#' Extract data from a TreeHeatmap
#' Extract different elements of the data shown in a figure generated with
#' \code{TreeHeatmap}, such as the heatmap itself, or the row and column names.
#' @author Ruizhu Huang
#' @export
#' @param tree_hm The output of \code{\link{TreeHeatmap}}.
#' @param type A character scalar indicating the type of information to
#' extract. Should be one of \code{"heatmap", "row_name", "column_name",
#' "title", "column_anno", "column_order"}.
#' @returns A \code{data.frame} (if \code{type} is not "column_order"), or a
#' vector of column names (if \code{type} is "column_order").
#' @examples
#' suppressPackageStartupMessages({
#' library(TreeSummarizedExperiment)
#' library(ggtree)
#' library(ggplot2)
#' library(scales)
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(ggnewscale)
#' })
#' ## Load example data (tiny tree with corresponding count matrix)
#' tse <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "tinytree_counts.rds",
#' package = "treeclimbR"))
#' ## Aggregate counts for each of the highlighted subtrees
#' tseagg <- aggTSE(
#' tse,
#' rowLevel = c(13, 18,
#' setdiff(showNode(tinyTree, only.leaf = TRUE),
#' unlist(findDescendant(tinyTree, node = c(13, 18),
#' only.leaf = TRUE)))))
#' ct <- SummarizedExperiment::assay(tseagg, "counts")
#' col_split <- ifelse(colnames(ct) %in% paste0("S", seq_len(5)), "A", "B")
#' names(col_split) <- colnames(ct)
#' ## Prepare the tree figure
#' tree_fig <- ggtree(tinyTree, branch.length = "none",
#' layout = "rectangular") +
#' geom_hilight(node = 18, fill = "orange", alpha = 0.3) +
#' geom_hilight(node = 13, fill = "blue", alpha = 0.3)
#' fig <- TreeHeatmap(
#' tree = tinyTree, tree_fig = tree_fig, hm_data = ct,
#' cluster_column = TRUE, column_split = col_split,
#' column_anno = col_split, column_anno_gap = 0.6,
#' column_anno_color = c(A = "red", B = "blue"),
#' show_colnames = TRUE, colnames_position = "bottom",
#' colnames_angle = 90, colnames_size = 2, colnames_offset_y = -0.2,
#' show_title = TRUE, title_offset_y = 1.5, title_color = "blue"
#' )
#' fig
#' ## Extract data for heatmap
#' df_hm <- getData(tree_hm = fig, type = "heatmap")
#' ## Generate data to add a column annotation
#' ct <- df_hm |>
#' dplyr::select(x, width, variable) |>
#' dplyr::distinct()
#' set.seed(1)
#' ann <- matrix(sample(LETTERS[seq_len(2)], size = 3 * ncol(df_hm),
#' replace = TRUE),
#' nrow = 3)
#' rownames(ann) <- paste0("g", seq_len(3))
#' colnames(ann) <- ct$variable
#' ann <- data.frame(ann) |>
#' mutate(y = min(df_hm$y) - seq_len(nrow(ann)),
#' label = rownames(ann))
#' df_ann <- tidyr::pivot_longer(
#' ann, names_to = "variable",
#' values_to = "value", cols = -c("y", "label")) |>
#' left_join(ct)
#' ## Add new column annotation
#' fig +
#' new_scale_fill() +
#' geom_tile(data = df_ann, aes(x, y-0.5,
#' width = width, fill = value)) +
#' scale_fill_viridis_d() +
#' geom_text(data = df_ann, aes(x = min(x) - 1, y = y - 0.5,
#' label = label))
getData <- function(tree_hm, type = c("heatmap", "row_name", "column_name",
"title", "column_anno", "column_order",
"column_split")) {
## Check input arguments
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
.assertVector(x = tree_hm, type = "ggtree")
## Extract plot data
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
type <- match.arg(type)
if (type == "heatmap") {
out <- tree_hm$temp_data$hm_data
} else if (type == "row_name") {
out <- tree_hm$temp_data$row_name
} else if (type == "column_name") {
out <- tree_hm$temp_data$column_name
} else if (type == "title") {
out <- tree_hm$temp_data$hm_title
} else if (type == "column_anno") {
out <- tree_hm$temp_data$column_anno
} else if (type == "column_order") {
out <- tree_hm$temp_data$column_order
} else if (type == "column_split") {
out <- tree_hm$temp_data$column_split
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