methods::setClassUnion("list_df", c("list", "data.frame"))
#' Update \code{COBRAPerformance} or \code{COBRAPlot} object to the current
#' version of the class format
#' Update a \code{COBRAPerformance} or \code{COBRAPlot} object generated by a
#' previous version of the package to the latest version.
#' @param object A \code{COBRAPerformance} or \code{COBRAPlot} object
#' @param quiet Set to TRUE to disable messages listing the modifications that
#' are applied to the object
#' @return An updated \code{COBRAPerformance} or \code{COBRAPlot} object
#' @export
#' @author Charlotte Soneson
#' @examples
#' cobradata <- cobradata_example_sval
#' cobraperf <- calculate_performance(cobradata,
#' binary_truth = "status",
#' aspects = "fpr")
#' cobraperf <- update_cobraperformance(cobraperf)
update_cobraperformance <- function(object, quiet = FALSE) {
mod <- FALSE
if (!(.hasSlot(object, "fsrnbr"))) {
object@fsrnbr <- data.frame()
if (!quiet) message("Added empty fsrnbr slot to object")
mod <- TRUE
if (!(.hasSlot(object, "fsrnbrcurve"))) {
object@fsrnbrcurve <- data.frame()
if (!quiet) message("Adding empty fsrnbrcurve slot to object")
mod <- TRUE
if (!mod) {
if (!quiet) message("Object up to date")
#' @rdname COBRAPerformance
#' @export
.COBRAPerformance <- setClass("COBRAPerformance",
slots = c(fdrtpr = "data.frame",
fdrtprcurve = "data.frame",
fdrnbr = "data.frame",
fdrnbrcurve = "data.frame",
fsrnbr = "data.frame",
fsrnbrcurve = "data.frame",
deviation = "data.frame",
tpr = "data.frame",
fpr = "data.frame",
roc = "data.frame",
scatter = "data.frame",
fpc = "data.frame",
overlap = "list_df",
corr = "data.frame",
maxsplit = "numeric",
splv = "character",
onlyshared = "logical"))
#' \code{COBRAPerformance} object and constructor
#' The \code{COBRAPerformance} class holds various types of calculated
#' performance measures. Objects from this class are typically generated from
#' \code{COBRAData} objects by means of the function
#' \code{\link{calculate_performance}}.
#' @param fdrtpr A data frame containing observed FDR and TPR values at various
#' adjusted p-value thresholds.
#' @param fdrtprcurve A data frame containing observed FDR and TPR values for a
#' (potentially large) number of cutoffs applied to a 'score' (that can be
#' p-value, adjusted p-value or a more general score).
#' @param fdrnbr A data frame containing observed FDR and the number of features
#' considered to be significant at various adjusted p-value thresholds.
#' @param fdrnbrcurve A data frame containing observed FDR and number of
#' features considered to be significant for a (potentially large) number of
#' cutoffs applied to a 'score' (that can be p-value, adjusted p-value or a
#' more general score).
#' @param fsrnbr A data frame containing observed false sign rate (FSR) and the
#' number of features considered to be significant at various s-value
#' thresholds
#' @param fsrnbrcurve A data frame containing observed false sign rate (FSR) and
#' number of features considered to be significant for a (potentially large)
#' number of cutoffs applied to the s-value
#' @param tpr A data frame containing observed TPR values at various adjusted
#' p-value thresholds.
#' @param fpr A data frame containing observed FPR values at various adjusted
#' p-value thresholds.
#' @param roc A data frame containing observed FPR and TPR values for a
#' (potentially large) number of cutoffs applied to a 'score' (that can be
#' p-value, adjusted p-value or a more general score), which can be used to
#' generate a ROC curve.
#' @param scatter A data frame containing observed 'scores' (p-values, adjusted
#' p-values or more general scores) and true scores, which can be used to
#' generate scatter plots.
#' @param fpc A data frame containing observed numbers of false positive
#' findings among the N top-ranked features (ranked by p-values, adjusted
#' p-values or more general scores), for a (potentially large) number of Ns,
#' which can be used to generate a false positive curve.
#' @param overlap A data frame or list of data frames with binary values
#' indicating, for each of a number of methods and number of features, whether
#' the method consider the feature 'positive' (significant, 1) or 'negative'
#' (non-significant, 0). If it is a list of data frames, each list element
#' corresponds to one level of a stratifying factor.
#' @param corr A data frame containing observed (Pearson and Spearman)
#' correlation values between observed and true scores.
#' @param deviation A data frame containing deviations between observed scores
#' and true scores.
#' @param maxsplit A numeric value indicating the largest number of levels to
#' retain if the results have been stratified by an annotation.
#' @param splv A character string giving the name of the stratification factor,
#' "none" if the results are not stratified.
#' @param onlyshared A logical value indicating whether only features shared
#' between the results and the truth should be retained, or if all features
#' present in the truth should be used.
