# mainPanel(
# Output: Tabset w/ plot, summary, and table ----
# ),
h3("Use pathway by",stype="bold"),
inputId = "usePathways"
,label = ""
,choices = list(
'SBGNhub pre-collected pathways' = "UsePrePathways"
,'Upload your own SBGN-ML file' = "userSBGN"
,'Pathway enrichment analysis' = "enrichAnalysis"
,selected = "UsePrePathways"
condition = "input.usePathways == 'UsePrePathways'"
## SBGN pathway file (SBGN-ML)
,h3("This is the introduction page. Pathways can be selected at the 'Main Analysis' step.", style = "bold")
id = "dataIntro",
class = "input",
# title = "About SBGN-ML pathway files and SBGNhub's collection",
title = actionButton("AboutSbgnBox",label = "About SBGN-ML pathway files and SBGNhub's collection"),
status = "primary",
# solidHeader = FALSE,
solidHeader = TRUE,
collapsible = TRUE,
collapsed = TRUE,
width = 30
,h4("About SBGN-ML file")
"SBGN pathway is defined in a special XML format (SBGN-ML file). It contains information of the pathway content (molecules and their reactions) as well as graph layout information.
There are two main types of data in SBGN-ML files:
1. node data (in tag 'glyph'), such as node location, width, hight and node class (macromolecule, simple chemical etc.).
2. edge data (in tag 'arc'), such as arc class, start node and end node.
For more details, see:
a(href = paste0("https://github.com/sbgn/sbgn/wiki/SBGN_ML"),
"https://github.com/sbgn/sbgn/wiki/SBGN_ML", target = "_blank")
,h4("SBGN-ML pathway file from online databases")
Several online databases provide SBGN-ML files, such as pathwayCommons, Reactome and MetaCrop. They can be downloaded from their webpage or FTP site.
,h4("SBGNview's SBGN-ML file collection")
Many pathways from the above databases don't have desirable layout and often have extensive node-node overlaps and node-edge crossings. Thus we refined the layout and removed node-node overlaps. For node-edge crossings, we computed spline edges and added additional elements in the SBGN-ML file to encode the splines. The resulting collection of SBGN-ML files are available in Bioconductor package
a(href = paste0("https://bioconductor.org/packages/devel/data/experiment/html/SBGNview.data.html"),
"SBGNview.data", target = "_blank")
. SBGNview can automatically search in this pathway collection and download the SBGN-ML files. Users can further modify the SBGN-ML files using other tools (e.g.
a(href = paste0("http://newteditor.org/"),
"newt editor", target = "_blank")
) for desired node layout.
The package used to layout nodes and route spline edges is currently under development and will be released in the near future. "
condition = "input.usePathways == 'userSBGN'"
id = "input1UploadSBGNML",
title = "Input 1: choose SBGN-ML File",
status = "primary",
# solidHeader = FALSE,
solidHeader = FALSE,
collapsible = FALSE,
collapsed = FALSE,
width = 30,
fileInput("uploadSBGN", "",
multiple = FALSE )
,downloadButton("exampleSBGN","Example SBGN-ML file", style="color: #fff; background-color: #5B90BF; border-color: #2e6da4")
title = "Input 2: SBGN-ML file glyph ID type",
id = "input1IdTypeSBGNML",
status = "primary",
# solidHeader = FALSE,
solidHeader = FALSE,
collapsible = FALSE,
collapsed = FALSE,
width = 30
# ,h3("Input 2: SBGN-ML file glyph ID type")
, ''
, "pathwayCommons")
condition = "input.usePathways == 'enrichAnalysis'"
checkboxInput("ShowDemoMeasureTable", "Download Demo Measurement Data"),
condition = "input.ShowDemoMeasureTable"
HTML("<p style='color:DodgerBlue;'>IFNg KO mice dataset:</p>")
This table includes the gene expression fold change data of an RNA-Seq experiment comparing two groups:
IFNg KO mice and wild type mice.
