knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) options(scipen = 1, digits = 2) set.seed(1234) library(projectR)
Technological advances continue to spur the exponential growth of biological data as illustrated by the rise of the omics—genomics, transcriptomics, epigenomics, proteomics, etc.—each with there own high throughput technologies. In order to leverage the full power of these resources, methods to integrate multiple data sets and data types must be developed. The reciprocal nature of the genomic, transcriptomic, epigenomic, and proteomic biology requires that the data provides a complementary view of cellular function and regulatory organization; however, the technical heterogeneity and massive size of high-throughput data even within a particular omic makes integrated analysis challenging. To address these challenges, we developed projectR, an R package for integrated analysis of high dimensional omic data. projectR uses the relationships defined within a given high dimensional data set, to interrogate related biological phenomena in an entirely new data set. By relying on relative comparisons within data type, projectR is able to circumvent many issues arising from technological variation. For a more extensive example of how the tools in the projectR package can be used for in silico experiments, or additional information on the algorithm, see Stein-O'Brien, et al and Sharma, et al.
For automatic Bioconductor package installation, start R, and run:
Projection can roughly be defined as a mapping or transformation of points from one space to another often lower dimensional space. Mathematically, this can described as a function $\varphi(x)=y : \Re^{D} \mapsto \Re^{d}$ s.t. $d \leq D$ for $x \in \Re^{D}, y \in \Re^{d}$ @Barbakh:2009bw . The projectR package uses projection functions defined in a training dataset to interrogate related biological phenomena in an entirely new data set. These functions can be the product of any one of several methods common to "omic" analyses including regression, PCA, NMF, clustering. Individual sections focusing on one specific method are included in the vignette. However, the general design of the projectR function is the same regardless.
The generic projectR function is executed as follows:
projectR(data, loadings, dataNames=NULL, loadingsNames=NULL, NP = NULL, full = false)
The inputs that must be set each time are only the data and loadings, with all other inputs having default values. However, incongruities in the feature mapping between the data and loadings, i.e. a different format for the rownames of each object, will throw errors or result in an empty mapping and should be checked before running. To overcoming mismatched feature names in the objects themselves, the dataNames
and loadingNames
arguments can be manually supplied by the user.
The arguments are as follows:
a dataset to be projected into the pattern space
a matrix of continous values with unique rownames to be projected
a vector containing unique name, i.e. gene names, for the rows of the target dataset to be used to match features with the loadings, if not provided by rownames(data)
. Order of names in vector must match order of rows in data.
a vector containing unique names, i.e. gene names, for the rows of loadings to be used to match features with the data, if not provided by rownames(loadings)
. Order of names in vector must match order of rows in loadings.
vector of integers indicating which columns of loadings object to use. The default of NP = NA will use entire matrix.
logical indicating whether to return the full model solution. By default only the new pattern object is returned.
The loadings
argument in the generic projectR function is suitable for use with any genernal feature space, or set of feature spaces, whose rows annotation links them to the data to be projected. Ex: the coeffients associated with individual genes as the result of regression analysis or the amplituded values of individual genes as the result of non-negative matrix factorization (NMF).
