suppressPackageStartupMessages({ library("BiocStyle") library("RIC") library(magrittr) library(tidyverse) })
(RNA interaction capture) is a package that provides an analytical workflow
ofmass spectrometry proteomics SILAC quantitative data from comparative RNA
interaction capture (cRIC) experiments [@Garcia-Moreno:2019]. In this type of
experiments, oligo DT capture and total cell lysate as used as input normalization.
RIC requires tabular input e.g. peptides.txt files output of quantitative analysis
software like MaxQuant. Functions are provided for preparation and generating
QFeatures objects [@Gatto2020], filtering, calculating cRIC ratios as well as
statistical testing of deferentially RBP due to a given biological
condition/treatment. It also includes tools to check intermediate steps in the
workflow, such as batch correction Finally, visualization tools are provided to
explore the results, including barplots, scatter and volcano plots of RIC, WCL
and cRIC quantitative and semi-quantitative data.
Start R and install RICdata package from github and RIC from Bioconductor:
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE)) install_github("demar01/RICdata") install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install("RIC") library("RIC")
Once you have the package installed, load RIC
and dplyr for data transformation
into R.
library(RIC) library(RICdata) library(stringr) library(dplyr) library(stringr) library(magrittr) library(QFeatures) library(Biostrings)
We analyze the dataset from [@Garcia-Moreno:2019]. These data contain three biological replicates of labeled cells infected with SINV and irradiated with UV light at 4 and 18 h post-infection (hpi), using uninfected cells as a control.
The raw mass spectrometry data were first analyzed using MaxQuant [@Cox:2014] and
the resulting “peptides.txt” file is used as input for the downstream analysis.
These data are contained in the RICdata
package. Thanks to the Qfeatures
[@Gatto:2020] readQFeatures
function a text file can be read straight into a
QFeatures object, a standardize structure to efficiently handle quantitative mass
spectrometry data. Since we need to provide with the indexes of the of the columns
to be used as expression values, we provided the tabular data with this package.
# Path to tabular data WCLpeptidesfilepath<- system.file("extdata","WCL_peptides.txt", package = "RICdata") RICpeptidesfilepath<- system.file( "extdata", "RIC_peptides.txt", package = "RICdata") # Tabular data data("WCLpeptides.raw") data("RICpeptides.raw") RICpeptides <- RICpeptides.raw WCLpeptides <- WCLpeptides.raw # Indices of the columns to be used as expression values j <- str_which(colnames(WCLpeptides),str_c(c("Intensity.((\\D)).18_M_4", "Intensity.((\\D)).4_18_M", "Intensity.((\\D)).M_4_18"), collapse="|")) i <- str_which(colnames(RICpeptides),str_c("Intensity.[H|M|L].", collapse="|")) #Converting tabular data into a QFeatures object QWCLpeptides <- readQFeatures(WCLpeptidesfilepath, ecol = j, sep = "\t", name = "peptides", fnames = "Sequence") QRICpeptides <- readQFeatures(RICpeptidesfilepath, ecol = i, sep = "\t", name = "peptides", fnames = "Sequence")
can take either file path where yourpeptides.txt
lives or
the tabular data already read. We need to detect the position where __Intensity__
columns are. Note that the authors of RIC experiment gave different names to the
oligo(dT) capture (RIC) and WCL experiments, so we need to have one set of
indexes for
WCLexperiment (j) and one set of indexes for
RIC` experiment (i).
We need additional information to process the RIC pipeline:
- SV_proteins.txt (provided with this package) contains additional Sindbis virus
(SV) proteins to be added to the mapping. This file should be read in FASTA format.
- Additional data and functions obtained from the RBDmap
and RBDmapHeLa
# Viral protein annotation SV_seqpath<- system.file( "extdata", "SV_proteins.txt", package = "RIC") SV_seq <- readAAStringSet(SV_seqpath) # From RBDmap and RBDmapHeLa mapPeptidespath<- system.file( "scripts", "mapPeptides.R", package = "RIC") source(mapPeptidespath) #part of RBPmap package mapPeptidespath<- system.file( "scripts", "mapPeptides.R", package = "RIC") source(mapPeptidespath) #part of RBPmap package data("miniProtFeatures") #these data are >5 MB and are included in RICdata summary(miniProtFeatures) ProtFeatures<-miniProtFeatures data("Index") #these data are >5 MB and are included in RICdata data("enigmRBP")
We can annotate with metadata our QFeatures objects. This is important as it defines the order and sample names of experiments.
