test_that("*_any_missing() | general test", {
pattern = "'NA' cannot have missing values")
checkmate::expect_string(check_any_missing(NA, name = "x"),
pattern = "'x' cannot have missing values")
expect_equal(assert_any_missing(1), 1)
test_that("*_leq() | general test", {
expect_true(test_leq(1, 1))
expect_true(test_leq(1, 2))
expect_false(test_leq(2, 1))
checkmate::expect_string(check_leq(2, 1),
pattern = "'2' must be less or equal to '1'")
checkmate::expect_string(check_leq(2, 1, name_x = "x", name_y = "y"),
pattern = "'x' must be less or equal to 'y'")
expect_true(check_leq(1, 1))
expect_true(check_leq(1, 2))
expect_error(assert_leq(2, 1))
expect_equal(assert_leq(1, 1), 1)
test_that("*_leq() | error test", {
# checkmate::assert_number(x)
expect_error(test_leq(NA, 1))
expect_error(check_leq(NA, 1))
# checkmate::assert_number(y)
expect_error(test_leq(1, NA))
expect_error(check_leq(1, NA))
test_that("assert_internet() | general test", {
mock <- function(.parent = parent.frame(), .env = topenv(.parent)) {
has_internet = function(...) TRUE,
mock <- function(.parent = parent.frame(), .env = topenv(.parent)) {
has_internet = function(...) FALSE,
test_that("assert_identical() | general test", {
expect_error(assert_identical(1, c(1, 1), type = "value"))
expect_true(assert_identical(1, 1, type = "value"))
expect_error(assert_identical(1, c(2, 2), type = "length"))
expect_true(assert_identical(1, 2, type = "length"))
expect_error(assert_identical(1, "a", type = "class"))
expect_true(assert_identical(1, 3, type = "class"))
expect_true(assert_identical(NULL, NULL, null.ok = TRUE))
expect_error(assert_identical(1, NA, any.missing = FALSE))
expect_error(assert_identical(NULL, NULL, null.ok = FALSE))
test_that("*_hms() | general test", {
expect_true(test_hms(x = hms::hms(1)))
expect_true(test_hms(x = c(hms::hms(1), NA), any.missing = TRUE))
expect_true(test_hms(x = NULL, null.ok = TRUE))
expect_false(test_hms(x = "a"))
expect_false(test_hms(x = 1))
expect_false(test_hms(x = lubridate::hours()))
expect_false(test_hms(x = lubridate::dhours()))
expect_false(test_hms(x = datasets::iris))
x = c(lubridate::dhours(1), NA), any.missing = FALSE)
expect_false(test_hms(x = NULL, null.ok = FALSE))
x = hms::hms(1), lower = hms::hms(2))
x = hms::hms(1), upper = hms::hms(0))
x = c(1, NA), any.missing = FALSE
"'c\\(1, NA\\)' cannot have missing values"
x = NULL, null.ok = FALSE
"'NULL' cannot be 'NULL'"
x = hms::hms(1), lower = hms::hms(2)
"Element 1 is not <= "
x = hms::hms(1), upper = hms::hms(0)
"Element 1 is not >= "
x = c(1, 1)
"Must be of type 'hms', not 'numeric'"
expect_true(check_hms(x = c(hms::hms(1), hms::hms(1))))
expect_true(check_hms(x = NULL, null.ok = TRUE))
x = c(hms::hms(1), hms::hms(1))
c(hms::hms(1), hms::hms(1))
x = c(1, 1)
"Assertion on 'c\\(1, 1\\)' failed"
test_that("*_hms() | error test", {
# checkmate::assert_flag(any.missing)
expect_error(test_hms(hms::hms(1), any.missing = 1))
expect_error(check_hms(hms::hms(1), any.missing = 1))
# checkmate::assert_flag(null.ok)
expect_error(test_hms(hms::hms(1), null.ok = 1))
expect_error(check_hms(hms::hms(1), null.ok = 1))
test_that("*_posixt() | general test", {
expect_true(test_posixt(x = lubridate::as_datetime(1)))
expect_true(test_posixt(x = as.POSIXlt(lubridate::as_datetime(1))))
x = c(lubridate::as_datetime(1), NA), any.missing = TRUE)
expect_true(test_posixt(x = NULL, null.ok = TRUE))