The basic output of the base projectR function, i.e. full=FALSE
, returns projectionPatterns
representing relative weights for the samples from the new data in this previously defined feature space, or set of feature spaces. The full output of the base projectR function, i.e. full=TRUE
, returns projectionFit
, a list containing projectionPatterns
and Projection
. The Projection
object contains additional information from the proceedure used to obtain the projectionPatterns
. For the the the base projectR function, Projection
is the full lmFit
model from the package r BiocStyle::Biocpkg("limma")
Projection of principal components is achieved by matrix multiplication of a new data set by previously generated eigenvectors, or gene loadings. If the original data were standardized such that each gene is centered to zero average expression level, the principal components are normalized eigenvectors of the covariance matrix of the genes. Each PC is ordered according to how much of the variation present in the data they contain. Projection of the original samples into each PC will maximize the variance of the samples in the direction of that component and uncorrelated to previous components. Projection of new data places the new samples into the PCs defined by the original data. Because the components define an orthonormal basis set, they provide an isomorphism between a vector space, $V$, and $\Re^n$ which preserves inner products. If $V$ is an inner product space over $\Re$ with orthonormal basis $B = v_1,...,v_n$ and $v \epsilon V s.t [v]_B = (r_1,...,r_n)$, then finding the coordinate of $v_i$ in $v$ is precisely the inner product of $v$ with $v_i$, i.e. $r_i = \langle v,v_i \rangle$. This formulation is implemented for only those genes belonging to both the new data and the PC space. The projectR
function has S4 method for class prcomp
# data to define PCs library(ggplot2) data(p.RNAseq6l3c3t) # do PCA on RNAseq6l3c3t expression data pc.RNAseq6l3c3t<-prcomp(t(p.RNAseq6l3c3t)) pcVAR <- round(((pc.RNAseq6l3c3t$sdev)^2/sum(pc.RNAseq6l3c3t$sdev^2))*100,2) dPCA <- data.frame(cbind(pc.RNAseq6l3c3t$x,pd.RNAseq6l3c3t)) #plot pca setCOL <- scale_colour_manual(values = c("blue","black","red"), name="Condition:") setFILL <- scale_fill_manual(values = c("blue","black","red"),guide = FALSE) setPCH <- scale_shape_manual(values=c(23,22,25,25,21,24),name="Cell Line:") pPCA <- ggplot(dPCA, aes(x=PC1, y=PC2, colour=ID.cond, shape=ID.line, fill=ID.cond)) + geom_point(aes(size=days),alpha=.6)+ setCOL + setPCH + setFILL + scale_size_area(breaks = c(2,4,6), name="Day") + theme(legend.position=c(0,0), legend.justification=c(0,0), legend.direction = "horizontal", panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white",colour=NA), legend.background = element_rect(fill = "transparent",colour=NA), plot.title = element_text(vjust = 0,hjust=0,face="bold")) + labs(title = "PCA of hPSC PolyA RNAseq", x=paste("PC1 (",pcVAR[1],"% of varience)",sep=""), y=paste("PC2 (",pcVAR[2],"% of varience)",sep=""))
# data to project into PCs from RNAseq6l3c3t expression data data(p.ESepiGen4c1l) library(ggplot2) PCA2ESepi <- projectR(data = p.ESepiGen4c1l$mRNA.Seq,loadings=pc.RNAseq6l3c3t, full=TRUE, dataNames=map.ESepiGen4c1l[["GeneSymbols"]]) pd.ESepiGen4c1l<-data.frame(Condition=sapply(colnames(p.ESepiGen4c1l$mRNA.Seq), function(x) unlist(strsplit(x,'_'))[1]),stringsAsFactors=FALSE) pd.ESepiGen4c1l$color<-c(rep("red",2),rep("green",3),rep("blue",2),rep("black",2)) names(pd.ESepiGen4c1l$color)<-pd.ESepiGen4c1l$Cond dPCA2ESepi<- data.frame(cbind(t(PCA2ESepi[[1]]),pd.ESepiGen4c1l)) #plot pca library(ggplot2) setEpiCOL <- scale_colour_manual(values = c("red","green","blue","black"), guide = guide_legend(title="Lineage")) pPC2ESepiGen4c1l <- ggplot(dPCA2ESepi, aes(x=PC1, y=PC2, colour=Condition)) + geom_point(size=5) + setEpiCOL + theme(legend.position=c(0,0), legend.justification=c(0,0), panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white"), legend.direction = "horizontal", plot.title = element_text(vjust = 0,hjust=0,face="bold")) + labs(title = "Encode RNAseq in target PC1 & PC2", x=paste("Projected PC1 (",round(PCA2ESepi[[2]][1],2),"% of varience)",sep=""), y=paste("Projected PC2 (",round(PCA2ESepi[[2]][2],2),"% of varience)",sep=""))
library(gridExtra) #grid.arrange(pPCA,pPC2ESepiGen4c1l,nrow=1)
NMF decomposes a data matrix of $D$ with $N$ genes as rows and $M$ samples as columns, into two matrices, as $D ~ AP$. The pattern matrix P has rows associated with BPs in samples and the amplitude matrix A has columns indicating the relative association of a given gene, where the total number of BPs (k) is an input parameter. CoGAPS and GWCoGAPS seek a pattern matrix (${\bf{P}}$) and the corresponding distribution matrix of weights (${\bf{A}}$) whose product forms a mock data matrix (${\bf{M}}$) that represents the gene-wise data ${\bf{D}}$ within noise limits ($\boldsymbol{\varepsilon}$). That is, \begin{equation} {\bf{D}} = {\bf{M}} + \boldsymbol{\varepsilon} = {\bf{A}}{\bf{P}} + \boldsymbol{\varepsilon} ..............(1) \label{eq:matrixDecomp} \end{equation} The number of rows in ${\bf{P}}$ (columns in ${\bf{A}}$) defines the number of biological patterns (k) that CoGAPS/GWCoGAPS will infer from the number of nonorthogonal basis vectors required to span the data space. As in the Bayesian Decomposition algorithm @Ochs2006, the matrices ${\bf{A}}$ and ${\bf{P}}$ in CoGAPS are assumed to have the atomic prior described in @Sibisi1997. In the CoGAPS/GWCoGAPS implementation, $\alpha_{A}$ and $\alpha_{P}$ are corresponding parameters for the expected number of atoms which map to each matrix element in ${\bf{A}}$ and ${\bf{P}}$, respectively. The corresponding matrices ${\bf{A}}$ and ${\bf{P}}$ are found by MCMC sampling.
