#' @title Estimate Barcode Threshold
#' @description Estimates an appropriate minimum abundance threshold for reliably detected barcodes in a clonal tracking dataset. \cr \cr
#' For a specified capture efficiency C, the minimum clone size N that we can expect to detect with confidence level P is calculated from: \cr `P = 1 - (1 - C)^(N)` \cr \cr
#' The proportional abundance of a clonal tag of size N is \cr `N / (T * F)` \cr where T is the total population size of cells or genomes and F is the frequency or proportion of the total population which is labeled or genetically modified with the clonal tag. \cr \cr
#' The population size and proportion labeled must be determined experimentally. The capture efficiency should be estimated for a given clonal tracking technique by simulating the barcode retrieval process in silico and finding the capture efficiency which leads to a total # of detected barcodes matching the experimentally determined number. Adair et al `(PMID: 32355868)` performed this analysis for viral integration site analysis and DNA barcode sequencing and determined good estimates for the capture efficiencies of these two technologies to be 0.05 and 0.4 respectively.
#' @param capture_efficiency Numeric. The capture efficiency of the clonal tracking method to detect a given clone. Must be between 0 and 1. See the description for details on how to estimate this value for a given experiment.
#' @param population_size Numeric. The total number of cells/genomes within each sample analyzed in the clonal tracking study. This is an experimentally determined value.
#' @param proportion_labeled Numeric. The proportion of the `population_size` which is genetically modified or contains a clonal tracking index. This is an experimentally determined value.
#' @param confidence_level Numeric. The confidence level for estimatig the minimum abundance threshold. Must be between 0 and 1. Default is 0.95 for 95 percent confidence that a clone with proportion `relative_threshold` will be detected. Increasing this parameter closer to one will result in a more stringent abundance threshold and decreasing this parameter will result in a more permissive abundance threshold.
#' @param verbose Logical. Whether to print the calculated threshold.
#' @return Returns a single numeric `relative_threshold` describing the proportional abundance above which clones can be considered reliable given the provided capture efficiency and labeled population size. Pass this value into the function `threshold_SE` to threshold an existing SummarizedExperiment object or the function `create_SE` to threshold a SummarizedExperiment object upon creation from dataframes of counts and metadata.
#' @import SummarizedExperiment
#' @importFrom rlang %||%
#' @examples
#' estimate_barcode_threshold(
#' capture_efficiency = 0.4,
#' population_size = 500000,
#' proportion_labeled = 0.3,
#' confidence_level = 0.95,
#' verbose = TRUE
#' )
#' @export
estimate_barcode_threshold <- function(capture_efficiency = NULL,
confidence_level = 0.95,
verbose = TRUE) {
# Error checking
if (capture_efficiency) {
if (capture_efficiency <= 0) {
stop("The `capture_efficiency` argument must be greater than 0.")
} else if (capture_efficiency >= 1) {
stop("The `capture_efficiency` argument must be less than 1.")
} else if (is.null(capture_efficiency)) {
cat("No capture efficiency provided. Using 0.05 as default. The capture efficiency depends on the clonal tracking technology and should be estimated as described in the description of this function. \n")
capture_efficiency <- capture_efficiency %||% 0.05
if (is.null(population_size)) {
stop("The `population_size` argument must be specified. This is an experimentally determined parameter.")
if (is.null(proportion_labeled)) {
stop("The `proportion_labeled` argument must be specified. This is an experimentally determined parameter.")
if (confidence_level <= 0) {
stop("The `confidence_level` argument must be greater than 0.")
} else if (confidence_level >= 1) {
stop("The `confidence_level` argument must be less than 1.")
} else if (confidence_level != 0.95) {
cat("Non-default confidence level specified:", confidence_level, "\n")
# Perform calculation
relative_threshold <- log((1 - confidence_level), base = (1 - capture_efficiency)) / (population_size * proportion_labeled)
# Print results if desired
if (verbose) {
cat("Relative threshold. Barcodes above", relative_threshold * 100, "% of a given sample are estimated to be reliable. \n")
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