Man pages for daewoooo/StrandPhaseR
Phase template strands from Strand-seq data

assembleHapsThis will take sorted matrices and will calculate concordance...
bamregion2GRangesImport BAM file into GRanges
calcMatrixScoreThis function calculates score of a matrix as a sum of...
compareSingleCellHapsThis will take sorted matrices and will calculate concordance...
correctHetInvCorrect heterozygous inversion in StrandPhaseR VCF file.
correctHomInvCorrect homozygous inversion in StrandPhaseR VCF file.
correctInvertedRegionPhasingCorrect StrandPhaseR phasing over inverted regions
exportBedGraphGenerates a bedgraph from GRanges object in order to upload...
exportConsensusThis funcion will load sorted watson and crick matrices and...
exportPhasedReadsExport Strand-seq phased reads in FASTA or FASTQ format.
exportVCFGenerates a VCF file from phased haplotypes
fillGapsWithBamThis function will take both assembled haplotypes and will...
fillGapsWithVCFThis function will take both assembled haplotypes and will...
findRecombFind meiotic recombination breakpoints using circular binary...
genotypeStrandScellsGenotype Strand-seq cell based on population genotypes.
loadGRangesFromFilesLoad phased data from RData files
loadMatricesThis funcion will read in partial single cell haplotypes into...
LOHseekerThis function uses circular-binary-segementation to segment...
mapRecombMap meiotic recombination events in a single family trio...
phaseChromosomeWrapper function for StrandPhaseR to phase a single...
phaseHETinversionPhase a heterozygous inversion using Strand-seq data
pipePipe operator
plotHapDensityThis function will take phased data for each chromosome and...
plotHaploSegsPlot inherited haplotype segments as ideogram.
plotPhasedReadsThis function will take phased reads for each chromosome and...
plotSingleCellHapsThis function will take phased data for each chromosome and...
readConfigRead StrandPhaseR configuration file
sliceRangesSlice a certain length from a set of genomic ranges.
sortMatricesThis funcion will load initial watson and crick matrices and...
splitReadsThis will take phased info for each haplotype and will split...
strandPhaseRWrapper function
vcf2rangesRead VCF file into a 'GRanges' object
vcf2vrangesLoad a VCF file
writeConfigWrite StrandPhaseR configuration file
daewoooo/StrandPhaseR documentation built on Jan. 17, 2025, 7:44 a.m.