
Defines functions rotatoR

Documented in rotatoR

#' @title rotatoR
#' @description a function for rotating two basis about a point or line in that plane
#' @param x1  a value describing a the coordinate of a point in the first basis. If no values are provided for x2
#' @param y1  a value describing a the coordinate of a point in the second basis
#' @param x2  a value describing a the coordinate of the second point in the second basis
#' @param y2 a value describing a the coordinate of the second point in the second basis
#' @param basisSET the basis to be rotated
#' @return An object of class rotatoR.
#' @examples
#'  pca.RNAseq6l3c3t<-prcomp(t(p.RNAseq6l3c3t))
#'  r.RNAseq6l3c3t<-rotatoR(1,1,-1,-1,pca.RNAseq6l3c3t$rotation[,1:2])
#' @export

rotatoR <- function(x1,y1,x2,y2,basisSET){

if(dim(basisSET)[2]!=2){stop("basisSET must have 2 and only 2 columns in it for this function.");return()}
rotatedM =t(R%*%t(basisSET))
rotaNEW <- new("rotatoR",rotatedM = rotatedM)

# rotaNEW=rotaPCArota(PC1.mean.UNDIFF,PC2.mean.UNDIFF,PC1.mean.KSR,PC2.mean.KSR,pca$rota[,1:2])

# to chk rotatin worked:
# dataCEN=sweep(data,1,pca$center,"-")
# rotaXnew=(t(dataCEN))%*%rotaNEW

genesofeve/projectoR documentation built on Nov. 16, 2024, 8:21 p.m.