#' @include COBRAData.R
#' @return A \code{COBRAPerformance} object.
#' @aliases COBRAPerformance COBRAPerformance-class
#' @docType class
#' @export
#' @rdname COBRAPerformance
#' @author Charlotte Soneson
#' @import methods
#' @examples
#' ## Empty COBRAPerformance object
#' COBRAPerformance()
COBRAPerformance <- function(fdrtpr = data.frame(), fdrtprcurve = data.frame(),
fdrnbr = data.frame(), fdrnbrcurve = data.frame(),
fsrnbr = data.frame(), fsrnbrcurve = data.frame(),
tpr = data.frame(), fpr = data.frame(), splv = "",
roc = data.frame(), fpc = data.frame(),
deviation = data.frame(), onlyshared = NA,
overlap = data.frame(), maxsplit = NA_integer_,
corr = data.frame(), scatter = data.frame()) {
## TODO: add some checks of the input arguments
.COBRAPerformance(fdrtpr = fdrtpr, fdrtprcurve = fdrtprcurve,
fsrnbr = fsrnbr, fsrnbrcurve = fsrnbrcurve,
deviation = deviation, fdrnbr = fdrnbr,
fdrnbrcurve = fdrnbrcurve, scatter = scatter,
tpr = tpr, fpr = fpr, roc = roc, fpc = fpc, corr = corr,
overlap = overlap, splv = splv, maxsplit = maxsplit,
onlyshared = onlyshared)
setMethod("show", "COBRAPerformance", function(object) {
cat("An object of class \"", class(object), "\"\n", sep = "")
for (sl in slotNames(object)) {
if (.hasSlot(object, sl)) {
x <- slot(object, sl)
cat("@", sl, "\n", sep = "")
#' Accessor and replacement functions for \code{fdrtpr} slot
#' Accessor and replacement functions for the \code{fdrtpr} slot in a
#' \code{COBRAPerformance} or \code{COBRAPlot} object.
#' @docType methods
#' @name fdrtpr
#' @rdname fdrtpr
#' @aliases fdrtpr fdrtpr,COBRAPerformance-method
#' fdrtpr<-,COBRAPerformance,data.frame-method fdrtpr,COBRAPlot-method
#' fdrtpr<-,COBRAPlot,data.frame-method
#' @return The accessor function returns a data frame giving information about
#' the observed FPR and TPR for each method and each stratification level, at
#' various adjusted p-value thresholds.
#' @param x A \code{COBRAPerformance} or \code{COBRAPlot} object.
#' @param ... Additional arguments.
#' @param value A data frame giving information about the observed FPR and TPR
#' for each method and each stratification level, at various adjusted p-value
#' thresholds.
#' @author Charlotte Soneson
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(cobradata_example)
#' cobraperf <- calculate_performance(cobradata_example,
#' binary_truth = "status",
#' aspects = "fdrtpr")
#' head(fdrtpr(cobraperf))
setMethod("fdrtpr", signature(x = "COBRAPerformance"), function(x) x@fdrtpr)
#' @name fdrtpr
#' @rdname fdrtpr
#' @exportMethod "fdrtpr<-"
setReplaceMethod("fdrtpr", signature(x = "COBRAPerformance",
value = "data.frame"),
function(x, value) {
x@fdrtpr <- value
if (validObject(x))
#' Accessor and replacement functions for \code{onlyshared} slot
#' Accessor and replacement functions for the \code{onlyshared} slot in a
#' \code{COBRAPerformance} or \code{COBRAPlot} object.
#' @docType methods
#' @name onlyshared
#' @rdname onlyshared
#' @aliases onlyshared onlyshared,COBRAPerformance-method
#' onlyshared<-,COBRAPerformance,logical-method onlyshared,COBRAPlot-method
#' onlyshared<-,COBRAPlot,logical-method
#' @return The accessor function returns a logical indicating whether only
#' features that are shared between result and truth are retained, or if all
#' features in the truth are used.
#' @param x A \code{COBRAPerformance} or \code{COBRAPlot} object.
#' @param ... Additional arguments.
#' @param value A logical indicating whether only features that are shared
#' between result and truth are retained, or if all features in the truth are
#' used.
#' @author Charlotte Soneson
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(cobradata_example)
#' cobraperf <- calculate_performance(cobradata_example,
#' binary_truth = "status",
#' aspects = "fdrtpr")
#' head(onlyshared(cobraperf))
setMethod("onlyshared", signature(x = "COBRAPerformance"),
function(x) x@onlyshared)
#' @name onlyshared
#' @rdname onlyshared
#' @exportMethod "onlyshared<-"
setReplaceMethod("onlyshared", signature(x = "COBRAPerformance",
value = "logical"),
function(x, value) {
x@onlyshared <- value
if (validObject(x))
#' Accessor and replacement functions for \code{fdrtprcurve} slot
#' Accessor and replacement functions for the \code{fdrtprcurve} slot in a
#' \code{COBRAPerformance} or \code{COBRAPlot} object.