sample_names=c('hour18','hour4','mock') QWCLpeptides$group <- paste(sample_names,rep(1:3,each=3),sep='_') QWCLpeptides$sample <- rep(1:3, each=3) colData(QWCLpeptides) QRICpeptides$group <- paste(sample_names,rep(1:3,each=3),sep='_') QRICpeptides$sample <- rep(1:3, each=3) colData(QRICpeptides) Qfeatures_list<-list(QRICpeptides,QWCLpeptides)
We filter for contaminant proteins and decoy database hits which are indicated by "+" in the columns "Potential.contaminants" and "Reverse" respectively using QFeatures-filtering functions.
QWCLpeptidesfiltered <- QWCLpeptides %>% filterFeatures(~ Reverse == "") %>% filterFeatures(~ Potential.contaminant == "") QRICpeptidesfiltered <- QRICpeptides %>% filterFeatures(~ Reverse == "") %>% filterFeatures(~ Potential.contaminant == "") #This could be done in one step on Qfeatures_list
We can retain only rowDatanames of interest. To do this we can use the
rowDataNames(QWCLpeptidesfiltered)[["peptides"]] %>% length() #139 rowDataNames(QRICpeptidesfiltered)[["peptides"]] %>% length() #142 rowvars <- c("Sequence", "Proteins", "Leading.razor.protein") QWCLpeptidesfiltered_clean <- selectRowData(QWCLpeptidesfiltered, rowvars) QRICpeptidesfiltered_clean <- selectRowData(QRICpeptidesfiltered, rowvars) rowDataNames(QWCLpeptidesfiltered_clean)[["peptides"]] %>% length() #3 rowDataNames(QRICpeptidesfiltered_clean)[["peptides"]] %>% length() #3 # QWCLpeptidesfiltered_clean & QRICpeptidesfiltered_clean could be saved at this point
We can consider only peptides from each experimental condition than map to a
single gene [@Perez-Perri:2020]. We can visualize how many genes each peptides
matches to using the plot_singlepeptides
RIC::plot_singlepeptides(QWCLpeptidesfiltered_clean,SV_seq,ProtFeatures) RIC::plot_singlepeptides(QRICpeptidesfiltered_clean,SV_seq,ProtFeatures)
Most peptides uniquely match to one gene. Peptides that match to more than one gene will be excluded in the downstream analysis.
We now calculate protein intensities from the mean intensity values of peptides
mapped to the same gene using the agregate_singlepeptides
function that takes
the following arguments:
- the name QFeatures
: QWCLpeptidesfiltered_clean or QRICpeptidesfiltered_clean
in this case
- whichorder
: the correct order of files and not the order given in MaxQuant
output. It is critical at this point that we ensure the correct order.
- names_samples
: the name of the experimental conditions. Note that we have
defined this previously when adding QFeatures
metadata and it is defined in
#checking the sample names order as run in maxquant for WCL c("sequence",rownames(colData(QWCLpeptidesfiltered_clean)))[c(1,2,4,3,6,5,7,10,9,8)] whichorder <-c(1,2,4,3,6,5,7,10,9,8) aggregatedWCL<-RIC::agregate_singlepeptides(QWCLpeptidesfiltered_clean,SV_seq, ProtFeatures,whichorder = c(1,2,4,3,6,5,7,10,9,8), names_samples= colData(QWCLpeptides)$group ) #checking the sample names order as run in maxquant for RIC c("sequence",rownames(colData(QRICpeptidesfiltered_clean)))[c(1,4,3,2,5,7,6,9,8,10)] whichorder <-c(1,4,3,2,5,7,6,9,8,10) aggregatedRIC<-RIC::agregate_singlepeptides(QRICpeptidesfiltered_clean,SV_seq, ProtFeatures,whichorder = c(1,4,3,2,5,7,6,9,8,10), names_samples=colData(QWCLpeptides)$group )
We can get a high-level overview of the data using the plot_batcheffect
which can be very useful to observe batch effects, such as obvious differences
between replicates.
