knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", crop = NULL ## Related to )
library(ggplot2) library(vroom) library(jsonlite) library(BumpyMatrix) library(SpatialExperiment)
Start with downloading from and unzipping the dataset from:
data.dir <- "data_release_baysor_merfish_gut" raw.dir <- file.path(data.dir, "raw_data") proc.dir <- file.path(data.dir, "data_analysis") baysor.dir <- file.path(proc.dir, "baysor") cellpose.dir <- file.path(proc.dir, "cellpose") baysor.cellpose.dir <- file.path(proc.dir, "baysor_membrane_prior")
Def. ileum: the final and longest segment of the small intestine.
What's there:
mRNA molecule data: 820k observations for 241 genes
mol.file <- file.path(raw.dir, "molecules.csv") mol.dat <- vroom::vroom(mol.file) mol.dat <- data.frame(mol.dat) dim(mol.dat) head(mol.dat) length(unique(mol.dat$gene))
Image data:
dapi.file <- file.path(raw.dir, "dapi_stack.tif") dapi.img <- SpatialExperiment::SpatialImage(dapi.file) dapi.img <- SpatialExperiment::mirrorImg(dapi.img, "h") class(dapi.img) SpatialExperiment::imgSource(dapi.img) plot(SpatialExperiment::imgRaster(dapi.img))
mem.file <- file.path(raw.dir, "membrane_stack.tif") mem.img <- SpatialExperiment::SpatialImage(mem.file) mem.img <- SpatialExperiment::mirrorImg(mem.img, "h") class(mem.img) SpatialExperiment::imgSource(mem.img) plot(SpatialExperiment::imgRaster(mem.img))
counts.file <- file.path(baysor.dir, "segmentation", "segmentation_counts.tsv") counts.baysor <- vroom::vroom(counts.file, col_names = FALSE) counts.baysor <- data.frame(counts.baysor) genes <- counts.baysor[,1] counts.baysor <- as.matrix(counts.baysor[,-1]) rownames(counts.baysor) <- genes dim(counts.baysor) counts.baysor[1:5,1:5]
.cdat.file <- file.path(baysor.dir, "segmentation", "segmentation_cell_stats.csv") cdat.baysor <- vroom::vroom(cdat.file) cdat.baysor <- data.frame(cdat.baysor) colnames(counts.baysor) <- cdat.baysor$cell dim(cdat.baysor) head(cdat.baysor)
rdat.file <- file.path(baysor.dir, "segmentation", "segmentation.csv") rdat.baysor <- vroom::vroom(rdat.file) rdat.baysor <- data.frame(rdat.baysor) rdat.baysor <- subset(rdat.baysor, cell != 0) dim(rdat.baysor) head(rdat.baysor)
Segmentation borders are provided in JSON format, and we have polygon segmentation borders for each of the nine z-layers:
poly.file <- file.path(baysor.dir, "segmentation", "poly_per_z.json") pdat <- jsonlite::fromJSON(poly.file) dim(pdat) colnames(pdat)
Now let's look at the segmentation borders of the first cell in the first z-layer:
head(pdat[1,2][[1]]$coordinates[[1]]) pdf <-[1,2][[1]]$coordinates[[1]][1,,]) colnames(pdf) <- c("x", "y") ggplot(pdf, aes(x = x, y = y)) + geom_polygon()
That is a terribly nested data structure, let's reshape that to a data.frame
so we can more conveniently work with that.
We therefore first write a function to pull out the coordinates for one z-layer at a time:
pcoords <- pdat[1,2][[1]]$coordinates getSegmentationDF <- function(coords) { y <- lapply(coords, function(x)[1,,])) y <- lapply(y, as.matrix) z <-, y) n <- vapply(y, nrow, numeric(1)) colnames(z) <- c("x", "y") z <- cbind(z, cell = rep(seq_along(y), n)) return(z) } head(getSegmentationDF(pcoords))
We then apply the function to each z-layer to arrive at an overall data.frame
dfl <- lapply(pdat[,2], function(x) getSegmentationDF(x$coordinates)) n <- vapply(dfl, nrow, numeric(1)) df <-, dfl) df <- cbind(df, z = rep(seq_along(dfl), n)) df <- data.frame(df) head(df) dim(df)
Ok, now we can look into how many cells / polygons do we have for each z-layer:
spl <- split(df$cell, df$z) spl <- lapply(spl, unique) lengths(spl)
Question: how to relate that to the 5,800 cells that we have in the segmentation counts matrix?