Projection of CoGAPS/GWCoGAPS patterns is implemented by solving the factorization in (1) for the new data matrix where ${\bf{A}}$ is the fixed nonorthogonal basis vectors comprising the average of the posterior mean for the CoGAPS/GWCoGAPS simulations performed on the original data. The patterns ${\bf{P}}$ in the new data associated with this amplitude matrix is estimated using the least-squares fit to the new data implemented with the lmFit
function in the r BiocStyle::Biocpkg("limma")
package. The projectR
function has S4 method for class Linear Embedding Matrix, LME
projectR(data, loadings,dataNames = NULL, loadingsNames = NULL, NP = NA, full = FALSE)
The inputs that must be set each time are only the data and patterns, with all other inputs having default values. However, inconguities between gene names--rownames of the loadings object and either rownames of the data object will throw errors and, subsequently, should be checked before running.
The arguments are as follows:
a target dataset to be projected into the pattern space
a CogapsResult object
rownames (eg. gene names) of the target dataset, if different from existing rownames of data
loadingsNames rownames (eg. gene names) of the loadings to be matched with dataNames
vector of integers indicating which columns of loadings object to use. The default of NP = NA will use entire matrix.
logical indicating whether to return the full model solution. By default only the new pattern object is returned.
The basic output of the base projectR function, i.e. full=FALSE
, returns projectionPatterns
representing relative weights for the samples from the new data in this previously defined feature space, or set of feature spaces. The full output of the base projectR function, i.e. full=TRUE
, returns projectionFit
, a list containing projectionPatterns
and Projection
. The Projection
object contains additional information from the procedure used to obtain the projectionPatterns
. For the the the base projectR function, Projection
is the full lmFit
model from the package r BiocStyle::Biocpkg('limma')
# get data AP <- get(data("AP.RNAseq6l3c3t")) #CoGAPS run data AP <- AP$Amean # heatmap of gene weights for CoGAPs patterns library(gplots) par(mar=c(1,1,1,1)) pNMF<-heatmap.2(as.matrix(AP),col=bluered, trace='none', distfun=function(c) as.dist(1-cor(t(c))) , cexCol=1,cexRow=.5,scale = "row", hclustfun=function(x) hclust(x, method="average") )
# data to project into PCs from RNAseq6l3c3t expression data data('p.ESepiGen4c1l4') data('p.RNAseq6l3c3t') NMF2ESepi <- projectR(p.ESepiGen4c1l$mRNA.Seq,loadings=AP,full=TRUE, dataNames=map.ESepiGen4c1l[["GeneSymbols"]]) dNMF2ESepi<- data.frame(cbind(t(NMF2ESepi),pd.ESepiGen4c1l)) #plot pca library(ggplot2) setEpiCOL <- scale_colour_manual(values = c("red","green","blue","black"), guide = guide_legend(title="Lineage")) pNMF2ESepiGen4c1l <- ggplot(dNMF2ESepi, aes(x=X1, y=X2, colour=Condition)) + geom_point(size=5) + setEpiCOL + theme(legend.position=c(0,0), legend.justification=c(0,0), panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white"), legend.direction = "horizontal", plot.title = element_text(vjust = 0,hjust=0,face="bold")) labs(title = "Encode RNAseq in target PC1 & PC2", x=paste("Projected PC1 (",round(PCA2ESepi[[2]][1],2),"% of varience)",sep=""), y=paste("Projected PC2 (",round(PCA2ESepi[[2]][2],2),"% of varience)",sep=""))
As canonical projection is not defined for clustering objects, the projectR package offers two transfer learning inspired methods to achieve the "projection" of clustering objects. These methods are defined by the function used to quantify and transfer the relationships which define each cluster in the original data set to the new dataset. Briefly, cluster2pattern
uses the corelation of each genes expression to the mean of each cluster to define continuous weights. These weights are output as a pclust
object which can serve as input to projectR
. Alternatively, the intersectoR
function can be used to test for significant overlap between two clustering objects. Both cluster2pattern
and intersectoR
methods are coded for a generic list structure with additional S4 class methods for kmeans and hclust objects. Further details and examples are provided in the followin respecitive sections.