#' @docType methods
#' @name fdrtprcurve
#' @rdname fdrtprcurve
#' @aliases fdrtprcurve fdrtprcurve,COBRAPerformance-method
#' fdrtprcurve<-,COBRAPerformance,data.frame-method
#' fdrtprcurve,COBRAPlot-method fdrtprcurve<-,COBRAPlot,data.frame-method
#' @return The accessor function returns a data frame giving information
#' necessary to generate curves of observed FDR vs TPR for each method and
#' each stratification level.
#' @param x A \code{COBRAPerformance} or \code{COBRAPlot} object.
#' @param ... Additional arguments.
#' @param value A data frame giving information necessary to generate curves of
#' observed FDR vs TPR for each method and each stratification level.
#' @author Charlotte Soneson
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(cobradata_example)
#' cobraperf <- calculate_performance(cobradata_example,
#' binary_truth = "status",
#' aspects = "fdrtprcurve")
#' head(fdrtprcurve(cobraperf))
setMethod("fdrtprcurve", "COBRAPerformance", function(x) x@fdrtprcurve)
#' @name fdrtprcurve
#' @rdname fdrtprcurve
#' @exportMethod "fdrtprcurve<-"
setReplaceMethod("fdrtprcurve", signature(x = "COBRAPerformance",
value = "data.frame"),
function(x, value) {
x@fdrtprcurve <- value
if (validObject(x))
#' Accessor and replacement functions for \code{deviation} slot
#' Accessor and replacement functions for the \code{deviation} slot in a
#' \code{COBRAPerformance} or \code{COBRAPlot} object.
#' @docType methods
#' @name deviation
#' @rdname deviation
#' @aliases deviation deviation,COBRAPerformance-method
#' deviation<-,COBRAPerformance,data.frame-method deviation,COBRAPlot-method
#' deviation<-,COBRAPlot,data.frame-method
#' @return The accessor function returns a data frame giving information
#' necessary to plots of deviations between observed and true scores for each
#' method and each stratification level.
#' @param x A \code{COBRAPerformance} or \code{COBRAPlot} object.
#' @param ... Additional arguments.
#' @param value A data frame giving information necessary to plots of deviations
#' between observed and true scores for each method and each stratification
#' level.
#' @author Charlotte Soneson
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(cobradata_example)
#' cobraperf <- calculate_performance(cobradata_example, cont_truth = "logFC",
#' aspects = "deviation")
#' head(deviation(cobraperf))
setMethod("deviation", "COBRAPerformance", function(x) x@deviation)
#' @name deviation
#' @rdname deviation
#' @exportMethod "deviation<-"
setReplaceMethod("deviation", signature(x = "COBRAPerformance",
value = "data.frame"),
function(x, value) {
x@deviation <- value
if (validObject(x))
#' Accessor and replacement functions for \code{fdrnbr} slot
#' Accessor and replacement functions for the \code{fdrnbr} slot in a
#' \code{COBRAPerformance} or \code{COBRAPlot} object.
#' @docType methods
#' @name fdrnbr
#' @rdname fdrnbr
#' @aliases fdrnbr fdrnbr,COBRAPerformance-method
#' fdrnbr<-,COBRAPerformance,data.frame-method fdrnbr,COBRAPlot-method
#' fdrnbr<-,COBRAPlot,data.frame-method
#' @return The accessor function returns a data frame giving information about
#' the observed FPR and the number of features called positive for each method
#' and each stratification level, at various adjusted p-value thresholds.
#' @param x A \code{COBRAPerformance} or \code{COBRAPlot} object.
#' @param ... Additional arguments.
#' @param value A data frame giving information about the observed FPR and the
#' number of features called positive for each method and each stratification
#' level, at various adjusted p-value thresholds.
#' @author Charlotte Soneson
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(cobradata_example)
#' cobraperf <- calculate_performance(cobradata_example,
#' binary_truth = "status",
#' aspects = "fdrnbr")
#' head(fdrnbr(cobraperf))
setMethod("fdrnbr", "COBRAPerformance", function(x) x@fdrnbr)
#' @name fdrnbr
#' @rdname fdrnbr
#' @exportMethod "fdrnbr<-"
setReplaceMethod("fdrnbr", signature(x = "COBRAPerformance",
value = "data.frame"),
function(x, value) {
x@fdrnbr <- value
if (validObject(x))
#' Accessor and replacement functions for \code{fdrnbrcurve} slot
#' Accessor and replacement functions for the \code{fdrnbrcurve} slot in a
#' \code{COBRAPerformance} or \code{COBRAPlot} object.
