#' Filter standardized fusion calls for driver fusions
#' If standardized fusion calls are annotated using the geneListReferenceDataTab and fusionReferenceDataTab filters out fusion calls where partner genes are not annotated.
#' If standardized fusion is not annotated it will be annotated with geneListReferenceDataTab and fusionReferenceDataTab provided.
#' Domain retention status for Gene1A and Gene1B for the given pfamIDs is also annotated; defaults to kinase domain retention status information
#' @param standardFusioncalls A dataframe from star fusion or arriba (more callers to be added)
#' @param filterPutativeDriver filter out fusion calls where partner genes are not annotated from with gene and fusion reference list by annnoFuse::annotate_fusion_calls()
#' @param annotated Logical value to specify if input if annotated by annnoFuse::annotate_fusion_calls()
#' @param geneListReferenceDataTab A dataframe with column 1 as GeneName 2 source file 3 type; collapse to summarize type
#' @param fusionReferenceDataTab A dataframe with column 1 as FusionName 2 source file 3 type; collapse to summarize type
#' @param checkDomainStatus Logical value to check if domain status in fused gene for given domansToCheck, default to FALSE
#' @param domainsToCheck pfamID to check for retention status, the IDs can be found here http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg38/database/pfamDesc.txt.gz, defaults to using kinase pfam IDs since the fusions with kinase domain are more relevant for therapy
#' @export
#' @return Putative Driver standardized fusion calls annotated with gene list and
#' fusion list provided in reference folder. If checkDomainStatus == TRUE and
#' domain retention status for given pfamID is also provided along with the gene
#' location corresponding to the domain retention status
#' @examples
#' out_annofuse <-
#' system.file("extdata", "PutativeDriverAnnoFuse.tsv", package = "annoFuseData")
#' sfc <- read.delim(out_annofuse)
#' geneListReferenceDataTab <- read.delim(
#' system.file("extdata", "genelistreference.txt", package = "annoFuseData"),
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#' )
#' fusionReferenceDataTab <- read.delim(
#' system.file("extdata", "fusionreference.txt", package = "annoFuseData"),
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#' )
#' bioMartDataPfam <-
#' readRDS(system.file("extdata", "pfamDataBioMart.RDS", package = "annoFuseData"))
#' kinaseid <- unique(bioMartDataPfam$pfam_id[grep("kinase", bioMartDataPfam$NAME)])
#' fusion_driver_df <- fusion_driver(sfc,
#' annotated = TRUE,
#' geneListReferenceDataTab = geneListReferenceDataTab,
#' fusionReferenceDataTab = fusionReferenceDataTab,
#' checkDomainStatus = FALSE,
#' domainsToCheck = kinaseid
#' )
fusion_driver <- function(standardFusioncalls,
filterPutativeDriver = TRUE,
annotated = TRUE,
checkDomainStatus = FALSE,
domainsToCheck) {
standardFusioncalls <- .check_annoFuse_calls(standardFusioncalls)
if (checkDomainStatus) {
# load bioMart Pfam dataframe
bioMartDataPfam <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "pfamDataBioMart.RDS", package = "annoFuseData"))
if (missing(domainsToCheck)) {
message("domainsToCheck was not provided; Using default kinase pfam ids to checkDomainStatus")
domainsToCheck <- unique(bioMartDataPfam$pfam_id[grep("kinase", bioMartDataPfam$NAME)])
kinaseDomainRetained <- TRUE
if (!is.character(domainsToCheck) | !(any(domainsToCheck %in% bioMartDataPfam$pfam_id))) {
