## These are the options I tend to favor library("hpgltools") knitr::opts_knit$set(progress = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, width = 90, echo = TRUE) knitr::opts_chunk$set(error = TRUE, fig.width = 8, fig.height = 8, dpi = 96) old_options <- options(digits = 4, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, knitr.duplicate.label = "allow") ggplot2::theme_set(ggplot2::theme_bw(base_size = 10)) set.seed(1) rmd_file <- "b-02_fission_data_exploration.Rmd"
This document aims to provide further examples in how to use the hpgltools.
Note to self, the header has rmarkdown::pdf_document instead of html_document or html_vignette because it gets some bullcrap error 'margins too large'...
Here are the commands I invoke to get ready to play with new data, including everything required to install hpgltools, the software it uses, and the fission data.
if (! "BiocManager" %in% installed.packages()) { source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R") } if (! "devtools" %in% installed.packages()) { biocManager::install("devtools") } if (! "hpgltools" %in% installed.packages()) { devtools::install_github("elsayed-lab/hpgltools") } if (! "fission" %in% installed.packages()) { biocManager::install("fission") } ## I use the function 'sm()' to quiet loud functions. tt <- sm(library(fission)) tt <- sm(data(fission))
All the work I do in Dr. El-Sayed's lab makes some pretty hard assumptions about how data is stored. As a result, to use the fission data set I will do a little bit of shenanigans to match it to the expected format. Now that I have played a little with fission, I think its format is quite nice and am likely to have my experiment class instead be a SummarizedExperiment.
## Extract the meta data from the fission dataset meta <- as.data.frame(fission@colData) ## Make conditions and batches meta$condition <- paste(meta$strain, meta$minute, sep = ".") meta$batch <- meta$replicate meta$sample.id <- rownames(meta) ## Grab the count data fission_data <- fission@assays$data$counts ## This will make an experiment superclass called 'expt' and it contains ## an ExpressionSet along with any arbitrary additional information one might want to include. ## Along the way it writes a Rdata file which is by default called 'expt.Rdata' fission_expt <- create_expt(metadata = meta, count_dataframe = fission_data)
There are lots of toys we have learned to use to play with with raw data and explore stuff like batch effects or non-canonical distributions or skewed counts. hpgltools provides some functionality to make this process easier. The graphs shown below and many more are generated with the wrapper 'graph_metrics()' but that takes away the chance to explain the graphs as I generate them.
## First make a bar plot of the library sizes in the experiment. ## Notice that the colors were auto-chosen by create_expt() and they should ## be maintained throughout this process fis_libsize <- plot_libsize(fission_expt) fis_libsize$plot ## Here we see that the wild type replicate 3 sample for 15 minutes has ## fewer non-zero genes than all its friends. fis_nonzero <- plot_nonzero(fission_expt, labels = "boring", title = "nonzero vs. cpm") fis_nonzero$plot fis_density <- plot_density(fission_expt) fis_density$plot knitr::kable(fis_density$condition_summary) knitr::kable(fis_density$batch_summary) knitr::kable(head(fis_density$sample_summary))
In most cases, raw data does not cluster very well, lets see if that is also true for the fission experiment. Assuming it doesn't, lets normalize the data using the defaults (cpm, quantile, log2) and try again.
## Something in this is causing a build loop on travis... ## Unsurprisingly, the raw data doesn't cluster well at all... ##fis_rawpca <- plot_pca(fission_expt, expt_names = fission_expt$condition, cis = NULL) fis_rawpca <- plot_pca(fission_expt) fis_rawpca$plot ## So, normalize the data norm_expt <- sm(normalize_expt(fission_expt, transform = "log2", norm = "quant", convert = "cpm")) ## And try the pca again fis_normpca <- plot_pca(norm_expt, plot_labels = "normal", title = "normalized pca", cis = NULL) fis_normpca$plot ## Clearly time is an important factor in the data.
testing <- plot_pca(norm_expt, num_pc = 3) silly <- plot_3d_pca(testing, file = "images/3dpca.html") silly$plot
In the final line of the preceeding block, I printed a summary of the return from plot_pca(). It contains the following information:
With that in mind, lets perform some more pca plots after normalizing the data and see how different they look.
normbatch_expt <- sm(normalize_expt(fission_expt, transform = "log2", norm = "quant", convert = "cpm", batch = "sva")) fis_normbatchpca <- plot_pca(normbatch_expt, title = "Normalized PCA with batch effect correction.", cis = NULL) fis_normbatchpca$plot ## ok, that caused the 0, 60, 15, and 30 minute samples to cluster nicely ## the 120 and 180 minute samples are still a bit tight ## pca_information provides some more information about the call to ## fast.svd that went into making the pca plot fis_info <- pca_information(norm_expt, expt_factors = c("condition","batch","strain","minute"), num_components = 6) ## The r^2 table shows that quite a lot of the variance in the data is explained by condition knitr::kable(head(fis_info$rsquared_table)) ## We can look at the correlation between the principle components and the factors in the experiment ## in this case looking at condition/batch vs the first 4 components. knitr::kable(fis_info$pca_cor) ## And p-values to lend some credence(or not to those assertions) knitr::kable(fis_info$anova_p) ## Try again with batch removed data batchnorm_expt <- sm(normalize_expt(fission_expt, batch = "limma", norm = "quant", transform = "log2", convert = "cpm")) fis_batchnormpca <- plot_pca(batchnorm_expt, plot_title = "limma corrected pca") fis_batchnormpca$plot test_pca <- pca_information(batchnorm_expt, expt_factors = c("condition","batch","strain","minute"), num_components = 6)
Interesting, the batch normalized pca plot looks much the same as the normalized. The variances are in fact pretty much the exact same...
We have some tools which provide visualizations of the distribution of the data:
fission_boxplot <- sm(plot_boxplot(fission_expt)) fission_boxplot sf_expt <- sm(normalize_expt(fission_expt, norm = "sf")) fission_boxplot <- sm(plot_boxplot(sf_expt)) fission_boxplot tm_expt <- sm(normalize_expt(fission_expt, norm = "tmm")) fission_boxplot <- sm(plot_boxplot(tm_expt)) fission_boxplot rle_expt <- sm(normalize_expt(fission_expt, norm = "rle")) fission_boxplot <- sm(plot_boxplot(rle_expt)) fission_boxplot up_expt <- sm(normalize_expt(fission_expt, norm = "upperquartile")) fission_boxplot <- sm(plot_boxplot(up_expt)) fission_boxplot fission_density <- plot_density(norm_expt) fission_density$plot fission_density <- plot_density(sf_expt) fission_density$plot fission_density <- plot_density(tm_expt) fission_density$plot compare_12 <- plot_single_qq(fission_expt, x = 1, y = 2) compare_12$log
Ok, so we can further check out how the data cluster with respect to one another...
fission_cor <- plot_corheat(norm_expt) fission_cor$plot fission_cor <- plot_corheat(batchnorm_expt) fission_cor$plot fission_dis <- plot_disheat(norm_expt) fission_dis$plot fission_dis <- plot_disheat(batchnorm_expt) fission_dis$plot
variancePartition may be used to seek out which experimental factors correlate with the most variance in the data.
test_varpart <- simple_varpart(fission_expt, predictor = NULL, factors = c("strain", "minute", "replicate")) test_varpart$percent_plot test_varpart$partition_plot
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