#' @docType methods
#' @name fdrnbrcurve
#' @rdname fdrnbrcurve
#' @aliases fdrnbrcurve fdrnbrcurve,COBRAPerformance-method
#' fdrnbrcurve<-,COBRAPerformance,data.frame-method
#' fdrnbrcurve,COBRAPlot-method fdrnbrcurve<-,COBRAPlot,data.frame-method
#' @return The accessor function returns a data frame giving information
#' necessary to generate curves of observed FDR vs number of features called
#' positive for each method and each stratification level.
#' @param x A \code{COBRAPerformance} or \code{COBRAPlot} object.
#' @param ... Additional arguments.
#' @param value A data frame giving information necessary to generate curves of
#' observed FDR vs number of features called positive for each method and each
#' stratification level.
#' @author Charlotte Soneson
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(cobradata_example)
#' cobraperf <- calculate_performance(cobradata_example,
#' binary_truth = "status",
#' aspects = "fdrnbrcurve")
#' head(fdrnbrcurve(cobraperf))
setMethod("fdrnbrcurve", "COBRAPerformance", function(x) x@fdrnbrcurve)
#' @name fdrnbrcurve
#' @rdname fdrnbrcurve
#' @exportMethod "fdrnbrcurve<-"
setReplaceMethod("fdrnbrcurve", signature(x = "COBRAPerformance",
value = "data.frame"),
function(x, value) {
x@fdrnbrcurve <- value
if (validObject(x))
#' Accessor and replacement functions for \code{fsrnbr} slot
#' Accessor and replacement functions for the \code{fsrnbr} slot in a
#' \code{COBRAPerformance} or \code{COBRAPlot} object.
#' @docType methods
#' @name fsrnbr
#' @rdname fsrnbr
#' @aliases fsrnbr fsrnbr,COBRAPerformance-method
#' fsrnbr<-,COBRAPerformance,data.frame-method fsrnbr,COBRAPlot-method
#' fsrnbr<-,COBRAPlot,data.frame-method
#' @return The accessor function returns a data frame giving information about
#' the observed FSR and the number of features called positive for each method
#' and each stratification level, at various s-value thresholds.
#' @param x A \code{COBRAPerformance} or \code{COBRAPlot} object.
#' @param ... Additional arguments.
#' @param value A data frame giving information about the observed FSR and the
#' number of features called positive for each method and each stratification
#' level, at various s-value thresholds. If the object does not have an fsrnbr
#' slot (older versions of the class did not have this slot), an empty data
#' frame is returned for simplicity.
#' @author Charlotte Soneson
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cobradata <- cobradata_example_sval
#' cobraperf <- calculate_performance(cobradata,
#' cont_truth = "logFC",
#' aspects = "fsrnbr")
#' head(fsrnbr(cobraperf))
setMethod("fsrnbr", "COBRAPerformance", function(x) {
if (.hasSlot(x, "fsrnbr")) x@fsrnbr
else {
warning(paste0("Object doesn't have a slot fsrnbr. Please run ",
"update_cobraperformance(). For consistency, I will ",
"return an empty data.frame"))
#' @name fsrnbr
#' @rdname fsrnbr
#' @exportMethod "fsrnbr<-"
setReplaceMethod("fsrnbr", signature(x = "COBRAPerformance",
value = "data.frame"),
function(x, value) {
x <- update_cobraperformance(x, quiet = FALSE)
x@fsrnbr <- value
if (validObject(x))
#' Accessor and replacement functions for \code{fsrnbrcurve} slot
#' Accessor and replacement functions for the \code{fsrnbrcurve} slot in a
#' \code{COBRAPerformance} or \code{COBRAPlot} object.
#' @docType methods
#' @name fsrnbrcurve
#' @rdname fsrnbrcurve
#' @aliases fsrnbrcurve fsrnbrcurve,COBRAPerformance-method
#' fsrnbrcurve<-,COBRAPerformance,data.frame-method
#' fsrnbrcurve,COBRAPlot-method fsrnbrcurve<-,COBRAPlot,data.frame-method
#' @return The accessor function returns a data frame giving information
#' necessary to generate curves of observed FSR vs number of features called
#' positive for each method and each stratification level.
#' @param x A \code{COBRAPerformance} or \code{COBRAPlot} object.
#' @param ... Additional arguments.
#' @param value A data frame giving information necessary to generate curves of
#' observed FSR vs number of features called positive for each method and each
#' stratification level. If the object does not have an fsrnbrcurve slot
#' (older versions of the class did not have this slot), an empty data frame
#' is returned for simplicity.
