
Defines functions manage_paths

Documented in manage_paths

#' organise and test external dependencies
#' This function checks that all the external dependencies required for
#' secertome prediction pipelines are available and can sucessfully pass test
#' runs. \cr
#' \cr
#' All the external dependencies can be made accessible via $PATH environment
#' variable; alternatively a text file the with full paths to all the external
#' dependencies should be provided.
#' \cr
#' \cr
#' For the instalation instructions please see SecretSanta vignette.
#' @param in_path if \strong{TRUE} manage_paths will attempt to run
#' external dependencies, assuming that respective paths are attached to the
#' $PATH variable;\cr
#' \cr
#' if \strong{FALSE} you should supply path_file.
#' @param test_tool if \strong{all} - all the external dependencies will be
#' checked;\cr
#' alternatively specify a tool name to be checked.
#' @param path_file    full paths to external dependencies in a
#' 2-column space-separated text file;\cr
#' for multiple versions of signalp please use 'signalpV'notation, where V is a
#' version number;\cr
#' \cr
#' \strong{first column} should contain tool name; \cr
#' \strong{second column} should contain full path to the tool's executable.
#' @return a list of length 3 with the following elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{tests}    TRUE if all the exteranl dependencies are working;
#' \item \strong{in_path}    TRUE if the dependecies are accessible via $PATH;
#' FALSE - if paths are provided with the path_file argument;
#' \item \strong{path_tibble} a tibble with verified names and paths for
#' external dependencies; \cr
#' NA if in_path is TRUE;\cr
#' if a specific tool is tested, a singualr path will be returned.
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Example1:
#' # here we assume that paths to all the
#' # external dependencies are attached to
#' # the $PATH variable:
#' manage_paths(in_path = TRUE, test_tool = 'all')
#' # to test just a single tool:
#' manage_paths(in_path = TRUE, test_tool = 'signalp2')
#' # Example2:
#' # alternatively, we are in a situation
#' # when changing $PATH is not possible,
#' # so we supply a file with listed full
#' # paths to the external dependencies:
#' manage_paths(in_path = FALSE,
#' test_tool = 'all',
#' path_file = system.file("extdata", "sample_paths", package = "SecretSanta"))

manage_paths <- function(in_path = c(TRUE, FALSE),
                         test_tool = c('all',
                         path_file = NULL) {
  test_tool <- match.arg(test_tool)

  # here we assume that all the tools are accessible via $PATH:
  if (in_path) {
    message('Checking dependencies accessible via $PATH ...')
    if (is.null(path_file)) {
      message("No path has been specified.")
    } else {
      message('Path file provided, but not required.')
    pp <- NA

  # alternatively, we will be dealing with paths supplied in a separate
  # path_file, first check that all the supplied paths are valid
  if (!in_path) {
    if (is.null(path_file)) {
      stop('Please supply path_file')
    } else {
      # read path file in a tibble
      pp <- tibble::as.tibble(read.table(
        sep = ' ',
        header = FALSE,
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE

      if (nrow(pp) == 0) {
        stop ("The path_file was empty ... Please check that the path_file stores valid content.")

      # check that there are only 2 columns, i.e no extra spaces in
      # tool names
      if (ncol(pp) > 2) {
        stop('Please check that there are no spaces in the tool names.')

      names(pp) <- c("tool", "path")
      # check that all supplied paths exist
      pp$exists <- file.exists(pp$path)

      if (all(pp$exists)) {
        message('All paths are valid.')
        # convert all the tool names to lower case to avoid confusion
        pp$tool <- tolower(pp$tool)

      } else {
        message('Supplied file path does not exist.')
        message(sapply(pp[pp$exists == TRUE, ]$path, paste, '\n'))
        stop('Please check that supplied paths are correct.')

  # check that all the dependencies are executable in principle,
  # i.e we are able to process a small sample fasta file

  # micro fasta file to test with all tools:
  test_fasta <- system.file("extdata", "small_prot.fasta",
                            package = "SecretSanta")

  # helper function to extract tool paths when provided in path_file

  get_paths <-
    function(tool_name) {
      pp[pp$tool == tool_name, ]$path

  # helper function to generate status message: tool failed or not

  status_message <- function(tool_name, status) {
    if (status == 'OK') {
      message(paste(tool_name, ' run completed!'))
    if (status == 'FAIL') {
      message(paste(tool_name, ' test_run_failed!'))

  # helper function to make a tool call, wrap in get_paths if necessary
  make_call <-
    function(tool) {
      if (in_path)

  # helper function to test a generic tool and reutrn it's status based on
  # generated output
  ## test_fasta will be in parent function environment, so we may skip
  ## this argument

  test_my_tool <-
             grep_line) {
      tool_call <- system(paste(make_call(tool_name),
                                test_fasta), intern = TRUE)
      if (grepl(grep_param, tool_call[grep_line]))  {
        status_message(tool_name, 'OK')
        tool_status <- TRUE
      } else {
        status_message(tool_name, 'FAIL')
        tool_status <- FALSE

  # gather parameters in lists
  tool_names <-
  call_params <- c(rep('-t euk', 3), '-P', '--short', 'fungi <')
  grep_params <- c(
    'SignalP predictions',
    'SignalP 3.0 predictions',
    'targetp v1.1 prediction results',
    '# k used for kNN is: 27'
  grep_lines <- c(rep(1, 3), 2, rep(1, 2))

  # now we will run required tests according to the actual value
  # of the mode argument

  if (test_tool == 'all') {
    # to return named logical vector
    all_tests <-
  } else {
    t_ind <- tool_names == test_tool
    t_args <-
      lapply(list(call_params, grep_params, grep_lines), '[', t_ind)
    all_tests <- do.call(test_my_tool, c(test_tool, t_args))

  # construct the final output:
  # output paths only for the tools tested
  if ((!in_path) & (test_tool != 'all')) {
    pp <- pp[pp$tool == test_tool, ]

  result <-
    list(tests = all_tests,
         in_path = in_path,
         path_tibble = pp)
gogleva/SecretSanta documentation built on May 30, 2019, 8:02 a.m.