_gene_labels = function(genes = self$get_genes()) {
index <- match(genes, private$genes)
assert_integer(index, any.missing = FALSE)
#' @description Predicate whether the extract returns a vector or not.
returns_vector = function() {
(length(private$genes) == 1) || is.function(private$fun)
#' @description Returns a string which can be used e.g. for plot labels.
#' @param genes (`character`)\cr for which subset of genes the labels should be returned.
get_label = function(genes = self$get_genes()) {
gene_labels <- self$get_gene_labels(genes)
if (length(private$genes) > 1) {
gene_list <- h_parens(h_short_list(gene_labels))
if (self$returns_vector()) {
paste0(private$fun_name, gene_list)
} else {
} else {
#' @description Extract the gene values from an assay as specified.
#' @param assay (`matrix`)\cr original matrix with rownames containing the
#' specified genes.
#' @return Either a vector with one value per column, or a matrix with multiple
#' genes in the rows.
extract = function(assay) {
assert_class(assay, "matrix")
assert_names(rownames(assay), must.include = private$genes)
assay_cols <- assay[private$genes, , drop = FALSE]
if (self$returns_vector()) {
res <- if (is.function(private$fun)) {
} else {
assert_numeric(res, len = ncol(assay_cols))
} else {
rownames(assay_cols) <- private$gene_labels
#' @description Extract the gene values as a `data.frame`.
#' @param assay (`matrix`)\cr original matrix with rownames containing the
#' specified genes.
#' @return A `data.frame` with the genes in the columns and the samples
#' in the rows.
extract_data_frame = function(assay) {
gene_matrix <- self$extract(assay)
if (!is.matrix(gene_matrix)) {
gene_matrix <- t(gene_matrix)
num_genes <- nrow(gene_matrix)
gene_names <- if (num_genes == 1) {
} else {
gene_names <- make.names(gene_names, unique = TRUE)
rownames(gene_matrix) <- gene_names
private = list(
genes = NULL,
gene_labels = NULL,
fun = NULL,
fun_name = NULL
#' `GeneSpec` Constructor
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' Creates a new [`GeneSpec`] object.
#' @param genes (named `character` or `NULL`)\cr the gene IDs, where the names
#' are used as labels if available.
#' @param fun (`function` or `NULL`)\cr summary function. If `NULL` is
#' used then multiple genes are not summarized but returned as a matrix from the
#' `extract` method.
#' @param fun_name (`string`)\cr name of the summary function.
#' @return A new [`GeneSpec`] object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' gene_spec("GeneID:11185")
#' gene_spec(c("GeneID:11185", "GeneID:10677", "GeneID:101928428"), fun = colMeans)
gene_spec <- function(genes = NULL,
fun = NULL,
fun_name = deparse(substitute(fun))) {
genes = genes,
fun = fun,
fun_name = fun_name
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