#' @author Charlotte Soneson
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cobradata <- cobradata_example_sval
#' cobraperf <- calculate_performance(cobradata,
#' cont_truth = "logFC",
#' aspects = "fsrnbrcurve")
#' head(fsrnbrcurve(cobraperf))
setMethod("fsrnbrcurve", "COBRAPerformance", function(x) {
if (.hasSlot(x, "fsrnbrcurve")) x@fsrnbrcurve
else {
warning(paste0("Object doesn't have a slot fsrnbrcurve. Please run ",
"update_cobraperformance(). For consistency, I will ",
"return an empty data.frame"))
#' @name fsrnbrcurve
#' @rdname fsrnbrcurve
#' @exportMethod "fsrnbrcurve<-"
setReplaceMethod("fsrnbrcurve", signature(x = "COBRAPerformance",
value = "data.frame"),
function(x, value) {
x <- update_cobraperformance(x, quiet = FALSE)
x@fsrnbrcurve <- value
if (validObject(x))
#' Accessor and replacement functions for \code{scatter} slot
#' Accessor and replacement functions for the \code{scatter} slot in a
#' \code{COBRAPerformance} or \code{COBRAPlot} object.
#' @docType methods
#' @name scatter
#' @rdname scatter
#' @aliases scatter scatter,COBRAPerformance-method
#' scatter<-,COBRAPerformance,data.frame-method scatter,COBRAPlot-method
#' scatter<-,COBRAPlot,data.frame-method
#' @return The accessor function returns a data frame giving information
#' necessary to generate scatter plots of observed vs true values for each
#' method and each stratification level.
#' @param x A \code{COBRAPerformance} or \code{COBRAPlot} object.
#' @param ... Additional arguments.
#' @param value A data frame giving information necessary to generate scatter
#' plots of observed vs true values for each method and each stratification
#' level.
#' @author Charlotte Soneson
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(cobradata_example)
#' cobraperf <- calculate_performance(cobradata_example, cont_truth = "logFC",
#' aspects = "scatter")
#' head(scatter(cobraperf))
setMethod("scatter", "COBRAPerformance", function(x) x@scatter)
#' @name scatter
#' @rdname scatter
#' @exportMethod "scatter<-"
setReplaceMethod("scatter", signature(x = "COBRAPerformance",
value = "data.frame"),
function(x, value) {
x@scatter <- value
if (validObject(x))
#' Accessor and replacement functions for \code{tpr} slot
#' Accessor and replacement functions for the \code{tpr} slot in a
#' \code{COBRAPerformance} or \code{COBRAPlot} object.
#' @docType methods
#' @name tpr
#' @rdname tpr
#' @aliases tpr tpr,COBRAPerformance-method
#' tpr<-,COBRAPerformance,data.frame-method tpr,COBRAPlot-method
#' tpr<-,COBRAPlot,data.frame-method
#' @return The accessor function returns a data frame giving information about
#' the observed TPR for each method and each stratification level, at various
#' adjusted p-value thresholds.
#' @param x A \code{COBRAPerformance} or \code{COBRAPlot} object.
#' @param ... Additional arguments.
#' @param value A data frame giving information about the observed TPR for each
#' method and each stratification level, at various adjusted p-value
#' thresholds.
#' @author Charlotte Soneson
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(cobradata_example)
#' cobraperf <- calculate_performance(cobradata_example,
#' binary_truth = "status", aspects = "tpr")
#' head(tpr(cobraperf))
setMethod("tpr", "COBRAPerformance", function(x) x@tpr)
#' @name tpr
#' @rdname tpr
#' @exportMethod "tpr<-"
setReplaceMethod("tpr", signature(x = "COBRAPerformance", value = "data.frame"),
function(x, value) {
x@tpr <- value
if (validObject(x))
#' Accessor and replacement functions for \code{fpr} slot
#' Accessor and replacement functions for the \code{fpr} slot in a
#' \code{COBRAPerformance} or \code{COBRAPlot} object.
#' @docType methods
#' @name fpr
#' @rdname fpr
#' @aliases fpr fpr,COBRAPerformance-method
#' fpr<-,COBRAPerformance,data.frame-method fpr,COBRAPlot-method
#' fpr<-,COBRAPlot,data.frame-method
#' @return The accessor function returns a data frame giving information about
#' the observed FPR for each method and each stratification level, at various
#' adjusted p-value thresholds.
#' @param x A \code{COBRAPerformance} or \code{COBRAPlot} object.
#' @param ... Additional arguments.
#' @param value A data frame giving information about the observed FPR for each
#' method and each stratification level, at various adjusted p-value
#' thresholds.
#' @author Charlotte Soneson
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(cobradata_example)
#' cobraperf <- calculate_performance(cobradata_example,
#' binary_truth = "status", aspects = "fpr")
#' head(fpr(cobraperf))
setMethod("fpr", "COBRAPerformance", function(x) x@fpr)
#' @name fpr
#' @rdname fpr
#' @exportMethod fpr
setReplaceMethod("fpr", signature(x = "COBRAPerformance", value = "data.frame"),
function(x, value) {
x@fpr <- value
if (validObject(x))
#' Accessor and replacement functions for \code{roc} slot
#' Accessor and replacement functions for the \code{roc} slot in a
#' \code{COBRAPerformance} or \code{COBRAPlot} object.