uses the corelation of each genes expression to the mean of each cluster to define continuous weights.
data(p.RNAseq6l3c3t) nP<-5 kClust<-kmeans(t(p.RNAseq6l3c3t),centers=nP) kpattern<-cluster2pattern(clusters = kClust, NP = nP, data = p.RNAseq6l3c3t) kpattern cluster2pattern(clusters = NA, NP = NA, data = NA)
The inputs that must be set each time are the clusters and data.
The arguments are as follows:
a clustering object
either the number of clusters desired or the subset of clusters to use
data used to make clusters object
The output of the cluster2pattern
function is a pclust
class object; specifically, a matrix of genes (rows) by clusters (columns). A gene's value outside of its assigned cluster is zero. For the cluster containing a given gene, the gene's value is the correlation of the gene's expression to the mean of that cluster.
function can be used to test for significant overlap between two clustering objects. The base function finds and tests the intersecting values of two sets of lists, presumably the genes associated with patterns in two different datasets. S4 class methods for hclust
and kmeans
objects are also available.
intersectoR(pSet1 = NA, pSet2 = NA, pval = 0.05, full = FALSE, k = NULL)
The inputs that must be set each time are the clusters and data.
The arguments are as follows:
a list for a set of patterns where each entry is a set of genes associated with a single pattern
a list for a second set of patterns where each entry is a set of genes associated with a single pattern
the maximum p-value considered significant
logical indicating whether to return full data frame of signigicantly overlapping sets. Default is false will return summary matrix.
numeric giving cut height for hclust objects, if vector arguments will be applied to pSet1 and pSet2 in that order
The output of the intersectoR
function is a summary matrix showing the sets with statistically significant overlap under the specified $p$-value threshold based on a hypergeometric test. If full==TRUE
the full data frame of significantly overlapping sets will also be returned.
Correlation based projection requires a matrix of gene-wise correlation values to serve as the Pattern input to the projectR
function. This matrix can be user-generated or the result of the correlateR
function included in the projectR package. User-generated matrixes with each row corresponding to an individual gene can be input to the generic projectR
function. The correlateR
function allows users to create a weight matrix for projection with values quantifying the within dataset correlation of each genes expression to the expression pattern of a particular gene or set of genes as follows.
correlateR(genes = NA, dat = NA, threshtype = "R", threshold = 0.7, absR = FALSE, ...)
The inputs that must be set each time are only the genes and data, with all other inputs having default values.
The arguments are as follows:
gene or character vector of genes for reference expression pattern dat
matrix or data frame with genes to be used for to calculate correlation
Default "R" indicates thresholding by R value or equivalent. Alternatively, "N" indicates a numerical cut off.