expect_false(test_posixt(x = "a"))
expect_false(test_posixt(x = 1))
expect_false(test_posixt(x = lubridate::hours()))
expect_false(test_posixt(x = hms::hms(1)))
expect_false(test_posixt(x = datasets::iris))
x = c(lubridate::as_datetime(1), NA), any.missing = FALSE)
expect_false(test_posixt(x = NULL, null.ok = FALSE))
x = lubridate::as_datetime(1), lower = lubridate::as_datetime(2))
x = lubridate::as_datetime(1), upper = lubridate::as_datetime(0))
x = c(1, NA), any.missing = FALSE
"'c\\(1, NA\\)' cannot have missing values"
x = NULL, null.ok = FALSE
"'NULL' cannot be 'NULL'"
x = lubridate::as_datetime(1), lower = lubridate::as_datetime(2)
"Element 1 is not <= "
x = lubridate::as_datetime(1), upper = lubridate::as_datetime(0)
"Element 1 is not >= "
x = c(1, 1)
"Must be of type 'POSIXct' or 'POSIXlt', "
x = c(lubridate::as_datetime(1), lubridate::as_datetime(1)))
expect_true(check_posixt(x = NULL, null.ok = TRUE))
x = c(lubridate::as_datetime(1), lubridate::as_datetime(1))
c(lubridate::as_datetime(1), lubridate::as_datetime(1))
x = c(1, 1)
"Assertion on 'c\\(1, 1\\)' failed"
test_that("*_posixt() | error test", {
# checkmate::assert_flag(any.missing)
expect_error(test_posixt(lubridate::as_datetime(1), any.missing = 1))
expect_error(check_posixt(lubridate::as_datetime(1), any.missing = 1))
# checkmate::assert_flag(null.ok)
expect_error(test_posixt(lubridate::as_datetime(1), null.ok = 1))
expect_error(check_posixt(lubridate::as_datetime(1), null.ok = 1))
test_that("*_interval() | general test", {
int <- lubridate::interval(
as.POSIXct("2020-01-01 00:00:00"), as.POSIXct("2020-01-02 00:00:00"))
int_lower <- lubridate::interval(
as.POSIXct("2020-01-01 01:00:00"), as.POSIXct("2020-01-02 00:00:00"))
int_upper <- lubridate::interval(
as.POSIXct("2020-01-01 00:00:00"), as.POSIXct("2020-01-02 01:00:00"))
expect_true(test_interval(c(int, lubridate::as.interval(NA)),
any.missing = TRUE))
expect_true(test_interval(NULL, null.ok = TRUE))
expect_true(test_interval(int, lower = int_lower))
expect_true(test_interval(int, upper = int_upper))
expect_false(test_interval(c(int, NA), any.missing = FALSE))
expect_false(test_interval(NULL, null.ok = FALSE))
expect_false(test_interval(int, lower = int_upper))
expect_false(test_interval(int, upper = int_lower))
check_interval(c(1, NA), any.missing = FALSE),
pattern = "'c\\(1, NA\\)' cannot have missing values"
checkmate::expect_string(check_interval(NULL, null.ok = FALSE),
pattern = "'NULL' cannot be 'NULL'")
checkmate::expect_string(check_interval(int, lower = int_upper),
pattern = "Element 1 is not >= ")
checkmate::expect_string(check_interval(int, upper = int_lower),
pattern = "Element 1 is not <= ")
checkmate::expect_string(check_interval(c(1, 1)),
pattern = "Must be of type 'Interval'")
expect_true(check_interval(c(int, int_lower)))
expect_true(check_interval(NULL, null.ok = TRUE))
expect_equal(assert_interval(c(int, int_lower)), c(int, int_lower))
expect_error(assert_interval(c(1, 1)), "Assertion on 'c\\(1, 1\\)' failed")
test_that("*_interval() | error test", {
# checkmate::assert_flag(any.missing)
expect_error(test_interval(lubridate::as_datetime(1), any.missing = 1))
expect_error(check_interval(lubridate::as_datetime(1), any.missing = 1))
# checkmate::assert_flag(null.ok)
expect_error(test_interval(lubridate::as_datetime(1), null.ok = 1))
expect_error(check_interval(lubridate::as_datetime(1), null.ok = 1))
