# library(rhdf5)
# library(dplyr)
# library(tibble)
# library(ggplot2)
# library(lubridate)
# library(zoo)
# .getSignalMetaData <- function(file) {
# dat <- h5readAttributes(file, "/UniqueGlobalKey/channel_id/")
# dat$sampling_rate <- IONiseR:::.getSamplingRate(file)
# dat$exp_start_time <- as.numeric(h5readAttributes(file, "/UniqueGlobalKey/tracking_id")$exp_start_time)
# return( dat )
# }
# .getEvents <- function(file) {
# fid <- H5Fopen(file)
# on.exit(H5Fclose(fid))
# exists <- IONiseR:::.groupExistsObj(fid, group = "/Analyses/EventDetection_000/Reads")
# if(!exists) {
# start_time <- duration <- num_events <- median_signal <- NA
# } else {
# ## get the Read_No., this changes in every file
# gid <- H5Gopen(fid, "/Analyses/EventDetection_000/Reads")
# read_number_char <- h5ls(gid)[1,"name"]
# H5Gclose(gid)
# ## Open the group
# gid <- H5Gopen(fid, paste0("/Analyses/EventDetection_000/Reads/", read_number_char))
# did <- H5Dopen(gid, "Events")
# events <- as_tibble(H5Dread(did, bit64conversion = "int", compoundAsDataFrame = TRUE))
# H5Dclose(did)
# H5Gclose(gid)
# }
# return(events)
# }
# .getRaw <- function(file) {
# fid <- H5Fopen(file)
# on.exit(H5Fclose(fid))
# exists <- IONiseR:::.groupExistsObj(fid, group = "/Raw/Reads")
# if(!exists) {
# start_time <- duration <- num_events <- median_signal <- NA
# } else {
# ## get the Read_No., this changes in every file
# gid <- H5Gopen(fid, "/Raw/Reads")
# read_number_char <- h5ls(gid)[1,"name"]
# H5Gclose(gid)
# ## Open the group
# gid <- H5Gopen(fid, paste0("/Raw/Reads/", read_number_char))
# did <- H5Dopen(gid, "Signal")
# signal = H5Dread(did)
# H5Dclose(did)
# ## get the starting time
# aid <- H5Aopen(gid, name = "start_time")
# startTime <- H5Aread(aid)
# H5Aclose(aid)
# H5Gclose(gid)
# raw <- tibble(signal, time = seq(startTime, length.out = length(signal)))
# }
# return(raw)
# }
# # [experiment start time] /UniqueGlobalKey/tracking_id/{exp_start_time}
# # [read start time] /Raw/Reads/Read_<nnn>/{start_time}
# # [sampling rate] /UniqueGlobalKey/channel_id/{sampling_rate}
# # [channels 0pA adc] /UniqueGlobalKey/channel_id/{offset}
# # [digitisable range in pA] /UniqueGlobalKey/channel_id/{range}
# # [digitisation] /UniqueGlobalKey/channel_id/{digitisation}
# # x-axis: [signal time in UTC] = [experiment start time] + ([read start time] + <signal_index_0_based>) / [sampling rate]
# # y-axis: [current in pA] = (<signal_value> + [channels 0pA adc] ) * [digitisable range in pA] / [digitisation]
# # <signal_value> is the column value in the dataset at /Raw/Reads/Read_###/Signal
# # <signal_index_0_based> is the row index starting at 0 for the time conversion formula to work
# f1 <- "~/projects/bioconductor/IONiseR/inst/extdata/example_v2.fast5"
# f1 <- "/mnt/data/randomEncounters/MichaelVeronesi/Nanopore Sample 2/graveley_HP_20160627_FN_MN16664_sequencing_run_sample_id_84084_ch276_read1110_strand.fast5"
# s1 <- .getSignalMetaData(f1)
# t1 <- .getRaw(f1) %>%
# mutate(pA = signal + s1$offset * (s1$range / s1$digitisation),
# utc = (time / s1$sampling_rate) + as.numeric(s1$exp_start_time))
# slice(t1,500:5000 ) %>%
# mutate(date = as_datetime(utc)) %>%
# ggplot( aes(x = date, y = pA)) + geom_line()
# t2 <- slice(t1,2500:4000 ) %>%
# mutate(date = as_datetime(utc)) %>%
# mutate(mean.back = rollmean(x = pA, 15, align = "right", fill = NA),
# mean.forward = rollmean(x = pA, 15, align = "left", fill = NA)) %>%
# mutate(mad.back = 3 * rollapply(data = pA, width = 15, align = "right", fill = NA, FUN = mad)) %>%
# mutate(mad.forward = 3 * rollapply(data = pA, width = 15, align = "left", fill = NA, FUN = mad)) %>%
# mutate(jump = ifelse((pA<mean.back-mad.back|pA>mean.back+mad.back) &
# (pA>mean.forward-mad.forward&pA<mean.forward+mad.forward),
# TRUE, FALSE)) %>%
# mutate(jump2 = rollapply(data = jump, width = 15, align = "right", fill = FALSE, FUN = function(x) { ifelse(sum(x, na.rm=TRUE)==1&x[15], TRUE, FALSE)}))
# ggplot(t2, aes(x = date, y = pA)) + geom_point() +
# geom_point(data = filter(t2, jump2==TRUE), aes(x = date, y = pA), color = "cyan")
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