# == title
# Decorate the heatmap body
# == param
# -heatmap name of the heatmap which is set as ``name`` option in `Heatmap` function
# -code code that adds graphics in the selected heatmap body
# -slice index of row slices in the heatmap if it is split by rows
# -envir where to look for variables inside ``code``
# == details
# There is a viewport for each row slice in each heatmap.
# This function contructs the name of the viewport,
# goes to the viewport by `grid::seekViewport` and applies code
# to that viewport.
# If you know the number of rows and columns for that row slice, it is
# simple to calculate the position of every small grid in the row slice.
# E.g., the position for the grid in i^th row and j^th column is:
# # assume nc is the number of columns
# # and nr is the number of rows in that row slice
# unit((i-0.5)/nc, "npc")
# unit((j-0.5)/nr, "npc")
# # the width is
# unit(1/nc, "npc")
# # the height is
# unit(1/nr, "npc")
# == value
# This function returns no value.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
# == example
# set.seed(123)
# Heatmap(matrix(rnorm(100), 10), name = "mat")
# decorate_heatmap_body("mat", {
# grid.circle(gp = gpar(fill = "#FF000080"))
# })
decorate_heatmap_body = function(heatmap, code, slice = 1, envir = new.env(parent = parent.frame())) {
current_vp = current.viewport()$name
if(current_vp == "ROOT") {
current_vp = "global"
if(is.null(slice)) {
vp_name = paste0(heatmap, "_heatmap_body_", 1)
} else {
vp_name = paste0(heatmap, "_heatmap_body_", slice)
eval(substitute(code), envir = envir)
# == title
# Decorate the heatmap dendrogram
# == param
# -heatmap name of the heatmap
# -code code that adds graphics in the selected heatmap body
# -slice index of row slices in the heatmap
# -which on rows or on columns?
# -envir where to look for variables inside ``code``
# == details
# There is a viewport for each dendrogram in the heatmap.
# This function contructs the name of the viewport,
# goes to the viewport by `grid::seekViewport` and applies code
# to that viewport.
# If you know the number of leaves in the dendrogram, it is
# simple to calculate the position of every leave in the dendrogram.
# E.g., for the column dendrogram, the i^th leave is located at:
# # assume nc is the number of columns
# unit((i-0.5)/nc, "npc")
# == value
# This function returns no value.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
# == example
# set.seed(123)
# Heatmap(matrix(rnorm(100), 10), name = "mat", km = 2)
# decorate_dend("mat", {
# grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = "#FF000080"))
# }, which = "row", slice = 2)
decorate_dend = function(heatmap, code, slice = 1, which = c("column", "row"),
envir = new.env(parent = parent.frame())) {
current_vp = current.viewport()$name
if(current_vp == "ROOT") {
current_vp = "global"
which = match.arg(which)[1]
if(which == "column") {
vp_name = paste0(heatmap, "_dend_", which)
} else if(which == "row") {
if(is.null(slice)) {
vp_name = paste0(heatmap, "_dend_", which, "_", 1)
} else {
vp_name = paste0(heatmap, "_dend_", which, "_", slice)
e = new.env(parent = parent.frame())
eval(substitute(code), envir = e)
# == title
# Decorate heatmap dendrogram on columns
# == param
# -... pass to `decorate_dend`
# -envir where to look for variables inside ``code``
# == details
# This is a wrapper function which pre-defined ``which`` argument in `decorate_dend`.
# == value
# The function returns no value.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
# == example
# # No example for this function
decorate_column_dend = function(..., envir = new.env(parent = parent.frame())) {
decorate_dend(..., which = "column", envir = envir)
# == title
# Decorate heatmap dendrogram on rows
# == param
# -... pass to `decorate_dend`
# -envir where to look for variables inside ``code``
# == details
# This is a helper function which pre-defined ``which`` argument in `decorate_dend`.
# == value
# The function returns no value.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
# == example
# # No example for this function
decorate_row_dend = function(..., envir = new.env(parent = parent.frame())) {
decorate_dend(..., which = "row", envir = envir)
