
Defines functions omicplotr.run

Documented in omicplotr.run

#' Run \code{omicplotR} \code{Shiny} app.
#' Launches \code{Shiny} for \code{omicplotR} in default browser. This
#'  graphical user interface facilitates visual exploration of datasets for
#'  both new and experienced R users alike.
#' @author Daniel Giguere
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # To run omicplotR, use `omicplotr.run()` function. This will open the shiny
#' # app in your default browser.
#' # omicplotr.run()
#' # After running omicplotr.run(), you can filter your data and make a PCA
#' # biplot. Internal functions are not intended to be called by the user.
#' data(otu_table)
#' d.filt <- omicplotr.filter(otu_table)
#' @value
#' Will launch the Shiny App. There is no value.
#' @import ALDEx2

omicplotr.run <- function() {

    appDir <- system.file("shiny-app", package = "omicplotR")
    if (appDir == "") {
        stop("Could not find directory. Try reinstalling omicplotR", call = FALSE)

dgiguer/omicplotR_pkg documentation built on Nov. 18, 2019, 6:31 p.m.