#' @docType methods
#' @name roc
#' @rdname roc
#' @aliases roc roc,COBRAPerformance-method
#' roc<-,COBRAPerformance,data.frame-method roc,COBRAPlot-method
#' roc<-,COBRAPlot,data.frame-method
#' @return The accessor function returns a data frame giving information
#' necessary to generate ROC curves for each method and each stratification
#' level.
#' @param x A \code{COBRAPerformance} or \code{COBRAPlot} object.
#' @param ... Additional arguments.
#' @param value A data frame giving information necessary to generate ROC curves
#' for each method and each stratification level.
#' @author Charlotte Soneson
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(cobradata_example)
#' cobraperf <- calculate_performance(cobradata_example,
#' binary_truth = "status", aspects = "roc")
#' head(roc(cobraperf))
setMethod("roc", "COBRAPerformance", function(x) x@roc)
#' @name roc
#' @rdname roc
#' @exportMethod "roc<-"
setReplaceMethod("roc", signature(x = "COBRAPerformance", value = "data.frame"),
function(x, value) {
x@roc <- value
if (validObject(x))
#' Accessor and replacement functions for \code{fpc} slot
#' Accessor and replacement functions for the \code{fpc} slot in a
#' \code{COBRAPerformance} or \code{COBRAPlot} object.
#' @docType methods
#' @name fpc
#' @rdname fpc
#' @aliases fpc fpc,COBRAPerformance-method
#' fpc<-,COBRAPerformance,data.frame-method fpc,COBRAPlot-method
#' fpc<-,COBRAPlot,data.frame-method
#' @return The accessor function returns a data frame giving information
#' necessary to generate false positive curves for each method and each
#' stratification level.
#' @param x A \code{COBRAPerformance} or \code{COBRAPlot} object.
#' @param ... Additional arguments.
#' @param value A data frame giving information necessary to generate false
#' positive curves for each method and each stratification level.
#' @author Charlotte Soneson
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(cobradata_example)
#' cobraperf <- calculate_performance(cobradata_example,
#' binary_truth = "status", aspects = "fpc")
#' head(fpc(cobraperf))
setMethod("fpc", "COBRAPerformance", function(x) x@fpc)
#' @name fpc
#' @rdname fpc
#' @exportMethod "fpc<-"
setReplaceMethod("fpc", signature(x = "COBRAPerformance", value = "data.frame"),
function(x, value) {
x@fpc <- value
if (validObject(x))
#' Accessor and replacement functions for \code{corr} slot
#' Accessor and replacement functions for the \code{corr} slot in a
#' \code{COBRAPerformance} or \code{COBRAPlot} object.
#' @docType methods
#' @name corr
#' @rdname corr
#' @aliases corr corr,COBRAPerformance-method
#' corr<-,COBRAPerformance,data.frame-method
#' @return The accessor function returns a data frame giving correlation values
#' for each method and each stratification level.
#' @param x A \code{COBRAPerformance} or \code{COBRAPlot} object.
#' @param ... Additional arguments.
#' @param value A data frame giving correlation values for each method and each
#' stratification level.
#' @author Charlotte Soneson
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(cobradata_example)
#' cobraperf <- calculate_performance(cobradata_example, cont_truth = "logFC",
#' aspects = "corr")
#' head(corr(cobraperf))
setMethod("corr", "COBRAPerformance", function(x) x@corr)
#' @name corr
#' @rdname corr
#' @exportMethod "corr<-"
setReplaceMethod("corr", signature(x = "COBRAPerformance",
value = "data.frame"),
function(x, value) {
x@corr <- value
if (validObject(x))
#' Accessor and replacement functions for \code{overlap} slot
#' Accessor and replacement functions for the \code{overlap} slot in a
#' \code{COBRAPerformance} or \code{COBRAPlot} object.
#' @docType methods
#' @name overlap
#' @rdname overlap
#' @aliases overlap overlap,COBRAPerformance-method
#' overlap<-,COBRAPerformance,list_df-method overlap,COBRAPlot-method
#' overlap<-,COBRAPlot,list_df-method
#' @return The accessor function returns a data frame or a list, giving
#' information about which feature that are classified as 'positive' by each
#' method and for each stratification level.
#' @param x A \code{COBRAPerformance} or \code{COBRAPlot} object.
#' @param ... Additional arguments.
#' @param value A data frame or a list, giving information about which feature
#' that are classified as 'positive' by each method and for each
#' stratification level.
#' @author Charlotte Soneson
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(cobradata_example)
#' cobraperf <- calculate_performance(cobradata_example,
#' binary_truth = "status",
#' aspects = "overlap")
#' head(overlap(cobraperf))
setMethod("overlap", "COBRAPerformance", function(x) x@overlap)
#' @name overlap
#' @rdname overlap
#' @exportMethod "overlap<-"
setReplaceMethod("overlap", signature(x = "COBRAPerformance",
value = "list_df"),
function(x, value) {
x@overlap <- value
if (validObject(x))
#' Accessor and replacement functions for \code{splv} slot
#' Accessor and replacement functions for the \code{splv} slot in a
#' \code{COBRAPerformance} or \code{COBRAPlot} object.