# == title
# Decorate the heatmap dimension names
# == param
# -heatmap name of the heatmap
# -code code that adds graphics in the selected heatmap body
# -slice index of row slices in the heatmap
# -which on rows or on columns?
# -envir where to look for variables inside ``code``
# == details
# There is a viewport for row names and column names in the heatmap.
# This function contructs the name of the viewport,
# goes to the viewport by `grid::seekViewport` and applies code
# to that viewport.
# If you know the dimensions of the matrix, it is
# simple to calculate the position of every row name or column name in the heatmap.
# E.g., for the column column, the i^th name is located at:
# # assume nc is the number of columns
# unit((i-0.5)/nc, "npc")
# == value
# The function returns no value.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
# == example
# set.seed(123)
# mat = matrix(rnorm(100), 10)
# rownames(mat) = letters[1:10]
# colnames(mat) = LETTERS[1:10]
# Heatmap(mat, name = "mat", km = 2)
# decorate_dimnames("mat", {
# grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = "#FF000080"))
# }, which = "row", slice = 2)
decorate_dimnames = function(heatmap, code, slice = 1, which = c("column", "row"),
envir = new.env(parent = parent.frame())) {
current_vp = current.viewport()$name
if(current_vp == "ROOT") {
current_vp = "global"
which = match.arg(which)[1]
if(which == "column") {
vp_name = paste0(heatmap, "_", which, "_names")
} else if(which == "row") {
if(is.null(slice)) {
vp_name = paste0(heatmap, "_", which, "_names_", 1)
} else {
vp_name = paste0(heatmap, "_", which, "_names_", slice)
eval(substitute(code), envir = envir)
# == title
# Decorate heatmap row names
# == param
# -... pass to `decorate_dimnames`
# -envir where to look for variables inside ``code``
# == details
# This is a helper function which pre-defined ``which`` argument in `decorate_dimnames`.
# == value
# The function returns no value.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
# == example
# # No example for this function
decorate_row_names = function(..., envir = new.env(parent = parent.frame())) {
decorate_dimnames(..., which = "row", envir = envir)
# == title
# Decorate heatmap column names
# == param
# -... pass to `decorate_dimnames`
# -envir where to look for variables inside ``code``
# == details
# This is a helper function which pre-defined ``which`` argument in `decorate_dimnames`.
# == value
# The function returns no value.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
# == example
# # No example for this function
decorate_column_names = function(..., envir = new.env(parent = parent.frame())) {
decorate_dimnames(..., which = "column", envir = envir)
# == title
# Decorate the heatmap title
# == param
# -heatmap name of the heatmap
# -code code that adds graphics in the selected heatmap body
# -slice index of row slices in the heatmap
# -which on rows or on columns?
# -envir where to look for variables inside ``code``
# == details
# There is a viewport for row titles and column title in the heatmap.
# This function contructs the name of the viewport,
# goes to the viewport by `grid::seekViewport` and applies code
# to that viewport.
# == value
# The function returns no value.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
# == example
# set.seed(123)
# Heatmap(matrix(rnorm(100), 10), name = "mat", km = 2)
# decorate_title("mat", {
# grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = "#FF000080"))
# }, which = "row", slice = 2)
decorate_title = function(heatmap, code, slice = 1, which = c("column", "row"),
envir = new.env(parent = parent.frame())) {
current_vp = current.viewport()$name
if(current_vp == "ROOT") {
current_vp = "global"
which = match.arg(which)[1]
if(which == "column") {
vp_name = paste0(heatmap, "_", which, "_title")
} else if(which == "row") {
if(is.null(slice)) {
vp_name = paste0(heatmap, "_", which, "_title_", 1)
} else {
vp_name = paste0(heatmap, "_", which, "_title_", slice)
eval(substitute(code), envir = envir)
# == title
# Decorate heatmap row title
# == param
# -... pass to `decorate_title`
# -envir where to look for variables inside ``code``
# == details
# This is a helper function which pre-defined ``which`` argument in `decorate_title`.
# == value
# The function returns no value.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
# == example
# # No example for this function
decorate_row_title = function(..., envir = new.env(parent = parent.frame())) {
decorate_title(..., which = "row", envir = envir)
# == title
# Decorate heatmap column title
# == param
# -... pass to `decorate_title`
# -envir where to look for variables inside ``code``
# == details
# This is a helper function which pre-defined ``which`` argument in `decorate_title`.
# == value
# The function returns no value.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
# == example
# # No example for this function
decorate_column_title = function(..., envir = new.env(parent = parent.frame())) {
decorate_title(..., which = "column", envir = envir)
# == title
# Decorate the heatmap annotation
# == param
# -annotation name of the annotation
# -code code that adds graphics in the selected heatmap body
# -slice index of row slices in the heatmap
# -envir where to look for variables inside ``code``
# == details
# There is a viewport for every column annotation and row annotation.
# This function contructs the name of the viewport,
# goes to the viewport by `grid::seekViewport` and applies code
# to that viewport.
# == value
# The function returns no value.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
# == example
# set.seed(123)
# ha1 = HeatmapAnnotation(df = data.frame(type = rep(letters[1:2], 5)))
# ha2 = rowAnnotation(point = anno_points(runif(10), which = "row"))
# Heatmap(matrix(rnorm(100), 10), name = "mat", km = 2,
# top_annotation = ha1) + ha2
# decorate_annotation("type", {
# grid.circle(x = unit(c(0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8), "npc"),
# gp = gpar(fill = "#FF000080"))
# })
# decorate_annotation("point", {
# grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = "#FF000080"))
# }, slice = 2)
decorate_annotation = function(annotation, code, slice, envir = new.env(parent = parent.frame())) {
current_vp = current.viewport()$name
if(current_vp == "ROOT") {
current_vp = "global"
if(missing(slice)) {
vp_name = paste0("annotation_", annotation)
o = try(seekViewport(vp_name), silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(o, "try-error")) {
vp_name2 = paste0("annotation_", annotation, "_", 1)
o = try(seekViewport(vp_name2), silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(o, "try-error")) {
stop(paste0("Cannot find viewport ", vp_name, " or ", vp_name2, "\n"))
vp_name = vp_name2
} else {
if(is.null(slice)) {
vp_name = paste0("annotation_", annotation, "_", 1)
} else {
vp_name = paste0("annotation_", annotation, "_", slice)
eval(substitute(code), envir = envir)
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