test_that("*_tsibble() | general test", {
data <- dplyr::tibble(
index = seq(as.Date("2020-01-01"), as.Date("2020-01-02"), by = "day"),
x = seq_along(index)
) %>%
tsibble::tsibble(index = index)
expect_true(test_tsibble(NULL, null.ok = TRUE))
expect_false(test_tsibble(data, min.rows = 3))
expect_false(test_tsibble(data, min.cols = 3))
expect_false(test_tsibble(NULL, null.ok = FALSE))
expect_true(check_tsibble(NULL, null.ok = TRUE))
pattern = "'NULL' cannot be 'NULL'")
pattern = "Must be of type 'tbl_ts' \\(tsibble\\), not 'numeric'"
check_tsibble(data, min.rows = 3),
pattern = "Must have at least 3 rows, but has 2 rows"
check_tsibble(data, min.cols = 3),
pattern = "Must have at least 3 cols, but has 2 cols"
expect_equal(assert_tsibble(data), data)
expect_error(assert_tsibble(1), "Assertion on '1' failed")
test_that("*_tsibble() | error test", {
data <- dplyr::tibble(
index = seq(as.Date("2020-01-01"), as.Date("2023-01-01"), by = "day"),
x = seq_along(index)
) %>%
tsibble::tsibble(index = index)
# checkmate::assert_int(min.rows, lower = 1, null.ok = TRUE)
expect_error(test_tsibble(x = data, min.rows = "", min.cols = 1,
null.ok = TRUE),
"Assertion on 'min.rows' failed")
expect_error(check_tsibble(x = data, min.rows = "", min.cols = 1,
null.ok = TRUE),
"Assertion on 'min.rows' failed")
# checkmate::assert_int(min.cols, lower = 1, null.ok = TRUE)
expect_error(test_tsibble(x = data, min.rows = 1, min.cols = "",
null.ok = TRUE),
"Assertion on 'min.cols' failed")
expect_error(check_tsibble(data, min.rows = 1, min.cols = "",
null.ok = TRUE),
"Assertion on 'min.cols' failed")
# checkmate::assert_flag(null.ok)
expect_error(test_tsibble(x = data, min.rows = 1, min.cols = 1,
null.ok = ""),
"Assertion on 'null.ok' failed")
expect_error(check_tsibble(x = data, min.rows = 1, min.cols = 1,
null.ok = ""),
"Assertion on 'null.ok' failed")
test_that("*_index_class() | general test", {
data <- dplyr::tibble(
index = seq(as.Date("2020-01-01"), as.Date("2023-01-01"), by = "day"),
x = seq_along(index)
) %>%
tsibble::tsibble(index = index)
expect_false(test_index_class(data, classes = "numeric"))
check_index_class(data, classes = "numeric"),
pattern = "Must have an index of class 'numeric', not 'Date'"
expect_equal(assert_index_class(data), data)
expect_error(assert_index_class(data, classes = "numeric"),
"Assertion on 'data' failed")
test_that("*_index_class() | error test", {
data <- dplyr::tibble(
index = seq(as.Date("2020-01-01"), as.Date("2023-01-01"), by = "day"),
x = seq_along(index)
) %>%
tsibble::tsibble(index = index)
# assert_tsibble(x)
expect_error(test_index_class(x = 1, classes = "Date"),
"Assertion on 'x' failed")
expect_error(check_index_class(x = 1, classes = "Date"),
"Assertion on 'x' failed")
# checkmate::assert_character(classes)
expect_error(test_index_class(x = data, classes = 1),
"Assertion on 'classes' failed")
expect_error(check_index_class(x = data, classes = 1),
"Assertion on 'classes' failed")
test_that("*_regularity() | general test", {
data_1 <- dplyr::tibble(
index = seq(as.Date("2020-01-01"), as.Date("2023-01-01"), by = "day"),
x = seq_along(index)
) %>%
tsibble::tsibble(index = index)
data_2 <- dplyr::tibble(
index = c(
as.POSIXct(seq(60, 5400, by = 60), origin = lubridate::origin),
as.POSIXct(seq(5430, 5490, by = 30), origin = lubridate::origin),
as.POSIXct(seq(5505, 5520, by = 15), origin = lubridate::origin),
