##Function to calculate the number of covered genomic sequence patterns (e.g. CpGs) by given genomic regions.
##Input: bam file or tab (|) separated txt file "chr | start | stop | strand"
##Param: file, BSSgenome, file, pattern, extend, shift, uniq (T|F), chr.select
##Output: seqCoverage result object
##Requires: gtools, BSgenome, MEDIPS.getPositions, MEDIPS.Bam2GRanges, MEDIPS.txt2Granges
##Modified: 30/11/2015
##Author: Lukas Chavez
function(file=NULL, BSgenome=NULL, pattern="CG", extend=0, shift=0, uniq=1e-3, chr.select=NULL, paired=F, isSecondaryAlignment = FALSE, simpleCigar=TRUE){
## Proof of correctness....
if(is.null(BSgenome)){stop("Must specify a BSgenome library.")}
if(is.null(file)){stop("Must specify a bam or txt file.")}
## Read file
fileName=unlist(strsplit(file, "/"))[length(unlist(strsplit(file, "/")))]
path=paste(unlist(strsplit(file, "/"))[1:(length(unlist(strsplit(file, "/"))))-1], collapse="/")
if(!fileName%in%dir(path)){stop(paste("File", fileName, " not found in", path, sep =" "))}
dataset = getBSgenome(BSgenome)
if(!paired){GRange.Reads = getGRange(fileName, path, extend, shift, chr.select, dataset, uniq, ROI = NULL, isSecondaryAlignment = isSecondaryAlignment, simpleCigar=simpleCigar)}
else{GRange.Reads = getPairedGRange(fileName, path, extend, shift, chr.select, dataset, uniq, ROI = NULL, isSecondaryAlignment = isSecondaryAlignment, simpleCigar=simpleCigar)}
## Sort chromosomeos
## Get chromosome lengths for all chromosomes within data set.
cat(paste("Loading chromosome lengths for ",BSgenome, "...\n", sep=""))
#chr_lengths=as.numeric(sapply(chromosomes, function(x){as.numeric(length(dataset[[x]]))}))
## Get the genomic positions of the sequence pattern
cat("Get genomic sequence pattern positions...\n")
GRanges.pattern = MEDIPS.getPositions(BSgenome, pattern, chromosomes)
cat("Calculating sequence pattern coverage...\n")
overlap = countOverlaps(GRanges.pattern, GRange.Reads)
overlap_2 = countOverlaps(GRange.Reads, GRanges.pattern)
overlap_2 = length(overlap_2[overlap_2==0])
seqCoverageObject=list(cov.res=overlap, pattern=pattern, numberReads=length(GRange.Reads), numberReadsWO=overlap_2)
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