numeric indicating value at which to make threshold
logical indicating where to include both positive and negatively correlated genes
addtion imputes to the cor function
The output of the correlateR
function is a correlateR
class object. Specifically, a matrix of correlation values for those genes whose expression pattern pattern in the dataset is correlated (and anti-correlated if absR=TRUE) above the value given in as the threshold arguement. As this information may be useful in its own right, it is recommended that users inspect the correlateR
object before using it as input to the projectR
objects.# data to data("p.RNAseq6l3c3t") # get genes correlated to T cor2T<-correlateR(genes="T", dat=p.RNAseq6l3c3t, threshtype="N", threshold=10, absR=TRUE) cor2T <- cor2T@corM ### heatmap of genes more correlated to T indx<-unlist(sapply(cor2T,rownames)) indx <- as.vector(indx) colnames(p.RNAseq6l3c3t)<-pd.RNAseq6l3c3t$sampleX library(reshape2) pm.RNAseq6l3c3t<-melt(cbind(p.RNAseq6l3c3t[indx,],indx)) library(gplots) library(ggplot2) library(viridis) pCorT<-ggplot(pm.RNAseq6l3c3t, aes(variable, indx, fill = value)) + geom_tile(colour="gray20", size=1.5, stat="identity") + scale_fill_viridis(option="B") + xlab("") + ylab("") + scale_y_discrete(limits=indx) + ggtitle("Ten genes most highly pos & neg correlated with T") + theme( panel.background = element_rect(fill="gray20"), panel.border = element_rect(fill=NA,color="gray20", size=0.5, linetype="solid"), panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), axis.line = element_blank(), axis.ticks = element_blank(), axis.text = element_text(size=rel(1),hjust=1), axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90,vjust=.5), legend.text = element_text(color="white", size=rel(1)), legend.background = element_rect(fill="gray20"), legend.position = "bottom", legend.title=element_blank() )
# data to project into from RNAseq6l3c3t expression data data(p.ESepiGen4c1l) cor2ESepi <- projectR(p.ESepiGen4c1l$mRNA.Seq,loadings=cor2T[[1]],full=FALSE, dataNames=map.ESepiGen4c1l$GeneSymbols)
Given loadings that define the weight of features (genes) in a given latent space (e.g. PCA, NMF), and the use of these patterns in samples, it is of interest to look at differential usage of these features between conditions. These conditions may be defined by user-defined annotations of cell type or by differential usage of a (projected) pattern. By examining differences in gene expression, weighted by the loadings that define their importance in a specific latent space, a unique understanding of differential expression in that context can be gained. This approach was originally proposed and developed in (Baraban et al, 2021), which demonstrates its utility in cross-celltype and cross-species interpretation of pattern usages.
projectionDriveR(cellgroup1, cellgroup2, loadings, loadingsNames = NULL, pvalue, pattern_name, display = T, normalize_pattern = T, mode = "CI")
The required inputs are two feature by sample (e.g. gene by cell) matrices to be compared, the loadings that define the feature weights, and the name of the pattern (column of feature loadings). If applicable, the expression matrices should already be corrected for variables such as sequencing depth.
The arguments for projectionDriveR are:
Matrix 1 with features as rows, samples as columns.
Matrix 2 with features as rows, samples as columns.
Matrix or dataframe with features as rows, columns as patterns. Values define feature weights in that space
Vector of names corresponding to rows of loadings. By default the rownames of loadings will be used
the column name of the loadings by which the features will be weighted
Determines the significance of the confidence interval to be calculated between the difference of means. Default 1e-5
Boolean. Whether or not to plot the estimates of significant features. Default = T
Boolean. Whether or not to normalize the average feature weight. Default = T
'CI' or 'PV'. Specifies whether to run projectionDriveR in confidence interval mode or to generate p values. Default = "CI"
The output of projectionDriveR
in confidence interval mode ('CI') is a list of length six mean_ci
holds the confidence intervals for the difference in means for all features, weighted_mean_ci
holds the confidence intervals for the weighted difference in means for all features, and normalized_weights
are the weights themselves. In addition, sig_genes
is a list of three vectors of gene names that are significantly different at the threshold provided generated from the mean confidence intervals (unweighted_sig_genes
), the weighted mean confidence intervals (weighted_sig_genes
) and genes shared between the two (significant_shared_genes
) . plotted_ci
returns the ggplot figure of the confidence intervals, see plotConfidenceIntervals
for documentation. meta_data
contains matrix names and pvalue thresholds. The output of projectionDriveR
in p value mode ('PV') is a list of length nine. meta_data
, sig_genes
and normalized_weights
are similar between modes. mean_stats
and weighted_mean_stats
contains summary information for welch t-tests. difexpgenes
and weighted_difexpgenes
are filtered dataframes containing differentially expressed genes at a FC and pvalue cut off of 0.2 and 1e-5 respectively. fgseavecs
contain unweighted and weighted named vectors of welch-t test estimates that can be used with fgsea. plt
returns the volcano ggplot figure. See pdVolcano
for documentation. FC and pvalue can be manually altered by calling pdVolcano on projectionDriveR result.
