


A = 1:7;  
## output file name
h5File <- tempfile(pattern = "ex_delete", fileext = ".h5")
h5write(obj = A, file = h5File, name = "A")

test_that("Error if file doesn't exist", {
    expect_error( h5delete(file = "foo", name = "baa"), regexp = "Cannot open file" )

test_that("Error if link doesn't exist", {
    expect_error( h5delete(file = h5File, name = "baa"), regexp = "Specified link doesn't exist" )

test_that("Deletion works for vector", {

    expect_true( "A" %in% h5ls(h5File)$name )
    expect_silent( h5delete(file = h5File, name = "A") )    
    expect_false( "A" %in% h5ls(h5File)$name )

## add several datatypes including a list with subgroups 
fid <- H5Fopen(h5File)
expect_silent(h5writeDataset(obj = matrix(1:10, ncol = 2), h5loc = fid, name = "matrix"))
expect_silent(h5writeDataset(obj = list(a = 1:4, b = letters[10:15]), h5loc = fid, name = "list"))
expect_silent(h5writeDataset(obj = data.frame("col_A" = 1:10, "col_B" = letters[1:10]), 
                             h5loc = fid, name = "data.frame"))

## record the file size
original_filesize <- file.size(h5File)

test_that("Deletion is selective", {
    expect_true( "data.frame" %in% h5ls(h5File)$name )
    expect_silent( h5delete(file = h5File, name = "data.frame") )  
    ## 'data.frame' has been removed
    expect_false( "data.frame" %in% h5ls(h5File)$name )
    ## 'list' is still present
    expect_true( "list" %in% h5ls(h5File)$name )

test_that("Deletion removes subgroups", {
    expect_silent( h5delete(file = h5File, name = "list") )  
    expect_false( "a" %in% h5ls(h5File)$name )

test_that("Deletion reduces filesize", {
    expect_lt( file.size(h5File), original_filesize )
## Attribute deletion ##

h5write(obj = A, file = h5File, name = "A")

test_that("Attributes can be deleted", {
  expect_true(h5deleteAttribute(h5File, name = "A", attribute = "rhdf5-NA.OK"))
  expect_length(h5readAttributes(h5File, name = "A"), n = 0)

test_that("Attribute deletion error handling works", {
  expect_false(h5deleteAttribute(h5File, name = "B", attribute = "test")) %>%
    expect_message(regexp = "Object 'B' not found in")
  expect_false(h5deleteAttribute(h5File, name = "A", attribute = "test")) %>%
    expect_message(regexp = "Attribute 'test' not found")

test_that("No open HDF5 objects are left", {
  expect_length( h5validObjects(), 0 )
grimbough/rhdf5 documentation built on Jan. 11, 2025, 5:32 a.m.