#' Annotates standardizes fusion calls calls with zscored expression value from either GTEx/cohort
#' The input should have the following standardized
#' columns to run through this GTEx/cohort normalization function
#' "Sample" Unique SampleIDs used in your RNAseq dataset
#' "FusionName" GeneA--GeneB ,or if fusion is intergenic then Gene1A/Gene2A--GeneB
#' @param standardFusioncalls Annotates standardizes fusion calls from callers STARfusion| Arriba or QC filtered fusion
#' @param zscoreFilter Zscore value to use as threshold for annotation of differential expression
#' @param saveZscoredMatrix File to save zscored matrix calculated for the normalized data and expression matrix
#' @param normData normalizing expression dataset to calculate zscore
#' @param expressionMatrix Expression matrix associated with the fusion calls
#' @export
#' @return expression_annotated_fusions is a standardized fusion call set with standard
#' @examples
#' standardFusioncalls <- annoFuse::annoFuse_single_sample(
#' # Example files are provided in extdata, at-least 1 fusionfile is required along
#' # with its rsem expression file
#' fusionfileArriba = system.file("extdata", "arriba_example.tsv", package = "annoFuseData"),
#' fusionfileStarFusion = system.file("extdata", "starfusion_example.tsv", package = "annoFuseData"),
#' expressionFile = system.file(
#' "extdata", "example.rsem.genes.results.gz",
#' package = "annoFuseData"
#' ),
#' tumorID = "BS_W97QQYKQ",
#' # multiple read flag values for filtering using FusionAnnotator values
#' artifactFilter = "GTEx_Recurrent|DGD_PARALOGS|Normal|BodyMap|ConjoinG",
#' # keep all in-frame , frameshift and other types of Fusion_Type
#' readingFrameFilter = "in-frame|frameshift|other",
#' # keep all fusions with atleast 1 junction read support
#' junctionReadCountFilter = 1,
#' # keep only fusions where spanningFragCount-junctionReadCountFilter less than equal to 10
#' spanningFragCountFilter = 10,
#' # keep read throughs
#' readthroughFilter = FALSE
#' )
#' expressionMatrix <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "expr_collapsed.rds", package = "annoFuseData"))
#' normData <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "gtex_collapsed.rds", package = "annoFuseData"))
#' zscoredStandardFusioncalls <- zscored_annotation(standardFusioncalls,
#' zscoreFilter = 2,
#' normData = normData,
#' expressionMatrix = expressionMatrix
#' )
zscored_annotation <- function(standardFusioncalls,
expressionMatrix) {
standardFusioncalls <- .check_annoFuse_calls(standardFusioncalls)
if (!missing(saveZscoredMatrix)) {
# TODO: checks on other params as well
# expect unique gene_id expressionMatrix collapsed at gene level
expressionMatrixMatched <- expressionMatrix %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$gene_id %in% normData$gene_id) %>%
expressionMatrixMatched <- log2(expressionMatrixMatched + 1)
# gene matched
# expect unique gene_id normData collapsed at gene level
# get log transformed GTEx/cohort matrix
normData <- normData %>%
tibble::column_to_rownames("gene_id") %>%
normData <- normData[rownames(expressionMatrixMatched), ]
normData <- log2(normData + 1)
# normData mean and sd
normData_means <- rowMeans(normData, na.rm = TRUE)
normData_sd <- apply(normData, 1, stats::sd, na.rm = TRUE)
# subtract mean
expressionMatrixzscored <- sweep(expressionMatrixMatched, 1, normData_means, FUN = "-")
# divide by SD
expressionMatrixzscored <- sweep(expressionMatrixzscored, 1, normData_sd, FUN = "/") %>%
tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "gene_id") %>%
# To save GTEx/cohort scored matrix
if (!missing(saveZscoredMatrix)) {
saveRDS(expressionMatrixzscored, saveZscoredMatrix)
# get long format to compare to expression
expression_long_df <- expressionMatrixzscored %>%
# Get the data into long format
variable.name = "Sample",
value.name = "zscore_value"
# fusion calls
fusion_sample_gene_df <- standardFusioncalls %>%
# We want to keep track of the gene symbols for each sample-fusion pair
dplyr::select(.data$Sample, .data$FusionName, .data$Gene1A, .data$Gene1B, .data$Gene2A, .data$Gene2B) %>%
# We want a single column that contains the gene symbols
tidyr::gather(Gene1A, Gene1B, Gene2A, Gene2B,
key = gene_position, value = gene_id
) %>%
# Remove columns without gene symbols
dplyr::filter(.data$gene_id != "") %>%
dplyr::arrange(.data$Sample, .data$FusionName) %>%
# Retain only distinct rows
# check columns for Gene1A,Gene2A,Gene1B and Gene2B
cols <- c("Gene1A", "Gene1B", "Gene2A", "Gene2B")
add_cols <- setdiff(cols, unique(fusion_sample_gene_df$gene_position))
expression_annotated_fusions <- fusion_sample_gene_df %>%
# join the filtered expression values to the data frame keeping track of symbols
# for each sample-fusion name pair
dplyr::left_join(expression_long_df, by = c("Sample", "gene_id")) %>%
# for each sample-fusion name pair, are all genes under the expression threshold?
dplyr::group_by(.data$FusionName, .data$Sample) %>%
dplyr::select(.data$FusionName, .data$Sample, .data$zscore_value, .data$gene_position) %>%
# cast to keep zscore and gene position
reshape2::dcast(FusionName + Sample ~ gene_position, value.var = "zscore_value") %>%
# incase Gene2A/B dont exist like in STARfusion calls
add_column(!!as.name(add_cols) := NA) %>%
# get annotation from z score
note_expression_Gene1A = ifelse((.data$Gene1A > zscoreFilter | .data$Gene1A < -zscoreFilter), "differentially expressed", "no change"),
note_expression_Gene1B = ifelse((.data$Gene1B > zscoreFilter | .data$Gene1B < -zscoreFilter), "differentially expressed", "no change"),
note_expression_Gene2A = ifelse((.data$Gene2A > zscoreFilter | .data$Gene2A < -zscoreFilter), "differentially expressed", "no change"),
note_expression_Gene2B = ifelse((.data$Gene2B > zscoreFilter | .data$Gene2B < -zscoreFilter), "differentially expressed", "no change")
) %>%
zscore_Gene1A = .data$Gene1A,
zscore_Gene1B = .data$Gene1B,
zscore_Gene2A = .data$Gene2A,
zscore_Gene2B = .data$Gene2B
) %>%
# unique FusionName-Sample rows
# use this to filter the QC filtered fusion data frame
dplyr::inner_join(standardFusioncalls, by = c("FusionName", "Sample")) %>%
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