options(width = 60) library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = F) #size-normed, log expression data("microglial_counts") #size-normed, log expression data("glial_counts") #5 pattern cogaps object generated on microglial_counts data("cr_microglial") microglial_fl <- cr_microglial@featureLoadings #the features by which to weight the difference in expression pattern_to_weight <- "Pattern_1" drivers_ci <- projectionDriveR(microglial_counts, #expression matrix glial_counts, #expression matrix loadings = microglial_fl, #feature x pattern dataframe loadingsNames = NULL, pattern_name = pattern_to_weight, #column name pvalue = 1e-5, #pvalue before bonferroni correction display = T, normalize_pattern = T, #normalize feature weights mode = "CI") #confidence interval mode conf_intervals <- drivers_ci$mean_ci[drivers_ci$sig_genes$significant_shared_genes,] str(conf_intervals) drivers_pv <- projectionDriveR(microglial_counts, #expression matrix glial_counts, #expression matrix loadings = microglial_fl, #feature x pattern dataframe loadingsNames = NULL, pattern_name = pattern_to_weight, #column name pvalue = 1e-5, #pvalue before bonferroni correction display = T, normalize_pattern = T, #normalize feature weights mode = "PV") #confidence interval mode difexp <- drivers_pv$difexpgenes str(difexp)
The arguments for plotConfidenceIntervals are:
A dataframe of features x estimates
names of columns that contain the low and high estimates, respectively. (default: c("low","high"))
string to use as the title for the plots
Boolean. Whether or not to sort genes by their estimates (default = T)
a vector with names of genes to include in plot. If sort=F, estimates will be plotted in this order (default = NULL will include all genes.)
weights of features to include as annotation (default = NULL will not include heatmap)
quantile of data to clip color scale for improved visualization (default: 0.99)
Which processed version of weights to visualize as a heatmap. One of c("none", "quantile"). default = "none"
Boolean. Specifies whether confidence intervals are weighted by a pattern or not. Default = "F"
A list of the length three that includes confidence interval plots and relevant info. ci_estimates_plot
is the point-range plot for the provided estimates. If called from within projectionDriveR
, the unweighted estimates are used. feature_order
is the vector of gene names in the order shown in the figure. weights_heatmap
is a heatmap annotation of the gene loadings, in the same order as above.
suppressWarnings(library(cowplot)) #order in ascending order of estimates conf_intervals <- conf_intervals %>% mutate(mid = (high+low)/2) %>% arrange(mid) gene_order <- rownames(conf_intervals) #add text labels for top and bottom n genes conf_intervals$label_name <- NA_character_ n <- 2 idx <- c(1:n, (dim(conf_intervals)[1]-(n-1)):dim(conf_intervals)[1]) gene_ids <- gene_order[idx] conf_intervals$label_name[idx] <- gene_ids #the labels above can now be used as ggplot aesthetics plots_list <- plotConfidenceIntervals(conf_intervals, #mean difference in expression confidence intervals sort = F, #should genes be sorted by estimates weights = drivers_ci$normalized_weights[rownames(conf_intervals)], pattern_name = pattern_to_weight, weights_clip = 0.99, weights_vis_norm = "none") pl1 <- plots_list[["ci_estimates_plot"]] + ggrepel::geom_label_repel(aes(label = label_name), max.overlaps = 20, force = 50) pl2 <- plots_list[["weights_heatmap"]] #now plot the weighted differences weighted_conf_intervals <- drivers_ci$weighted_mean_ci[gene_order,] plots_list_weighted <- plotConfidenceIntervals(weighted_conf_intervals, sort = F, weighted = T) pl3 <- plots_list_weighted[["ci_estimates_plot"]] + xlab("Difference in weighted group means") + theme(axis.title.y = element_blank(), axis.ticks.y = element_blank(), axis.text.y = element_blank()) cowplot::plot_grid(pl1, pl2, pl3, align = "h", rel_widths = c(1,.4, 1), ncol = 3)
The arguments for pdVolcano are:
Output from projectionDriveR function with PV mode selected
fold change threshold, default at 0.2
significance threshold, default set to pvalue stored in projectionDriveR output
optional vector of gene names to subset the result by
Boolean. If TRUE will remove genes that have pvalues below machine double minimum value
number of genes to label on either end of volcano plot, default to 5 (10 total)
Boolean. Default TRUE, will print volcano plots using cowplot grid_arrange
Generates the same output as projectionDriveR. Allows manual updates to pvalue and FC thresholds and can accept gene lists of interest to subset results.