message("domainsToCheck was not character types or not found in pfam; Using default kinase pfam ids to checkDomainStatus")
domainsToCheck <- unique(bioMartDataPfam$pfam_id[grep("kinase", bioMartDataPfam$NAME)])
kinaseDomainRetained <- TRUE
if (is.character(domainsToCheck)) {
found <- paste(intersect(domainsToCheck, bioMartDataPfam$pfam_id), collapse = ",")
warning(paste(found, " pfamIDs were found in our pfam list"))
bioMartDataPfam <- bioMartDataPfam %>%
# keep only pfamIDs to check
dplyr::filter(pfam_id %in% domainsToCheck)
# annotate by domain ;gather partial retention as well
annDomain <- get_Pfam_domain(standardFusioncalls = standardFusioncalls, bioMartDataPfam = bioMartDataPfam, keepPartialAnno = TRUE)
# domain annotation
standardFusionGene1ADomain <- annDomain$Gene1A %>%
dplyr::rename("DomainRetainedGene1A" = "Gene1A_DOMAIN_RETAINED_IN_FUSION") %>%
# mutated Left and Right Breakpoints since the get_Pfam_domain separtaes the
# chromosome and genomic location into LeftBreakpointChr,LeftBreakpoint
# and RightBreakpointChr,RightBreakpoint
# but since format for standardFusioncalls is Chr:Breakpont we are updating here
# for merging in the next step
LeftBreakpoint = paste(LeftBreakpointChr, LeftBreakpoint, sep = ":"),
RightBreakpoint = paste(RightBreakpointChr, RightBreakpoint, sep = ":")
) %>%
# select only columns required
dplyr::select("LeftBreakpoint", "RightBreakpoint", "FusionName", "Fusion_Type", "Gene1A", "Sample", "DomainRetainedGene1A") %>%
standardFusionGene1BDomain <- annDomain$Gene1B %>%
dplyr::rename("DomainRetainedGene1B" = "Gene1B_DOMAIN_RETAINED_IN_FUSION") %>%
# mutated Left and Right Breakpoints since the get_Pfam_domain separtaes the
# chromosome and genomic location into LeftBreakpointChr,LeftBreakpoint
# and RightBreakpointChr,RightBreakpoint
# but since format for standardFusioncalls is Chr:Breakpont we are updating here
# for merging in the next step
LeftBreakpoint = paste(LeftBreakpointChr, LeftBreakpoint, sep = ":"),
RightBreakpoint = paste(RightBreakpointChr, RightBreakpoint, sep = ":")
) %>%
# select only columns required
dplyr::select("LeftBreakpoint", "RightBreakpoint", "FusionName", "Fusion_Type", "Sample", "Gene1B", "DomainRetainedGene1B") %>%
standardFusionDomain <- full_join(standardFusionGene1ADomain, standardFusionGene1BDomain)
if (exists("kinaseDomainRetained")) {
# default to always print kinase domain retention
standardFusionDomain <- standardFusionDomain %>%
"kinaseDomainRetainedGene1A" = "DomainRetainedGene1A",
"kinaseDomainRetainedGene1B" = "DomainRetainedGene1B"
standardFusioncalls <- standardFusioncalls %>%
# add status for given pfamIDs
left_join(standardFusionDomain) %>%
if (!annotated) {
# check reference input
stopifnot(is(geneListReferenceDataTab, "data.frame"))
stopifnot(is(fusionReferenceDataTab, "data.frame"))
# annotate
standardFusioncalls <- annotate_fusion_calls(standardFusioncalls = standardFusioncalls, geneListReferenceDataTab = geneListReferenceDataTab, fusionReferenceDataTab = fusionReferenceDataTab)
if (filterPutativeDriver) {
standardFusioncalls <- standardFusioncalls %>%
# dplyr::filter(!Gene1A %in% fusion_recurrent5_per_sample$GeneSymbol |
# !Gene2A %in% fusion_recurrent5_per_sample$GeneSymbol |
# !Gene1B %in% fusion_recurrent5_per_sample$GeneSymbol |
# !Gene2B %in% fusion_recurrent5_per_sample$GeneSymbol) %>%
dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$Gene1A_anno) | !is.na(.data$Gene1B_anno) | !is.na(.data$Gene2A_anno) | !is.na(.data$Gene2B_anno))
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