Somehow the numbers don't add up with what we have in the segmentation table:
splr <- split(rdat.baysor$cell, rdat.baysor$z_raw) length(splr) splr <- lapply(splr, unique) lengths(splr)
Next question will be how to add the coordinates of the segmentation borders
to the SpatialExperiment
. Shila Ghazanfour did some work with having instances of
s in the spatialCoords
slot here.
ctype.file <- file.path(baysor.dir, "clustering", "cell_assignment.csv") ctype.baysor <- vroom::vroom(ctype.file) ctype.baysor <- data.frame(ctype.baysor) dim(ctype.baysor) head(ctype.baysor) table(ctype.baysor$leiden_final)
combine with cell metadata
stopifnot(all(ctype.baysor$cell == cdat.baysor$cell)) cdat.baysor <- merge(cdat.baysor, ctype.baysor, by = "cell") head(cdat.baysor)
marker.file <- file.path(baysor.dir, "clustering", "marker_genes.csv") marker.baysor <- vroom::vroom(marker.file) marker.baysor <- data.frame(marker.baysor) dim(marker.baysor) head(marker.baysor)
Quick sanity check whether all markers are present in the count matrix:
all(marker.baysor$gene_name %in% rownames(counts.baysor)) hist(table(marker.baysor$gene_name))
:Construct data.frame
of molecule coordinates. Here, we only include the x-, y-, z-coordinates,
but we could keep all columns from the molecule metadata file such as qc_score
assignment confidence
genes <- rdat.baysor$gene cells <- rdat.baysor$cell mol <- BumpyMatrix::splitAsBumpyMatrix(rdat.baysor[, c("x", "y", "z")], row = genes, col = cells)
Quick sanity check for molecules of a specific gene in a specific cell:
subset(rdat.baysor, gene == "Neat1" & cell == 1) mol["Neat1",1] counts.baysor["Neat1",1]
stopifnot(all(rownames(mol) == rownames(counts.baysor))) spe <- SpatialExperiment(assays = list(counts = counts.baysor, molecules = mol), colData = cdat.baysor, spatialCoordsNames = c("x", "y"), spatialDataNames = c("density", "elongation", "area", "avg_confidence")) spe
Add the images:
spe <- SpatialExperiment::addImg(spe, sample_id = "sample01", image_id = "dapi", imageSource = dapi.file, scaleFactor = NA_real_, load = FALSE) spe <- SpatialExperiment::addImg(spe, sample_id = "sample01", image_id = "membrane", imageSource = mem.file, scaleFactor = NA_real_, load = FALSE) spe
:assay(spe, "counts")[1:5,1:5] assay(spe, "molecules")["Neat1",1] colData(spe) head(spatialCoords(spe)) spatialData(spe) imgData(spe) imgData(spe)$data
Ok, here is a question: where do we store alternative segmentations?
The altExps
slot of a SummarizedExperiment
-derivative is thought for alternative
experiments over a distinct set of features for the same samples. But here we are
having a distinct set of samples/cells for the sample features.
