#' Extract predictions from \code{classify()} object
#' This function predicts the class labels of test data for a given model.
#' \code{predictClassify} function returns the predicted class information along with trained model.
#' Predicted values are given either as class labels or estimated probabilities of each class for
#' each sample. If \code{type = "raw"}, as can be seen in the example below, the predictions are
#' extracted as raw class labels.In order to extract estimated class probabilities, one should follow the steps below:
#' \itemize{
#' \item set \code{classProbs = TRUE} within \code{control} arguement in \code{\link{classify}}
#' \item set \code{type = "prob"} within \code{predictClassify}
#' }
#' @param model a model of \code{MLSeq} class
#' @param test.data a \code{DESeqDataSet} instance of new observations.
#' @param \dots further arguments to be passed to or from methods. These arguements are used in
#' \code{\link[caret]{predict.train}} from caret package.
#' @return \code{MLSeqObject} an MLSeq object returned from \code{classify}. See details.
#' @return \code{Predictions} a data frame or vector including either the predicted class
#' probabilities or class labels of given test data.
#' @author Gokmen Zararsiz, Dincer Goksuluk, Selcuk Korkmaz, Vahap Eldem, Izzet Parug Duru, Turgay Unver, Ahmet Ozturk
#' @references
#' Kuhn M. (2008). Building predictive models in R using the caret package. Journal of Statistical Software,
#' (\url{http://www.jstatsoft.org/v28/i05/})
#' Anders S. Huber W. (2010). Differential expression analysis for sequence count data. Genome Biology, 11:R106
#' Witten DM. (2011). Classification and clustering of sequencing data using a poisson model. The Annals of Applied Statistics, 5(4), 2493:2518
#' Charity WL. et al. (2014) Voom: precision weights unlock linear model analysis tools for RNA-Seq read counts,
#' Genome Biology, 15:R29, doi:10.1186/gb-2014-15-2-r29
#' Witten D. et al. (2010) Ultra-high throughput sequencing-based small RNA discovery and discrete statistical
#' biomarker analysis in a collection of cervical tumours and matched controls. BMC Biology, 8:58
#' Robinson MD, Oshlack A (2010). A scaling normalization method for differential expression analysis of RNA-Seq data.
#' Genome Biology, 11:R25, doi:10.1186/gb-2010-11-3-r25
#' @keywords RNA-seq classification
#' @seealso \code{\link{classify}}, \code{\link[caret]{train}}, \code{\link[caret]{trainControl}}
#' @examples
#' library(DESeq2)
#' data(cervical)
#' # a subset of cervical data with first 150 features.
#' data <- cervical[c(1:150), ]
#' # defining sample classes.
#' class <- data.frame(condition = factor(rep(c("N","T"), c(29, 29))))
#' n <- ncol(data) # number of samples
#' p <- nrow(data) # number of features
#' # number of samples for test set (20% test, 80% train).
#' nTest <- ceiling(n*0.2)
#' ind <- sample(n, nTest, FALSE)
#' # train set
#' data.train <- data[ ,-ind]
#' data.train <- as.matrix(data.train + 1)
#' classtr <- data.frame(condition = class[-ind, ])
#' # train set in S4 class
#' data.trainS4 <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = data.train,
#' colData = classtr, formula(~ condition))
#' data.trainS4 <- DESeq(data.trainS4, fitType = "local")
#' # test set
#' data.test <- data[ ,ind]
#' data.test <- as.matrix(data.test + 1)
#' classts <- data.frame(condition=class[ind, ])
#' # test set in S4
#' data.testS4 <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = data.test,
#' colData = classts, formula(~ condition))
#' data.testS4 <- DESeq(data.testS4, fitType = "local")
#' ## Number of repeats (repeats) might change model accuracies ##
#' # Classification and Regression Tree (CART) Classification
#' cart <- classify(data = data.trainS4, method = "cart",
#' transformation = "vst", ref = "T", normalize = "deseq",
#' control = trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", number = 5,
#' repeats = 3, classProbs = TRUE))
#' cart
#' # Random Forest (RF) Classification
#' rf <- classify(data = data.trainS4, method = "randomforest",
#' transformation = "vst", ref = "T", normalize = "deseq",
#' control = trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", number = 5,
#' repeats = 3, classProbs = TRUE))
#' rf
#' # predicted classes of test samples for CART method (class probabilities)
#' pred.cart = predictClassify(cart, data.testS4, type = "prob")
#' pred.cart
#' # predicted classes of test samples for RF method (class labels)
#' pred.rf = predictClassify(rf, data.testS4, type = "raw")
#' pred.rf
#' @importFrom caret predict.train
#' @export
predictClassify <- function (model, test.data, ...){
if (class(model) != "MLSeq")
stop("Model should be a \"MLSeq\" object.")
if (class(test.data)[1] != "DESeqDataSet") {
stop("Data should be a \"DESeqDataSet\" object.")
normalize = normalization(model)
transformation = transformation(model)
counts = counts(test.data)
conditions = test.data$condition
if (normalize != "none") {
if (transformation == "voomCPM" & length(levels(conditions)) <= 1) {
warning("Voom transformation can be applied only to factors with 2 or more levels. \"vst\" transformation is performed with DESeq's \"blind\" dispersion estimation method.")
transformation = "vst"
normalize = "deseq"
vst.method = "blind"
if (normalize == "none") {
counts = t(counts)
if (normalize == "tmm" & !VOOM) {
counts = counts(test.data)
y <- DGEList(counts = counts, genes = rownames(counts))
y <- calcNormFactors(y)
design <- model.matrix(~conditions)
v <- voom(y, design, plot = FALSE)
counts = data.frame(t(v$E))
if (normalize == "deseq") {
test.data = estimateSizeFactors(test.data)
if (transformation == "vst") {
test.data = estimateDispersions(test.data, fitType = "local")
test.datavst = getVarianceStabilizedData(test.data)
test.datavst <- as.matrix(test.datavst)
conds = data.frame(conditions, row.names = colnames(test.datavst))
test.datavst = ExpressionSet(test.datavst, AnnotatedDataFrame(conds))
counts = data.frame(t(exprs(test.datavst)))
if (transformation == "voomCPM" & !VOOM) {
counts = counts(test.data, normalized = TRUE)
y <- DGEList(counts = counts, genes = rownames(counts))
design <- model.matrix(~conditions)
v <- voom(y, design, plot = FALSE)
counts = data.frame(t(v$E))
test.pred = predict(trained(model), counts, ...)
res <- list(MLSeqObject = model, Predictions = test.pred)
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