suppressWarnings(library(cowplot)) library(fgsea) library(msigdbr) #manually change FC and pvalue threshold from defaults 0.2, 1e-5 drivers_pv_mod <- pdVolcano(drivers_pv, FC = 0.5, pvalue = 1e-7) difexp_mod <- drivers_pv_mod$difexpgenes str(difexp_mod) #fgsea application #extract unweighted fgsea vector fgseavec <- drivers_pv$fgseavecs$unweightedvec #split into enrichment groups, negative estimates are enriched in the reference matrix (glial), positive are enriched in the test matrix (microglial), take abs value glial_fgsea_vec <- abs(fgseavec[which(fgseavec < 0)]) microglial_fgsea_vec <- abs(fgseavec[which(fgseavec > 0)]) #get FGSEA pathways - selecting subcategory C8 for cell types msigdbr_list = msigdbr::msigdbr(species = "Mus musculus", category = "C8") pathways = split(x = msigdbr_list$ensembl_gene, f = msigdbr_list$gs_name) #run fgsea scoreType positive, all values will be positive glial_fgsea <- fgsea::fgsea(pathways, glial_fgsea_vec, scoreType = "pos") #tidy glial_fgseaResTidy <- glial_fgsea %>% subset(padj <= 0.05 & size >= 10 & size <= 500) %>% as_tibble() %>% dplyr::arrange(desc(size)) #plot glial_EnrichmentPlot <- ggplot2::ggplot(glial_fgseaResTidy, ggplot2::aes(reorder(pathway, NES), NES)) + ggplot2::geom_point(aes(size=size, color = padj)) + coord_flip() + labs(x="Pathway", y="Normalized Enrichment Score", title="Pathway NES from GSEA") + theme_minimal() glial_EnrichmentPlot microglial_fgsea <- fgsea::fgsea(pathways, microglial_fgsea_vec, scoreType = "pos") #tidy microglial_fgseaResTidy <- microglial_fgsea %>% subset(padj <= 0.05 & size >= 10 & size <= 500) %>% as_tibble() %>% dplyr::arrange(desc(size)) microglial_EnrichmentPlot <- ggplot2::ggplot(microglial_fgseaResTidy, ggplot2::aes(reorder(pathway, NES), NES)) + ggplot2::geom_point(aes(size=size, color = padj)) + coord_flip() + labs(x="Pathway", y="Normalized Enrichment Score", title="Pathway NES from GSEA") + theme_minimal() microglial_EnrichmentPlot
This function performs multivariate analysis on different clusters within a dataset, which in this case is restricted to Seurat Object. Clusters are identified as those satisfying the conditions specified in their corresponding dictionaries. multivariateAnalysisR
performs two tests: Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Confidence Interval (CI) evaluations. ANOVA is performed to understand the general differentiation between clusters through the lens of a specified pattern. CI is to visualize pair-wise differential expressions between two clusters for each pattern. Researchers can visually understand both the macroscopic and microscopic differential uses of each pattern across different clusters through this function.
multivariateAnalysisR <- function(significanceLevel = 0.05, patternKeys, seuratobj, dictionaries, customNames = NULL, exclusive = TRUE, exportFolder = "", ANOVAwidth = 1000, ANOVAheight = 1000, CIwidth = 1000, CIheight = 1000, CIspacing = 1)
The required inputs are patternKeys
(list of strings indicating the patterns to be evaluated), seuratobj
(the Seurat Object data containing both clusters and patterns), and dictionaries
(list of dictionary where each dictionary indicates the conditions each corresponding cluster has to satisfy).
The arguments for multivariateAnalysisR
Double value for testing significance in ANOVA test.
List of strings indicating pattern subsets from seuratobj to be analyzed.
Seurat Object Data containing patternKeys in
List of dictionaries indicating clusters to be compared.
List of custom names for clusters in corresponding order.
Boolean value for determining interpolation between params in clusters.
Name of folder to store exported graphs and CSV files.
Width of ANOVA png.
Height of ANOVA png.
Width of CI png.
Height of CI png.
Spacing between each CI in CI graph.
returns a sorted list of the generated ANOVA and CI values. It also exports two pairs of exported PNG/CSV files: one for ANOVA analysis, another for CI. From the ANOVA analysis, researchers can see the general ranking of differential uses of patterns across the specified clusters. From the CI analysis, researchers can identify the specific differential use cases between every pair of clusters.
Demonstrative example will be added soon.
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