
## Here we set things up so that when the package loads we try to have
## a users file that we can access later on

## need a place to put my secret tempFile
stash <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())

## .tryToGetFile <- function(){
##     result <- tryCatch( system(cmd), error=function(err) NULL)
##     ## If we failed to get the file: don't freak out
##     if (is.null(result)){
##         warning(paste0("Unable to get the users File.\n",
##                        "Some functions will not work without it."))
##     }
## }

.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname)
    usersFile <- getOption("usersFile")

        return(warning("Sorry you need to have set the usersFile option in .Rprofile.  If you need to use functions that depend on the users file they are not going to work until you do that"))
    if(.Platform$OS.type != "unix"){
       return(warning("Sorry the users file is only available from Unix, if you need to use functions that depend on it they are not going to work from here"))
    tempDir <- tempdir()
    cmd <- paste0('rsync ',usersFile,' ',tempDir)
    message(paste0("Just wrote some user data to: ", tempDir))
    assign('tempDir', tempDir, envir=stash)
    ## Try to get the file to cwd like this:
    ## .tryToGetFile()

## onUnload and friends are just not unlinking this file.  So I will
## have to make a tempDir and put it there

## .onUnload <- function(libpath)
## {
##     ## if(file.exists('users')){
##     ##     unlink("users")
##     ## }
##     unlink("users")
## }

## .onDetach <- function(libpath)
## {
##     unlink("users")
## }
dtenenba/BiocContributions documentation built on May 15, 2019, 4:54 p.m.