Is this just a separate SpatialExperiment
with potentially duplicating information
(incl. the images!) or a use case for MultiAssayExperiment
Or maybe alternative BumpyMatrices in a separate slot such as the reducedDim
counts.file <- file.path(cellpose.dir, "segmentation", "segmentation_counts.tsv") counts.cellpose <- vroom::vroom(counts.file) counts.cellpose <- data.frame(counts.cellpose) dim(counts.cellpose) counts.cellpose[1:5,1:5]
cdat.file <- file.path(cellpose.dir, "segmentation", "cell_coords.csv") cdat.cellpose <- vroom::vroom(cdat.file) cdat.cellpose <- data.frame(cdat.cellpose) dim(cdat.cellpose) head(cdat.cellpose)
counts.file <- file.path(baysor.cellpose.dir, "segmentation", "segmentation_counts.tsv") counts.baysor.cellpose <- read.delim(counts.file, header = FALSE) dim(counts.baysor.cellpose) counts.baysor.cellpose[1:5,1:5]
.cdat.file <- file.path(baysor.dir, "segmentation", "segmentation_cell_stats.csv") cdat.baysor.cellpose <- vroom::vroom(cdat.file) cdat.baysor.cellpose <- data.frame(cdat.baysor.cellpose) colnames(counts.baysor.cellpose) <- cdat.baysor.cellpose$cell dim(cdat.baysor.cellpose) head(cdat.baysor.cellpose)
rdat.file <- file.path(baysor.dir, "segmentation", "segmentation.csv") rdat.baysor.cellpose <- vroom::vroom(rdat.file) rdat.baysor.cellpose <- data.frame(rdat.baysor.cellpose) rdat.baysor.cellpose <- subset(rdat.baysor.cellpose, cell != 0) dim(rdat.baysor.cellpose) head(rdat.baysor.cellpose)
Overlay cell type annotation as in Figure 6 of the publication.
plot(SpatialExperiment::imgRaster(mem.img)) endo.ind <- spe$leiden_final == "Endothelial" points(x = spatialCoords(spe)[endo.ind, "x"], y = spatialCoords(spe)[endo.ind, "y"], col = "lightgreen", pch = 20) bplasm.ind <- spe$leiden_final == "B (Plasma)" points(x = spatialCoords(spe)[bplasm.ind, "x"], y = spatialCoords(spe)[bplasm.ind, "y"], col = "firebrick", pch = 20)
Let's plot segmentation borders for the first z-layer:
df1 <- subset(df, z == 1) ggplot(df1, aes(x = x, y = y)) + geom_polygon(aes(group = cell)) + theme_void()
Add holes:
.f <- function(df) { df$x <- df$x + 0.5 * (mean(df$x) - df$x) df$y <- df$y + 0.5 * (mean(df$y) - df$y) return(df) } spl <- split(df1, df1$cell) dl <- lapply(spl, .f) holes <-, dl) df1$subid <- 1L holes$subid <- 2L df1 <- rbind(df1, holes)
Plot with holes:
ggplot(df1, aes(x = x, y = y)) + geom_polygon(aes(group = cell, subgroup = subid), fill = "firebrick") + theme_void()
Plot over image:
grb <- grid::rasterGrob(mem.img, interpolate = FALSE, width = unit(1, "npc"), height = unit(1, "npc")) p <- ggplot() + annotation_custom( grob = grb, xmin = 0, xmax = ncol(grb$raster), ymin = 0, ymax = nrow(grb$raster)) + coord_fixed( xlim = c(0, ncol(grb$raster)), ylim = c(0, nrow(grb$raster))) p <- p + geom_polygon( data = df1, aes(x = x, y = y, group = cell, subgroup = subid), fill = "lightblue") p + theme_void()
Create and process SingleCellExperiment
for iSEE:
sce <- SingleCellExperiment(assays = list(counts = counts.baysor), colData = cdat.baysor) sce <- scater::logNormCounts(sce) sce <- scater::runPCA(sce) sce <- scater::runTSNE(sce, dimred = "PCA", perplexity = 30) sce <- scater::runUMAP(sce, dimred = "PCA")
Some cosmetics for visualization purposes:
sce.sub <- subset(sce, , leiden_final != "Removed") lev <- levels(factor(sce.sub$leiden_final)) levi <- setdiff(lev, lev[c(1,4,6)]) sce.sub <- subset(sce, , leiden_final %in% levi) for(col in c("x", "y", "sizeFactor")) sce.sub[[col]] <- round(sce.sub[[col]], digits = 3) sce.sub
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