#' Function to visualise an igraph object using ggraph
#' \code{xGGraph} is supposed to visualise an igraph object using ggraph, with nodes/tips labelled (aligned to left-right or top-bottom edges).
#' @param ig an object of class "igraph" with node attribute 'name'. It could be a 'phylo' object converted to. Note: the node/leave labels would be the node attribute 'name' unless the node attribute 'label' is explicitely provided
#' @param layout the layout supported in ggraph::create_layout. This can be ggraph layouts 'partition' (by default), 'dendrogram', 'circlepack', 'treemap' (-1,1). This can be also igraph-supported layout ('nicely','fr','kk','sugiyama','randomly','star','circle','gem','dh','graphopt','grid','mds','drl','lgl','sphere')
#' @param circular the logic specifying whether or not circular representations. This will be disabled implicitly if the layout does not support circularity
#' @param leave the logic specifying whether or not only leaves (nodes/labellings) shown. This can be disenabled if the layout does not support tips
#' @param node.label.size the text size of the leave labelings. By default, it is 2. If 0, all labellings will be disabled
#' @param node.label.direction the leave label direction. It can be "none", "leftright" (aligned to the left- and right-most edge) and "topbottom" (aligned to the top- and bottom-most edge)
#' @param node.label.color the color of the leave labelings
#' @param node.label.alpha the alpha of the leave labelings
#' @param node.label.wrap the wrap width of the leave labelings
#' @param node.label.offset the offset of the leave labelings aligned to the edge. It is defined as relative to the range of limits (x-limit for left-right, and y-limit for top-bottom)
#' @param node.size the size of the leave nodes. By default, it is 0
#' @param limit.expansion the x- and y-limit expansion. By default, it is NULL, decided by "node.label.offset"
#' @param edge the edge type. It can be "diagonal" (default) , "link" (straight lines), "arc", "fan" (curves of different curvature), "elbow"
#' @param edge.color the color of edges
#' @param edge.alpha the alpha of edges
#' @param edge.width the width of edges
#' @param ... additional graphic parameters (such as size, color) used in ggrepel::geom_text_repel to control labels
#' @return
#' a ggplot2 object appended with 'ig' and 'data' which should contain columns 'x','y','name' (the same as V(ig)$name), 'label' (if not given in ig, a 'name' varient). Also contain 'leaf' (T/F), 'depth' (the number of step to the root) for tree-like graph with certain layouts.
#' @note none
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{xGGraph}}
#' @include xGGraph.r
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(XGR)
#' RData.location <- "http://galahad.well.ox.ac.uk/bigdata"
#' AA.template <- xRDataLoader("AA.template", RData.location=RData.location)
#' # consensus tree
#' ig <- AA.template$consensus$ig
#' # Default: partition-like circular layout
#' # none
#' gp <- xGGraph(ig, node.label.direction="none", node.label.wrap=50)
#' # leftright
#' gp <- xGGraph(ig, node.label.direction="leftright", node.label.wrap=50, node.label.offset=0.5)
#' # topbottom
#' gp <- xGGraph(ig, node.label.direction="topbottom", node.label.wrap=50, node.label.offset=0.5)
#' # advanced usage
#' ## ggraph layouts
#' gp <- xGGraph(ig, layout='dendrogram', node.label.direction="leftright")
#' gp <- xGGraph(ig, layout='treemap')
#' gp <- xGGraph(ig, layout='circlepack')
#' ## igraph layouts
#' set.seed(825)
#' gp <- xGGraph(ig, layout='nicely', node.label.direction="leftright")
#' gp <- xGGraph(ig, layout='kk')
#' gp <- xGGraph(ig, layout='fr', node.label.direction="leftright")
#' gp <- xGGraph(ig, layout='gem')
#' }
xGGraph <- function(ig, layout='partition', circular=T, leave=T, node.label.size=2, node.label.direction=c('none','leftright','topbottom'), node.label.color="steelblue", node.label.alpha=0.7, node.label.wrap=NULL, node.label.offset=0.5, node.size=2, limit.expansion=NULL, edge=c("diagonal","link","arc","fan","elbow"), edge.color='grey', edge.alpha=0.5, edge.width=0.5, ...)
node.label.direction <- match.arg(node.label.direction)
edge <- match.arg(edge)
## how to convert a phylo object 'tree' into igraph object 'ig'
## if internal node labels are duplicated, remove all (and add by as.igraph)
if(any(duplicated(tree$node.label))) tree$node.label<-NULL
ig <- as.igraph(tree, directed=T, use.labels=T)
warnings("The function must apply to the 'igraph' object.\n")
if(!all(c("name") %in% igraph::vertex_attr_names(ig))){
warnings("The igraph object must have vertex attribute 'name'.\n")
if(!("label" %in% igraph::vertex_attr_names(ig))){
# append 'label'
V(ig)$label <- V(ig)$name
## label wrap
width <- as.integer(node.label.wrap)
res_list <- lapply(V(ig)$label, function(x){
x <- gsub('_', ' ', x)
y <- strwrap(x, width=width)
V(ig)$label <- unlist(res_list)
x <- y <- leaf <- label <- name <- NULL
#gp <- ggraph::ggraph(ig, layout=layout, circular=circular)
## disable the circular layout if error
if(length(suppressWarnings(tryCatch(gp <- ggraph::ggraph(ig, layout=layout, circular=circular), error=function(e) e, warning=function(w) w)))==2){
warning("The layout does not support circularity!")
