Man pages for csoneson/alevinQC
Generate QC Reports For Alevin Output

checkAlevinFryInputFilesCheck that all required input files are available for...
checkAlevinInputFilesCheck that all required input files are available
plotAlevinBarcodeCollapseSummary plot of cell barcode collapsing
plotAlevinHistogramHistogram of selected summary statistic
plotAlevinKneeNbrGenesKnee plot of the number of detected genes per cell
plotAlevinKneeRawKnee plot of raw cell barcode frequencies
plotAlevinQuantPanel of plots with quantification summary statistics
plotAlevinQuantPairsPairs plot with quantification summary statistics
qcReportGenerate alevin/alevin-fry summary report
qcShinyGenerate alevin/alevin-fry summary shiny app
readAlevinFryQCRead alevin-fry data required to generate summary report
readAlevinQCRead alevin data required to generate summary report
csoneson/alevinQC documentation built on Dec. 25, 2024, 8:18 p.m.