Man pages for fionarhuang/treeclimbR
An algorithm to find optimal signal levels in a tree

aggDSAggregate observed data based on a tree
diffcyt_workflowTree versions of diffcyt functions
edgerWrpWrapper applying an edgeR differential analysis workflow
evalCandEvaluate candidate levels and select the optimal one
fdrCalculate false discovery rate (FDR) on a tree structure
findChildFind the children of an internal node in a tree
findExclFind branches that are non-overlapping with specified...
getCandGenerate candidates for different thresholds
getDataExtract data from a TreeHeatmap
getLevelSearch for a target level on the tree via a specified score
infoCandGet information of candidates
isConnectCheck whether nodes are contained in the same path from a...
medianByClusterMarkerCalculate median values of markers for each cluster
nodeResultExtract table with node-level DA/DS results
parEstimateParameter estimation for Dirichlet-multinomial distribution
runDATest for differential abundance using edgeR
runDSTest for differential state using edgeR
selNodeSelect branches meeting certain criteria
simDataSimulate different scenarios of abundance change in entities
topNodesGenerate a table of top-ranked entities (nodes)
tprCalculate true positive rate (TPR) on a tree structure
TreeHeatmapGenerate a heatmap corresponding to an arbitrary aggregation...
treeScoreGenerate weighted tree score accounting for the family effect
fionarhuang/treeclimbR documentation built on Jan. 1, 2025, 9:02 p.m.