
#' AAStringSet viral annotation data
#' `SV_seq` is a AAStringSet with information about viral proteins
#' @source \url{https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/211022451.pdf}

#' Qfeature mocked data
#' `QWCLpeptidessmall` is a small `QFeatures` object for testing.
#'  SummarizedExperiment with 5 rows and 9 columns 

#' RBP annotation data
#' `enigmRBP`  include many well-studied proteins with some roles in RNA 
#' biology 
#' @source \url{http://www.hentze.embl.de/public/RBDmap/}
demar01/RIC documentation built on Feb. 10, 2021, 5:25 p.m.