
#' MAF file containing genomic variants
#' A dataset that contains the genomic location and other attributes of 191 genomic variants originated from a primary acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) tumor.
#' @source \url{}

#' VCF file containing genomic variants
#' A dataset that contains the genomic location and other attributes of 3687 genomic variants originated from a primary breast cancer tumor.
#'@source \url{}

#' A VRanges object containing synthetic genomic variants
#' This VRanges object was constructed using the following function katdetectr::generateSyntheticData(nBackgroundVariants = 500, nKataegisFoci = 1, nKataegisVariants = 20)
daanhazelaar/katdetectr documentation built on June 3, 2022, 4:58 a.m.