as.POSIXct(seq(5530, 5540, by = 10), origin = lubridate::origin),
as.POSIXct(seq(5545, 5555, by = 5), origin = lubridate::origin)
x = seq_along(index)
) %>%
tsibble::tsibble(index = index)
expect_false(test_regularity(data_2, strict = TRUE))
expect_false(test_regularity(data_2, threshold = 0.9))
check_regularity(data_2, strict = TRUE),
pattern = paste0("'data_2' must be strictly regular. ",
"See '\\?find_epoch' to learn more")
check_regularity(data_2, threshold = 0.9),
pattern = paste0("'data_2' must have a regularity equal or greater ",
"than 90%. See '\\?find_epoch' to learn more")
expect_equal(assert_regularity(data_1), data_1)
expect_error(assert_regularity(data_2), "Assertion on 'data_2' failed")
expect_message(warn_regularity(data_2, strict = TRUE))
expect_message(warn_regularity(data_2, threshold = 0.9))
test_that("*_regularity() | error test", {
data_1 <- dplyr::tibble(
index = seq(as.Date("2020-01-01"), as.Date("2023-01-01"), by = "day"),
x = seq_along(index)
) %>%
tsibble::tsibble(index = index)
data_2 <- dplyr::tibble(index = 1:10, x = seq_along(index)) %>%
tsibble::tsibble(index = index)
# assert_tsibble(x, min.rows = 2, min.cols = 2)
expect_error(test_regularity(x = 1, threshold = 1, strict = FALSE),
"Assertion on 'x' failed")
expect_error(check_regularity(x = 1, threshold = 1, strict = FALSE),
"Assertion on 'x' failed")
expect_error(warn_regularity(x = 1, threshold = 1, strict = FALSE),
"Assertion on 'x' failed")
# assert_index_class(x)
expect_error(test_regularity(x = data_2, threshold = 1, strict = FALSE),
"Assertion on 'x' failed")
expect_error(check_regularity(x = data_2, threshold = 1, strict = FALSE),
"Assertion on 'x' failed")
expect_error(warn_regularity(x = data_2, threshold = 1, strict = FALSE),
"Assertion on 'x' failed")
# checkmate::assert_number(threshold, lower = 0.001, upper = 1)
expect_error(test_regularity(x = data_1, threshold = -1, strict = FALSE),
"Assertion on 'threshold' failed")
expect_error(check_regularity(x = data_1, threshold = -1, strict = FALSE),
"Assertion on 'threshold' failed")
expect_error(warn_regularity(x = data_1, threshold = -1, strict = FALSE),
"Assertion on 'threshold' failed")
# checkmate::assert_flag(strict)
expect_error(test_regularity(x = data_1, threshold = 1, strict = 1),
"Assertion on 'strict' failed")
expect_error(check_regularity(x = data_1, threshold = 1, strict = 1),
"Assertion on 'strict' failed")
expect_error(warn_regularity(x = data_1, threshold = 1, strict = 1),
"Assertion on 'strict' failed")
test_that("*_clear_epoch() | general test", {
data_1 <- dplyr::tibble(
index = seq(as.Date("2020-01-01"), as.Date("2023-01-01"), by = "day"),
x = seq_along(index)
) %>%
tsibble::tsibble(index = index)
data_2 <- dplyr::tibble(
index = c(
as.POSIXct(seq(60, 5400, by = 60), origin = lubridate::origin),
as.POSIXct(seq(5430, 5490, by = 30), origin = lubridate::origin),
as.POSIXct(seq(5505, 5520, by = 15), origin = lubridate::origin),
as.POSIXct(seq(5530, 5540, by = 10), origin = lubridate::origin),
as.POSIXct(seq(5545, 5555, by = 5), origin = lubridate::origin)
x = seq_along(index)
) %>%
tsibble::tsibble(index = index)
expect_false(test_clear_epoch(data_2, threshold = 0.9))
check_clear_epoch(data_2, threshold = 0.9),
pattern = paste0("'data_2' does not present a clear epoch/",
"periodicity. See '\\?find_epoch' to learn more")
expect_equal(assert_clear_epoch(data_1), data_1)