"<li style='color:DodgerBlue;'>
Species: mouse (KEGG code: 'mmu')
</li >
"<li style='color:DodgerBlue;'>
Molecule ID type: ENSEMBL GENE
The experiment and data processing was described in this work: Greer, Renee L., Xiaoxi Dong, et al.
'Akkermansia muciniphila mediates negative effects of IFNG on glucose metabolism.'
Nature communications 7 (2016): 13329. "
,downloadButton("exampleEnrichData","Example Measurement file", style="color: #fff; background-color: #337ab7; border-color: #2e6da4")
# hr(style = "border-width: 4px;
# border-style: inset;"),
# hr(style = "border-top: 1px solid #8c8b8b"),
id = "measurementFileInputBox",
title = "Input 1: Choose Measurement File",
status = "primary",
# solidHeader = FALSE,
solidHeader = FALSE,
collapsible = FALSE,
collapsed = FALSE,
width = 30,
# h3(""),
fileInput("uploadDataForEnrich", "",
multiple = FALSE )
,checkboxInput("readTablePara", "Read table parameters", FALSE)
condition = "input.readTablePara"
# Input: Checkbox if file has header ----
,checkboxInput("headerMeasure", "Header", TRUE),
# Input: Select separator ----
radioButtons("sepMeasure", "Separator",
choices = c(
Tab = "\t",
Comma = ",",
Semicolon = ";"
selected = "\t"),
# Input: Select quotes ----
radioButtons("quoteMeasure", "Quote",
choices = c(None = "",
"Double Quote" = '"',
"Single Quote" = "'"),
selected = '"')
# ,h3("Input 2: Species/organism of the Omics molecules")
id = "measurementSpeciesInputBox",
title = "Input 2: Species/organism of the Omics molecules",
status = "primary",
# solidHeader = FALSE,
solidHeader = FALSE,
collapsible = FALSE,
collapsed = FALSE,
width = 30
label = "",
mouse = "mmu"
,human = "hsa"
# h3("Input 3: Omics molecule ID type"),
id = "measurementOmicsIdInputBox",
title = "Input 3: Omics molecule ID type",
status = "primary",
# solidHeader = FALSE,
solidHeader = FALSE,
collapsible = FALSE,
collapsed = FALSE,
width = 30,
label = "",
,actionButton(inputId = "RunEnrich"
,label = "Run enrichment analysis"
,icon = icon("play")
,style="color: #fff; background-color: #337ab7; border-color: #2e6da4"
condition = "input.ShowDemoMeasureTable"
# textOutput("DemoEnrichMeasureFileTitle")
,tags$head(tags$style("#DemoEnrichMeasureFileTitle{color: DodgerBlue;
font-size: 20px;
font-style: italic;
id = "SampleGroupBox",
title = "Sample group info",
status = "primary",
solidHeader = TRUE,
collapsible = TRUE,
collapsed = FALSE,
width = 30,
# ,h3("Uploaded data")
id = "UploadedMeasureBox",
title = "Uploaded measurement table",
status = "primary",
solidHeader = TRUE,
collapsible = TRUE,
collapsed = FALSE,
width = 30,
id = "EnrichResultBox",
title = "Enrichment analysis result",
status = "primary",
solidHeader = TRUE,
collapsible = TRUE,
collapsed = FALSE,
width = 30
# ,tags$head(tags$style("#EnrichResultTitle{color: DodgerBlue;
# font-size: 20px;
# font-style: italic;
# }"
# )
# )
id = "LessBox",
title = "Less in treatment group",
status = "primary",
solidHeader = TRUE,
collapsible = TRUE,
collapsed = FALSE,
width = 30
# textOutput("EnrichResultTitleLess")
,tags$head(tags$style("#EnrichResultTitleLess{color: DodgerBlue;
font-size: 15px;
font-style: italic;
id = "GreaterBox",
title = "Higher in treatment group",
status = "primary",
solidHeader = TRUE,
collapsible = TRUE,
collapsed = FALSE,
width = 30,
,tags$head(tags$style("#EnrichResultTitleGreater{color: DodgerBlue;
font-size: 15px;
font-style: italic;
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