A = 1:7;
B = 1:18;
D = seq(0,1,by=0.1)
## output file name
h5File <- tempfile(pattern = "ex_h5ls_", fileext = ".h5")
# create file with group heirachy
h5createGroup(file = h5File, group = "foo")
h5createDataset(file = h5File, dataset = "foo/A", dims = c(1, length(A) ), maxdims = c(2, 50))
h5write(obj = A, file = h5File, name = "foo/A")
h5createDataset(file = h5File, dataset = "foo/B", dims = c(1,length(B) ))
h5write(obj = B, file = h5File, name = "foo/B")
h5createDataset(file = h5File, dataset = "baa", dims = c(1,length(D) ))
h5write(obj = D, file = h5File, name = "baa")
test_that("Default arguments", {
ls_output <- h5ls( file = h5File )
expect_is( ls_output, "data.frame" )
expect_identical( ls_output$name, c("baa", "foo", "A", "B") )
expect_equal( dim(ls_output), c(4, 5) )
test_that("Expanded information", {
ls_output <- h5ls( file = h5File, all = TRUE )
expect_equal( dim(ls_output), c(4, 12) )
test_that("h5ls reads dimensions correctly", {
ls_output <- h5ls( file = h5File, all = TRUE )
expect_equal(ls_output[3, "dim"], "1 x 7")
expect_equal(ls_output[3, "maxdim"], "2 x 50")
test_that("Changing recursion depth", {
expect_silent (ls_output <- h5ls(file = h5File, recursive = FALSE) )
expect_equal( dim(ls_output), c(2, 5) )
expect_identical( ls_output$name, c("baa", "foo") )
expect_identical( h5ls(h5File, recursive = 1),
ls_output )
expect_identical( h5ls(h5File, recursive = -1),
h5ls(h5File) )
expect_error( h5ls(h5File, recursive = 0) )
expect_warning( h5ls(h5File, recursive = 1:3),
regexp = "'recursive' must be of length 1")
expect_error( h5ls(h5File, recursive = "TRUE") )
test_that("Changing traversal order", {
expect_identical( h5ls(h5File, order = "H5_ITER_DEC")$name,
c("foo", "B", "A", "baa") )
expect_identical( h5ls(h5File, order = "H5_ITER_INC")$name,
c("baa", "foo", "A", "B") )
test_that('Passing H5Identifier does not close it', {
fid <- H5Fopen(h5File)
expect_is( h5ls(file = fid), class = 'data.frame')
expect_silent( H5Fclose(fid) )
test_that("h5ls warns if identical groups are detected", {
createFileWithCopiedGroup <- function(h5file) {
h5createGroup(h5file, group = "/group1")
h5createDataset(h5file, dataset = "/dset1", dims = list(50))
h5write(1:50, h5file, name = "/group1/dset1")
fid <- H5Fopen(h5file)
H5Lcopy(fid, "/group1", fid, "/group2")
h5file <- tempfile()
expect_warning(h5ls(h5file), regexp = "Identical objects found")
test_that("h5ls doesn't report false positives with external links to groups", {
f1 <- tempfile()
f2 <- tempfile()
h5createGroup(f1, group = "/test/")
h5createGroup(f2, group = "/test/")
h5write(1:10, file = f1, name = "/test/A")
h5write(1:10, file = f2, name = "/test/B")
f3 <- tempfile()
fid <- H5Fcreate(name = f3)
H5Lcreate_external(link_loc = fid, link_name = "A", target_file_name = f2, target_obj_name = "/test/")
H5Lcreate_external(link_loc = fid, link_name = "B", target_file_name = f3, target_obj_name = "/test/")
expect_silent(h5ls(f1, recursive = 1))
context("h5ls cleanup")
test_that("No open HDF5 objects are left", {
expect_equal( length(h5validObjects()), 0 )
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