#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
#' @import ClusterR
#' @useDynLib mbkmeans, .registration = TRUE
#' @title Mini-Batch k-means for large single cell sequencing data
#' @description This is an implementation of the mini-batch k-means algorithm of
#' Sculley (2010) for large single cell sequencing data with the
#' dimensionality reduction results as input in the reducedDim() slot.
#' @details The implementation is largely based on the
#' \code{\link[ClusterR]{MiniBatchKmeans}} function of the \code{ClusterR}
#' package. The contribution of this package is to provide support for on-disk
#' data representations such as HDF5, through the use of \code{DelayedMatrix}
#' and \code{HDF5Matrix} objects, as well as for sparse data representation
#' through the classes of the \code{Matrix} package. We also provide
#' high-level methods for objects of class \code{SummarizedExperiment},
#' \code{SingleCellExperiment}, and \code{LinearEmbeddingMatrix}.
#' @param x The object on which to run mini-batch k-means. It can be a
#' matrix-like object (e.g., matrix, Matrix, DelayedMatrix, HDF5Matrix) with
#' genes in the rows and samples in the columns. Specialized methods are
#' defined for SummarizedExperiment and SingleCellExperiment.
#' @param ... Arguments to pass to the matrix method.
#' @return A list with the following attributes: centroids, WCSS_per_cluster,
#' best_initialization, iters_per_initialization.
#' @rdname mbkmeans
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assay
#' @export
#' @importClassesFrom SummarizedExperiment SummarizedExperiment
#' @references Sculley. Web-Scale K-Means Clustering. WWW 2010, April 26–30,
#' 2010, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. ACM 978-1-60558-799-8/10/04.
#' @author Lampros Mouselimis and Yuwei Ni
#' @examples
#' library(SummarizedExperiment)
#' se <- SummarizedExperiment(matrix(rnorm(100), ncol=10))
#' mbkmeans(se, clusters = 2)
f = "mbkmeans",
signature = signature(x = "SummarizedExperiment"),
definition = function(x, whichAssay = 1, ...){
mbkmeans(assay(x, whichAssay), ...)
#' @rdname mbkmeans
#' @export
#' @importClassesFrom SingleCellExperiment SingleCellExperiment
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assays
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment reducedDim reducedDimNames
#' @importFrom Matrix t
#' @param reduceMethod Name of dimensionality reduction results to use as input
#' to mini-batch k-means. Set to NA to use the full matrix.
#' @param whichAssay The assay to use as input to mini-batch k-means. If x is a
#' SingleCellExperiment, this is ignored unless \code{reduceMethod = NA}.
#' @examples
#' library(SingleCellExperiment)
#' sce <- SingleCellExperiment(matrix(rnorm(100), ncol=10))
#' mbkmeans(sce, clusters = 2, reduceMethod = NA)
f = "mbkmeans",
signature = signature(x = "SingleCellExperiment"),
definition = function(x, reduceMethod = "PCA", whichAssay = 1, ...)
message("Note that you are running kmeans with more than",
"10,000 cells using all of the dimensions.", "\n",
"You might consider running a",
"dimensionality reduction step first.")
fit <- mbkmeans(assay(x, whichAssay), ...)
stop("There are no dimensionality reduction results",
"stored in this object. Use reduceDims() to store",
"dimensionality reduction results.")
if(!(reduceMethod %in% reducedDimNames(x))){
stop("The argument reduceMethod does not match one",
"of the reducedDimNames() in this object. Use",
"reducedDimNames() to see what names are in this object.")
fit <- mbkmeans(t(reducedDim(x, reduceMethod)), ...)
#' @rdname mbkmeans
#' @export
#' @importClassesFrom SingleCellExperiment LinearEmbeddingMatrix
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment sampleFactors
f = "mbkmeans",
signature = signature(x = "LinearEmbeddingMatrix"),
definition = function(x, ...)
mbkmeans(t(sampleFactors(x)), ...)
#'@rdname mbkmeans
#'@importClassesFrom DelayedArray DelayedMatrix
#'@param clusters the number of clusters
#'@param batch_size the size of the mini batches. By default, it equals the
#' minimum between the number of observations and 500.
#'@param num_init number of times the algorithm will be run with different
#' centroid seeds
#'@param max_iters the maximum number of clustering iterations
#'@param init_fraction proportion of data to use for the initialization
#' centroids (applies if initializer is \emph{kmeans++} ). Should be a float
#' number between 0.0 and 1.0. By default, it uses the relative batch size.
#'@param initializer the method of initialization. One of \emph{kmeans++} and
#' \emph{random}. See details for more information
#'@param early_stop_iter continue that many iterations after calculation of the
#' best within-cluster-sum-of-squared-error
#'@param compute_labels logcical indicating whether to compute the final cluster
#' labels.
#'@param calc_wcss logical indicating whether the per-cluster WCSS
#' is computed. Ignored if `compute_labels = FALSE`.
#'@param verbose either TRUE or FALSE, indicating whether progress is printed
#' during clustering
#'@param CENTROIDS a matrix of initial cluster centroids. The rows of the
#' CENTROIDS matrix should be equal to the number of clusters and the columns
#' should be equal to the columns of the data
#'@param tol a float number. If, in case of an iteration (iteration > 1 and
#' iteration < max_iters) 'tol' is greater than the squared norm of the
#' centroids, then kmeans has converged
#'@param BPPARAM See the `BiocParallel` package. Only the label assignment is
#' done in parallel.
#'@param ... passed to `blockApply`.
#'@return a list with the following attributes: centroids, WCSS_per_cluster,
#' best_initialization, iters_per_initialization
#'@details This function performs k-means clustering using mini batches.
#'\strong{kmeans++}: kmeans++ initialization. Reference :
#'http://theory.stanford.edu/~sergei/papers/kMeansPP-soda.pdf AND
#'\strong{random}: random selection of data rows as initial centroids
#'@references https://github.com/mlampros/ClusterR
#'x<-matrix(rnorm(100), ncol=10)
#'mbkmeans(x,clusters = 3)
f = "mbkmeans",
signature = signature(x ="ANY"),
definition = function(x, clusters,
batch_size = min(500, NCOL(x)),
max_iters =100, num_init = 1,
init_fraction = batch_size / NCOL(x),
initializer = "kmeans++", compute_labels = TRUE,
calc_wcss = FALSE, early_stop_iter = 10,
verbose = FALSE,
CENTROIDS = NULL, tol = 1e-4,
BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SerialParam(),
if(!is(x, "matrix") && !is(x, "Matrix") && !is(x, "HDF5Matrix") &&
!is(x, "DelayedMatrix")) {
stop("x is of type ", class(x), ", currently not supported")
} else {
fit <- mini_batch(data = t(x), clusters = clusters,
batch_size = batch_size, max_iters = max_iters,
num_init = num_init,
init_fraction = init_fraction,
initializer = initializer,
compute_labels = FALSE,
calc_wcss = FALSE,
early_stop_iter = early_stop_iter,
verbose = verbose,
if(compute_labels) {
fit$Clusters <- predict_mini_batch_r(x, fit$centroids,
if(calc_wcss) {
fit$WCSS_per_cluster <- compute_wcss(fit$Clusters,
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