#' @docType methods
#' @name splv
#' @rdname splv
#' @aliases splv splv,COBRAPerformance-method
#' splv<-,COBRAPerformance,character-method splv,COBRAPlot-method
#' splv<-,COBRAPlot,character-method
#' @return The accessor function returns a character string giving the name of a
#' feature annotation to use for stratification.
#' @param x A \code{COBRAPerformance} or \code{COBRAPlot} object.
#' @param ... Additional arguments.
#' @param value A character string giving the name of a feature annotation to
#' use for stratification.
#' @author Charlotte Soneson
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(cobradata_example)
#' cobraperf <- calculate_performance(cobradata_example,
#' binary_truth = "status",
#' aspects = "fdrtpr", splv = "expr_cat")
#' splv(cobraperf)
setMethod("splv", "COBRAPerformance", function(x) x@splv)
#' @name splv
#' @rdname splv
#' @exportMethod "splv<-"
setReplaceMethod("splv", signature(x = "COBRAPerformance", value = "character"),
function(x, value) {
x@splv <- value
if (validObject(x))
#' Accessor and replacement functions for \code{maxsplit} slot
#' Accessor and replacement functions for the \code{maxsplit} slot in a
#' \code{COBRAPerformance} or \code{COBRAPlot} object.
#' @docType methods
#' @name maxsplit
#' @rdname maxsplit
#' @aliases maxsplit maxsplit,COBRAPerformance-method
#' maxsplit<-,COBRAPerformance,numeric-method maxsplit,COBRAPlot-method
#' maxsplit<-,COBRAPlot,numeric-method
#' @return The accessor function returns a numeric value giving the maximal
#' number of strata to retain.
#' @param x A \code{COBRAPerformance} or \code{COBRAPlot} object.
#' @param ... Additional arguments.
#' @param value A numeric value giving the maximal number of strata to retain.
#' @author Charlotte Soneson
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(cobradata_example)
#' cobraperf <- calculate_performance(cobradata_example,
#' binary_truth = "status",
#' aspects = "fdrtpr", splv = "expr_cat",
#' maxsplit = 3)
#' maxsplit(cobraperf)
setMethod("maxsplit", "COBRAPerformance", function(x) x@maxsplit)
#' @name maxsplit
#' @rdname maxsplit
#' @exportMethod "maxsplit<-"
setReplaceMethod("maxsplit", signature(x = "COBRAPerformance",
value = "numeric"),
function(x, value) {
x@maxsplit <- value
if (validObject(x))
#' Accessor function for basemethods
#' Accessor function to extract the methods that are represented in an
#' \code{COBRAPerformance} or \code{COBRAPlot} object.
#' @docType methods
#' @name basemethods
#' @rdname basemethods
#' @aliases basemethods basemethods,COBRAPerformance-method
#' basemethods,COBRAPlot-method
#' @return A character vector of all methods represented in the object.
#' @param x A \code{COBRAPerformance} or \code{COBRAPlot} object.
#' @param ... Additional arguments.
#' @author Charlotte Soneson
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(cobradata_example)
#' cobraperf <- calculate_performance(cobradata_example,
#' binary_truth = "status",
#' aspects = "fdrtprcurve")
#' basemethods(cobraperf)
setMethod("basemethods", "COBRAPerformance", function(x) {
x1 <- unlist(lapply(slotNames(x), function(w) {
tryCatch(slot(x, w)$basemethod,
error = function(e) NULL)
if (is(x@overlap, "list"))
x2 <- unlist(lapply(x@overlap, function(w) colnames(w)))
x2 <- colnames(x@overlap)
unique(c(x1, x2))
#' Accessor function for stratification levels
#' Accessor function to extract the stratification levels that are represented
#' in a \code{COBRAPerformance} or \code{COBRAPlot} object.