expect_error(assert_clear_epoch(data_2), "Assertion on 'data_2' failed")
test_that("*_clear_epoch() | error test", {
data_1 <- dplyr::tibble(
index = seq(as.Date("2020-01-01"), as.Date("2023-01-01"), by = "day"),
x = seq_along(index)
) %>%
tsibble::tsibble(index = index)
data_2 <- dplyr::tibble(index = 1:10, x = seq_along(index)) %>%
tsibble::tsibble(index = index)
# assert_tsibble(x, min.rows = 2, min.cols = 2)
expect_error(test_clear_epoch(x = 1, threshold = 1),
"Assertion on 'x' failed")
expect_error(check_clear_epoch(x = 1, threshold = 1),
"Assertion on 'x' failed")
# assert_index_class(x)
expect_error(test_clear_epoch(x = data_2, threshold = 1),
"Assertion on 'x' failed")
expect_error(check_clear_epoch(x = data_2, threshold = 1),
"Assertion on 'x' failed")
# checkmate::assert_number(threshold, lower = 0.001, upper = 1)
expect_error(test_clear_epoch(x = data_1, threshold = -1),
"Assertion on 'threshold' failed")
expect_error(check_clear_epoch(x = data_1, threshold = -1),
"Assertion on 'threshold' failed")
test_that("*_epoch_compatibility() | general test", {
data <- dplyr::tibble(
index = seq(as.Date("2020-01-01"), as.Date("2023-01-01"), by = "day"),
x = seq_along(index)
) %>%
tsibble::tsibble(index = index)
expect_true(test_epoch_compatibility(data, unit = "years"))
expect_false(test_epoch_compatibility(data, unit = "hours"))
expect_true(check_epoch_compatibility(data, unit = "years"))
check_epoch_compatibility(data, unit = "hours"),
pattern = paste0("The epoch/periodicity present in 'data'don't allow ",
"to aggregate it in hours. See '\\?find_epoch' ",
"to learn more")
expect_equal(assert_epoch_compatibility(data, unit = "years"), data)
expect_error(assert_epoch_compatibility(data, unit = "hours"),
"Assertion on 'data' failed")
test_that("*_epoch_compatibility() | error test", {
data_1 <- dplyr::tibble(
index = seq(as.Date("2020-01-01"), as.Date("2023-01-01"), by = "day"),
x = seq_along(index)
) %>%
tsibble::tsibble(index = index)
data_2 <- dplyr::tibble(index = 1:10, x = seq_along(index)) %>%
tsibble::tsibble(index = index)
data_3 <- dplyr::tibble(
index = c(
as.POSIXct(seq(60, 100, by = 60), origin = lubridate::origin),
as.POSIXct(seq(5430, 5490, by = 30), origin = lubridate::origin),
as.POSIXct(seq(5505, 5520, by = 15), origin = lubridate::origin),
as.POSIXct(seq(5530, 5540, by = 10), origin = lubridate::origin),
as.POSIXct(seq(5545, 5555, by = 5), origin = lubridate::origin)
x = seq_along(index)
) %>%
tsibble::tsibble(index = index)
# assert_tsibble(x, min.rows = 2, min.cols = 2)
expect_error(test_epoch_compatibility(x = 1, unit = "years"),
"Assertion on 'x' failed")
expect_error(check_epoch_compatibility(x = 1, unit = "years"),
"Assertion on 'x' failed")
# assert_index_class(x)
expect_error(test_epoch_compatibility(x = data_2, unit = "years"),
"Assertion on 'x' failed")
expect_error(check_epoch_compatibility(x = data_2, unit = "years"),
"Assertion on 'x' failed")
# assert_clear_epoch(x, 0.7)
expect_error(test_epoch_compatibility(x = data_3, unit = "years"),
"Assertion on 'x' failed")
expect_error(check_epoch_compatibility(x = data_3, unit = "years"),
"Assertion on 'x' failed")
# checkmate::assert_choice(unit, unit_choices)
expect_error(test_epoch_compatibility(x = data_1, unit = ""),
"Assertion on 'unit' failed")
expect_error(check_epoch_compatibility(x = data_1, unit = ""),
"Assertion on 'unit' failed")
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