SBGNview has collected pathway data and gene sets from the following databases: Reactome, PANTHER Pathway, SMPDB, MetaCyc and MetaCrop. These gene sets can be used for pathway enrichment analysis.
In this vignette, we will show you a complete pathway analysis workflow based on GAGE + SBGNview. Similar workflows have been documented in the gage package using GAGE + Pathview.
Please cite the following papers when using the open-source SBGNview package. This will help the project and our team:
Luo W, Brouwer C. Pathview: an R/Biocondutor package for pathway-based data integration and visualization. Bioinformatics, 2013, 29(14):1830-1831, doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btt285
Please also cite the GAGE paper when using the gage package:
Luo W, Friedman M, etc. GAGE: generally applicable gene set enrichment for pathway analysis. BMC Bioinformatics, 2009, 10, pp. 161, doi: 10.1186/1471-2105-10-161
Please see the Quick Start tutorial for installation instructions and quick start examples.
In this example, we analyze a RNA-Seq dataset of IFNg KO mice vs wild type mice. It contains normalized RNA-seq gene expression data described in Greer, Renee L., Xiaoxi Dong, et al, 2016.
The RNA abundance data was quantile normalized and log2 transformed, stored in a "SummarizedExperiment" object. SBGNview input user data ( or can be either a numeric matrix or a vector, like those in pathview. In addition, it can be a "SummarizedExperiment" object, which is commonly used in BioConductor packages.
library(SBGNview) library(SummarizedExperiment) data("IFNg", "") <- assays(IFNg)$counts head( wt.cols <- which(IFNg$group == "wt") ko.cols <- which(IFNg$group == "ko")
ensembl.pathway <- sbgn.gsets(id.type = "ENSEMBL", species = "mmu", mol.type = "gene", = TRUE ) head(ensembl.pathway[[2]])
if(!requireNamespace("gage", quietly = TRUE)) { BiocManager::install("gage", update = FALSE) } library(gage) degs <- gage(exprs =, gsets = ensembl.pathway, ref = wt.cols, samp = ko.cols, compare = "paired" #"" ) head(degs$greater)[,3:5] head(degs$less)[,3:5] down.pathways <- row.names(degs$less)[1:10] head(down.pathways)
The abundance values were log2 transformed. Here we calculate the fold change of IFNg KO group v.s. WT group.
ensembl.koVsWt <-[,ko.cols][,wt.cols] head(ensembl.koVsWt) #alternatively, we can also calculate mean fold changes per gene, which corresponds to gage analysis above with compare="" mean.wt <- apply([,wt.cols] ,1 ,"mean") head(mean.wt) mean.ko <- apply([,ko.cols],1,"mean") head(mean.ko) # The abundance values were on log scale. Hence fold change is their difference. ensembl.koVsWt.m <- mean.ko - mean.wt
#load the SBGNview pathway collection, which may takes a few seconds. data(sbgn.xmls) down.pathways <- sapply(strsplit(down.pathways,"::"), "[", 1) head(down.pathways) sbgnview.obj <- SBGNview( = ensembl.koVsWt, = "ENSEMBL", input.sbgn = down.pathways[1:2],#can be more than 2 pathways output.file = "ifn.sbgnview.less", = TRUE, max.gene.value = 2, min.gene.value = -2, mid.gene.value = 0, node.sum = "mean", output.format = c("png"), font.size = 2.3, org = "mmu", text.length.factor.complex = 3, if.scale.compartment.font.size = TRUE, node.width.adjust.factor.compartment = 0.04 ) sbgnview.obj ```rSBGNview graph of the most down-regulated pathways in IFNg KO experiment"} library(knitr) include_graphics("ifn.sbgnview.less_R-HSA-877300_Interferon gamma signaling.svg")
```rSBGNview graph of the second most down-regulated pathways in IFNg KO experiment"} library(knitr) include_graphics("ifn.sbgnview.less_R-HSA-909733_Interferon alpha_beta signaling.svg")
## SBGNview with SummarizedExperiment object The 'cancer.ds' is a microarray dataset from a breast cancer study. The dataset was adopted from gage package and processed into a SummarizedExperiment object. It is used to demo SBGNview's visualization ability. ```r data("cancer.ds") sbgnview.obj <- SBGNview( = cancer.ds, = "ENTREZID", input.sbgn = "R-HSA-877300", output.file = "demo.SummarizedExperiment", = TRUE, max.gene.value = 1, min.gene.value = -1, mid.gene.value = 0, node.sum = "mean", output.format = c("png"), font.size = 2.3, org = "hsa", text.length.factor.complex = 3, if.scale.compartment.font.size = TRUE, node.width.adjust.factor.compartment = 0.04 ) sbgnview.obj
```rSBGNview of a cancer dataset gse16873"} include_graphics("demo.SummarizedExperiment_R-HSA-877300_Interferon gamma signaling.svg")
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