#' @docType methods
#' @name stratiflevels
#' @rdname stratiflevels
#' @aliases stratiflevels stratiflevels,COBRAPerformance-method
#' stratiflevels,COBRAPlot-method
#' @return A character vector of all stratification levels represented in the
#' object
#' @param x A \code{COBRAPerformance} or \code{COBRAPlot} object
#' @param ... Additional arguments
#' @author Charlotte Soneson
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(cobradata_example)
#' cobraperf <- calculate_performance(cobradata_example,
#' binary_truth = "status",
#' aspects = "fdrtpr", splv = "expr_cat",
#' maxsplit = 4)
#' stratiflevels(cobraperf)
setMethod("stratiflevels", "COBRAPerformance", function(x) {
x1 <- unlist(lapply(slotNames(x), function(w) {
tryCatch(as.character(slot(x, w)$splitval),
error = function(e) NULL)
if (is(x@overlap, "list"))
x2 <- paste0(x@splv, ":", names(x@overlap))
x2 <- "overall"
unique(c(x1, x2))
#' @docType methods
#' @name Extract
#' @rdname Extract
#' @aliases [ [,COBRAPerformance-method \S4method{[}{COBRAPerformance,ANY,ANY}
#' \S4method{[}{COBRAPerformance,ANY,ANY,ANY}
#' @return A subset of the original object, of the same class
#' @export
setMethod("[", "COBRAPerformance",
function(x, i = "missing", j, drop = "missing") {
## Update object if needed
x <- update_cobraperformance(x, quiet = TRUE)
if (length(intersect(j, basemethods(x))) == 0)
stop("none of the provided method found in the object, ",
"no subsetting done")
if (length(x@tpr) != 0 && length(intersect(j,x@tpr$basemethod)) > 0)
x@tpr <- x@tpr[which(x@tpr$basemethod %in% j), ]
x@tpr <- data.frame()
if (length(x@fpr) != 0 && length(intersect(j,x@fpr$basemethod)) > 0)
x@fpr <- x@fpr[which(x@fpr$basemethod %in% j), ]
x@fpr <- data.frame()
if (length(x@roc) != 0 && length(intersect(j,x@roc$basemethod)) > 0)
x@roc <- x@roc[which(x@roc$basemethod %in% j), ]
x@roc <- data.frame()
if (length(x@fpc) != 0 && length(intersect(j,x@fpc$basemethod)) > 0)
x@fpc <- x@fpc[which(x@fpc$basemethod %in% j), ]
x@fpc <- data.frame()
if (length(x@fdrtpr) != 0 &&
length(intersect(j, x@fdrtpr$basemethod)) > 0)
x@fdrtpr <- x@fdrtpr[which(x@fdrtpr$basemethod %in% j), ]
x@fdrtpr <- data.frame()
if (length(x@fdrnbr) != 0 &&
length(intersect(j, x@fdrnbr$basemethod)) > 0)
x@fdrnbr <- x@fdrnbr[which(x@fdrnbr$basemethod %in% j), ]
x@fdrnbr <- data.frame()
if (length(x@fsrnbr) != 0 &&
length(intersect(j, x@fsrnbr$basemethod)) > 0)
x@fsrnbr <- x@fsrnbr[which(x@fsrnbr$basemethod %in% j), ]
x@fsrnbr <- data.frame()
if (length(x@deviation) != 0 &&
length(intersect(j, x@deviation$basemethod)) > 0)
x@deviation <- x@deviation[which(x@deviation$basemethod %in% j), ]
x@deviation <- data.frame()
if (length(x@fdrtprcurve) != 0 &&
length(intersect(j, x@fdrtprcurve$basemethod)) > 0)
x@fdrtprcurve <-
x@fdrtprcurve[which(x@fdrtprcurve$basemethod %in% j), ]
x@fdrtprcurve <- data.frame()
if (length(x@fdrnbrcurve) != 0 &&
length(intersect(j,x@fdrnbrcurve$basemethod)) > 0)
x@fdrnbrcurve <-
x@fdrnbrcurve[which(x@fdrnbrcurve$basemethod %in% j), ]
x@fdrnbrcurve <- data.frame()
if (length(x@fsrnbrcurve) != 0 &&
length(intersect(j,x@fsrnbrcurve$basemethod)) > 0)
x@fsrnbrcurve <-
x@fsrnbrcurve[which(x@fsrnbrcurve$basemethod %in% j), ]
x@fsrnbrcurve <- data.frame()
if (length(x@corr) != 0 &&
length(intersect(j, x@corr$basemethod)) > 0)
x@corr <- x@corr[which(x@corr$basemethod %in% j), ]
x@corr <- data.frame()
if (length(x@scatter) != 0 &&
length(intersect(j, x@scatter$basemethod)) > 0)
x@scatter <- x@scatter[which(x@scatter$basemethod %in% j), ]
x@scatter <- data.frame()
if (length(x@overlap) != 0) {
if (is(x@overlap, "data.frame")) {
if (length(intersect(c(j, "truth"), colnames(x@overlap))) > 0) {
x@overlap <-
x@overlap[, which(colnames(x@overlap) %in% c(j, "truth")),
drop = FALSE]
} else {
x@overlap <- data.frame()
} else {
if (length(intersect(c(j, "truth"),
colnames(x@overlap[[1]]))) > 0) {
x@overlap <-
lapply(x@overlap, function(w) {
w[, which(colnames(w) %in% c(j, "truth")), drop = FALSE]
} else {
x@overlap <- list()
## Validity
function(object) {
msg <- NULL
valid <- TRUE
if (valid) TRUE else msg
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