circular <- F
gp <- ggraph::ggraph(ig, layout=layout, circular=circular)
## nodes/leave
if(leave & !is.null(gp$data$leaf)){
gp <- gp + ggraph::geom_node_point(aes(filter=leaf),size=node.size, color=edge.color,alpha=edge.alpha)
gp <- gp + ggraph::geom_node_point(size=node.size, color=edge.color,alpha=edge.alpha)
## edges
gp <- gp + ggraph::geom_edge_diagonal(color=edge.color,alpha=edge.alpha,width=edge.width)
}else if(edge=="link"){
gp <- gp + ggraph::geom_edge_link(color=edge.color,alpha=edge.alpha,width=edge.width)
}else if(edge=="arc"){
gp <- gp + ggraph::geom_edge_arc(color=edge.color,alpha=edge.alpha,width=edge.width)
}else if(edge=="fan"){
gp <- gp + ggraph::geom_edge_fan(color=edge.color,alpha=edge.alpha,width=edge.width)
}else if(edge=="elbow"){
gp <- gp + ggraph::geom_edge_elbow(color=edge.color,alpha=edge.alpha,width=edge.width)
## node/leave labels
if(leave & !is.null(gp$data$leaf)){
df <- subset(gp$data, leaf==T)
df <- gp$data
gp <- gp + ggrepel::geom_text_repel(data=df, aes(x=x, y=y, label=label), color=node.label.color, size=node.label.size, alpha=node.label.alpha, show.legend=F, segment.alpha=0.5, segment.color="grey50", segment.size=0.2, arrow=arrow(length=unit(0.01,'npc')), ...)
}else if(node.label.direction=='leftright'){
offset <- (range(gp$data$x)[2]-range(gp$data$x)[1]) * node.label.offset
root <- subset(gp$data, name==dnet::dDAGroot(ig))
## left
df1 <- subset(df, x < root$x)
df1$nudge_x <- -1 * (df1$x - min(gp$data$x)) - offset
gp <- gp + ggrepel::geom_text_repel(data=df1, aes(x=x, y=y, label=label), color=node.label.color, size=node.label.size, alpha=node.label.alpha, show.legend=F, segment.alpha=0.5, segment.color="grey50", segment.size=0.2, arrow=arrow(length=unit(0.01,'npc')), direction="y", hjust=0, nudge_x=df1$nudge_x)
## right
df2 <- subset(df, x >= root$x)
df2$nudge_x <- (max(gp$data$x)-df2$x) + offset
gp <- gp + ggrepel::geom_text_repel(data=df2, aes(x=x, y=y, label=label), color=node.label.color, size=node.label.size, alpha=node.label.alpha, show.legend=F, segment.alpha=0.5, segment.color="grey50", segment.size=0.2, arrow=arrow(length=unit(0.01,'npc')), direction="y", hjust=1, nudge_x=df2$nudge_x)
gp <- gp + expand_limits(x=range(gp$data$x)*(1+2*node.label.offset), y=range(gp$data$y))
gp <- gp + expand_limits(x=c(-limit.expansion, limit.expansion), y=c(-limit.expansion, limit.expansion))
}else if(node.label.direction=='topbottom'){
offset <- (range(gp$data$y)[2]-range(gp$data$y)[1]) * node.label.offset
root <- subset(gp$data, name==dnet::dDAGroot(ig))
## bottom
df1 <- subset(df, y < root$y)
df1$nudge_y <- -1 * (df1$y - min(gp$data$y)) - offset
gp <- gp + ggrepel::geom_text_repel(data=df1, aes(x=x, y=y, label=label), color=node.label.color, size=node.label.size, alpha=node.label.alpha, show.legend=F, segment.alpha=0.5, segment.color="grey50", segment.size=0.2, arrow=arrow(length=unit(0.01,'npc')), direction="x", hjust=0, nudge_y=df1$nudge_y, angle=90)
## top
df2 <- subset(df, y >= root$y)
df2$nudge_y <- (max(gp$data$y)-df2$y) + offset
gp <- gp + ggrepel::geom_text_repel(data=df2, aes(x=x, y=y, label=label), color=node.label.color, size=node.label.size, alpha=node.label.alpha, show.legend=F, segment.alpha=0.5, segment.color="grey50", segment.size=0.2, arrow=arrow(length=unit(0.01,'npc')), direction="x", hjust=1, nudge_y=df2$nudge_y, angle=90)
gp <- gp + expand_limits(x=range(gp$data$x), y=range(gp$data$y)*(1+2*node.label.offset))
gp <- gp + expand_limits(x=c(-limit.expansion, limit.expansion), y=c(-limit.expansion, limit.expansion))
gp <- gp + ggraph::theme_graph(base_family="sans",plot_margin=margin(0,0,0,0))
# order by tipid
tipid <- NULL
#gp$data <- gp$data %>% dplyr::arrange(tipid)
gp$ig <- ig
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