RIC::plot_batcheffect(aggregatedWCL) RIC::plot_batcheffect(aggregatedRIC)
If needed we can use the remove_batcheffect
function, that uses limma's
removeBatchEffect [@Ritchie:2015].
batch2 <- c("A","A","A","B","B","B","C","C","C") aggregatedWCL_batch<-remove_batcheffect(aggregatedWCL,batch2) plot_batcheffect(aggregatedWCL_batch)
We can get an overview of protein intensities across replicates using the
function plot_scatterreplicates
. In the example below we choose to visualise
protein intensities for two input replicates and highligth the intensities of
viral proteins "SV_wt_nsP2" and "SV_wt_E2".
plot_scatterreplicates( aggregatedWCL_batch, protein_1 = "SV_wt_nsP2", protein_2 = "SV_wt_E2", xlimits = c(20, 34), ylimits = c(20, 34), repx = "hour18_1", repy = "hour18_2" )
We can also plot the intensity of proteins between two RIC experiment replicates.
plot_scatterreplicates( aggregatedRIC, protein_1 = "SV_wt_nsP2", protein_2 = "SV_wt_E2", xlimits = c(16, 29), ylimits = c(16, 29), repx = "hour18_1", repy = "hour18_2" )
We can estimate the magnitude of RNA binding activity calculating the log2 (RIC/WCL) changes using the function calculate_cRIC
cRIC <- calculate_cRIC(aggregatedWCL_batch, aggregatedRIC)
calculates a moderated t-test for set enrichment as
implemented in limma [@Ritchie:2015] and it silently returns a list with two
The first component test_moderateRIC
output is a list of same length as
r length(sample_names)
. Each component of this list is a
dataframe with t.test output and has
r names(test_moderateRIC(aggregatedWCL_batch)[[1]][[1]])
The second component test_moderateRIC
output is a list of same length as
r length(sample_names)
. Each component of this list is a matrix
with intensity values (median corrected).
test_moderateRIC(aggregatedWCL_batch) test_moderateRIC(aggregatedRIC)
We can access the output of test_moderateRIC
and visualize with a scatterplot
the log2 fold changes across different replicates,highlighting proteins with
significant changes using plot_scatterRIC
test_moderateRIC(aggregatedWCL_batch)[[1]]$diff_hour18_hour4 -> tabletoplotWCL test_moderateRIC(aggregatedWCL_batch)[[2]]$diff_hour18_hour4 -> intensitiestoploWCL plot_scatterRIC(tabletoplotWCL,intensitiestoploWCL) test_moderateRIC(aggregatedRIC)[[1]]$diff_hour18_mock -> tabletoplotRIC test_moderateRIC(aggregatedRIC)[[2]]$diff_hour18_mock -> intensitiestoplotRIC plot_scatterRIC(tabletoplotRIC,intensitiestoplotRIC)
Similarly, we can access the output of test_moderateRIC
and visualize with a
volcanoplot for WCL and RIC experiment using plot_volcanoRIC
. Note that we
only need the first output component of test_moderateRIC
to represent a volcano.
Semi-quantitative analysis enables the analysis of proteins with ‘zero intensity’
values in one of the conditions.
Semi-quantitative analysis can be particularly useful for the identification of
RBPs that which from active (present on RIC but not present on WCL [on/off]) to
non-active(present on WCL but not present on RIC [off/on]). These missing values
would be otherwise be missed in the previous statistical analysis due to missing
values. semiq_cRIC
function returns a tabular data with one additional summary
column per each sample name sample_names
that contains the number of detectable
intensity values on each condition upon filtering for a minimum threshold
) of log2(condition/relative).
output_semiqcRIC<-semiq_cRIC(aggregatedRIC,condition = "hour4",relative = "mock" ,updown=2 ) output_semiqcRIC %>% head(5)
To ease future analysis and/or visualization of RIC data, processed data can be saved. For example, we could save the cleaned QWCLpeptidesfiltered_clean
and QRICpeptidesfiltered_clean
Qfeature objects.
This allows us to easily change parameters in future analysis.
``` {r save-load-Qfeatures, eval = FALSE}
save(QWCLpeptidesfiltered_clean, QRICpeptidesfiltered_clean, file = "RICprocessed.RData")
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